Godzilla Trailer WOW

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Johnny Blazed, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Definitely very excited to see this movie. Looks like it will be intense.

  2. I can't wait for this either !
     looks really really good!
  3. Even the 90's movie was a superb experience for the audience, So the new version surely going to be a treat for the movie fans. Also I heard they have used some unique visual effects as well. "Godzilla" we are waiting!
  4. Godzilla 2000 starring Matthew Broderick was kinda set up for a sequel at the end. it was back down in Madison Square and it showed an egg and i think it started to hatch. 
  5. #25 kush70, Apr 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2014
    the 2014 Godzilla isn't set up to be a sequel from the God awful 1998 Godzilla ( the monster not the movie - movie was bah ok... ) Godzilla looked like a huge iguana
    This godzilla has been reported as being a standalone Godzilla with a beginning and an end
    as far as the beast G himself it is akin to the early  Godzilla ( with Toho's blessing )
    damn this is gonna kick ass !
  6. Please be better than the 1998 one. 
  7. I have a strong feeling it will be.
  8. #28 Johnny Blazed, Apr 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
    how could people even wonder if its gonna be better then that peice of shit from 98 after watching the trailer?
  9. Don't know if anyone saw it, but it's not just Godzilla in this movie. There is another monster. In the latest trailer you see a glimpse of its face, it's not Godzilla that's for sure.

    Gonna be bad ass if it's a Military vs Godzilla vs Another monster movie! 
  10. #30 Johnny Blazed, Apr 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
    something in the trailer is knocking jets out of the sky left and right im wondering if theres a flying monster too making it 3
    but yea i know the one your talking about that skinny leg bastard
  11. Yeah and in that last trailer you can see it's face for a split second, looks like sorta like Alien or some shit 
  12. Fuuuck, I can't wait man.
  13. #33 Johnny Blazed, May 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2014
    theres definitely a flying monster best trailer yet imo "let them fight" looks good!
  14. dude I haven't gotten nerd goosebumps like this since the first halo  2 trailers were released.
    this is going to be AWESOME
    Methzilla starring Walter White
  15. I got more joy and excitement watching the trailer alone when compared to that horrendous 1998 film in its entirety.
  16. IM READY! my wife works all weekend. i need at least a week.
  17. im going to a 1pm show today cant wait!
  18. So it's gonna be Godzilla vs flying monster thing huh.... And why does Godzilla have the sharingan at the end of the video lol
  19. What a TERRIBLE disappointment. It had a few good scenes, but overall I actually prefer the 1998 version. Very disappointing. Yikes. So many plot holes. No explanations for monster vs monster. Should not have been called Godzilla, should have been called "attack of the 2 flying things that get killed by a giant thing with plenty of bryan cranston grunts." Yes, the great Cranston was terrible in this movie. So much of his going-through-puberty-squeaky-panic voice. The Olsen chick was a terrible actress. Bad bad bad. 
  20. Lol,I have no Idea why so many people were pumped for this movie anyways.

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