Severe TMD aka TMD treatments??

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by 0reos, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. I'm 19, 20 in April and I have had tmj for about 5 years.. I have really bad pain in my face and my neck and back muscles are always really tense and sore, which my doctor told me was caused by the tmj.. I've taken pain medications for a few years, but none of them have worked.. I've had massage but I can't afford it anymore. I exercise and stretch out really well, and I also do yoga once a week.
    So, what are you suggestions for pain relief? 

  2. Smoking weed would be your best bet. As for massage try going to a school that trains registered massage therapists because I think they give out massages for like 10 bucks or maybe even for free.

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  3. This is pretty much me and weed makes it worse.
  4. have you been to a chiro?
    do you have problems with your neck?
  5.     I've had some pretty bad tmj problems in the past too. Causes my ears to ring quite often, burning in my ear canals, jaw pain, and sharp sudden pains in my inner ear. Its not a fun thing to have. I've never seen weed induce any further harm or produce any benefit when it comes to tmj for me. I think you can look into medical mouth guards that prevent you from grinding or clenching your teeth at night if that's what you do. Personally, I've gone in to the doc for tmj and I don't remember them doing much for me other than prescribing me muscle relaxers and telling me to chill out basically, because they said its stress that causes it. I don't know. 
  6. I've had a lot of teeth pulled and it's really fucked up my bite. I've been grinding my teeth nightly probably since 15 years old and didn't even realize it until 2011 when my boyfriend brought it to my attention and I had used mouth Guards from then on.

    Two things that I find work, for more than just this specific issues. Coconut oil and fresh, whole pineapple.

    Coconut oil for oil pulling. When I heard people saying some ol bs about it ceasing tmj I was like 'lol, no trend, Plz u don't no n e thing', but yeah, up until a few days ago, I've been able to sleep without grinding my teeth at all, but of course, stressful times are upon me,... I wish coconut oil melted stress, anyways it also whitens your teeth. There's other claims as to what else it does, but yeah. Definitely give that a try, you should notice a difference after the first couple days.

    Pineapple, as it is an anti-inflammatory and does wonders for pain. I mainly use pineapple to alleviate pain in my knees and back, also fanfuckingtastic for your digestive fluids. And eat them cores! Never say no to fiber!

    But yeah, I really urge you to at least try the coconut oil for one week, 10-20 minutes a day.

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