Any Pot Growing, Science Loving Atheist Out There?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by The Green Bastard, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Just thought I'd see if i can be more social on here.  I'm a hardcore atheist that loves science.  anyone else out got the same ideas?
    I guess I could try to start a conversation.... Anyone watch the Bill Nye vs. Ken Hamm debate?  Or is anyone else blown away about the possibility of water at the mars equator?
    Thoughts?  Wanna argue with me about the existence of god?  Jump on in...
    No hate-speech please, and lets try to keep this civil.

  2. You're going to burn in hell...

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  3. #3 ReturnFire333, Feb 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2014
    I don't see how anyone can logically be atheist because there is no way to prove if god is real nor is there any way to prove he is not. I'm agnostic.
  4. if I'm not mistaken, being athiest means you believe there is no god/gods. I would fall under this category if I really cared to categorize myself and my reason is simple...I have seen no evidence that would make me believe that there is a god so why would I "logically" believe it is a possibility?
  5. #5 iAmBetty, Feb 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2014
    Having no reason to believe in the first place is reason enough to believe its not true.

    For the OP: there's a atheists lounge in Pandora's full of like minded blades. Might have to dig though, hasn't been too active lately.
    If i dont believe in your sky fairy, what makes you think I care about your ground troll?
    By true definition no one can be an atheist.  That being "Someone who knows there is not a God".  But by the same logic I can say that there is a magical teapot floating through outer space, captained by a chocolate monkey that farts lollipops.  You can not disprove my claim, no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
    By being an Atheist, I do not believe in a god.  Do I know there isnt a god? No.  Do I know there isnt a magical teapot? No to that one too.  But given all the evidence I have to draw upon, I can reasonably project that there is neither an omnipotent being controlling the universe or a magical teapot floating around it.
    In a nutshell you are correct, I call myself an atheist but its a label that immediately purveys my views to others.  Its sad that we really need a label for not believeing in god.  I mean if i dont collect stamps, people dont call me a non-philatelic.
    I found out long ago.... One finger helping does more than 10000 hands clasp in prayer.
  7. Oh Gee, another atheist validation thread. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  9. I was jk.. Fuck Jesus!

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  10. #10 Vicious, Feb 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2014
    Whose Atheist anymore, it's all about Apatheism now.
  11. How does one be a hard core atheist? Does that mean you go out of your way to try and prove religion wrong and push your beliefs on others?
  12. #12 wesker420, Feb 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2014
    Pot growing, science loving agnostic checking in, not an atheist but hey close enough lol

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  13. #13 The Green Bastard, Feb 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2014
    How can I push a belief when Atheism is the lack of belief? 
    As I said earlier, Atheism is not a religion or a cult, just as if I did not collect baseball cards, you wouldnt call me a "non-card collector".
    I do believe that organized religion is violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism, tribalism and bigotry.  Invested in ignorance and hostile to free thought. Contemptuous of woman and detrimental to children.
    Feel free to rebut.
  14. I'm just asking how you could be considered a "hard-core" atheist, is all.

    And push belief, I mean pushing your opinion of religion inappropriately to religious folk. As in the same way some religious folk do with their beliefs.
    everything I do is hardcore, lol.
    As far as pushing belief... Yes, yes I do.  Now, im not a door knocker and I think that would be ridiculous, but I will take any opportunity to voice my opinion on this "magical man in the sky".  "I believe that religion should be treated with ridicule, hatred, and contempt... And I claim that right".. to quote one of my heroes Mr. Hitchens.
    What can be asserted without evidence can just as easily be dismissed without evidence.
  16. I see.
  17. I just call myself a non believer. Still too much argument about the difference between atheist and agnostic. Although being agnostic sounds better to me. I'm more suprised now when people say they are Christians then not. I'm lucky too that all my friends don't believe in god which makes it a little better when we start debating

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    I have friends on both sides of the fence, the godly ones sometimes try to debate me, but that usually goes like this....
    Me : Ok, before we start... Have you ever read the entire bible from cover to cover?
    Friend : Well, not everything cover to cover, but (thats usually where I interject)
    Me : I have, two almost three times... until you finish the book, we can't have a discussion about it.
    If they try to go on from there I start pulling out all kinds of ridiculousness they arent aware is in there.
    My atheist friends and I hardly ever discuss religion, but then again we dont talk about unicorns too much either.
  19. I believe we are all delusional and really have no clue what is out there but that's just me. I don't believe in a deity though. Science is always interesting my fascination is human perception. 
  20. Not sure why so many people care what other people label themselves as. Everyone has their own beliefs and no one is "right" because no one actually has the answer to life and why everything exists.

    It's just one giant mind fuck and isn't worth arguing over or putting other people down because you think their beliefs are stupid.

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