Annoyed that my girlfriend is going vegan...

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by NeRDxARCHON, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Can you please link me some of those scientific facts? Way too often I have read studies that were complete bs.

  2. if her reasoning for wanting to be vegan is because of the inhumanity of the slaughtering process, offer to buy that organic farmers market meat. raise your own chickens. stuff along that line. a great company is 5280 meat.

    Jus' slap da hoe. Dat should set her right
  4. No meat doesn't cause cancer

    The reason we get cancer is because we ddon't eat enough anti oxidants

    They are called anti oxidants for a reason.
    Most people in developed national have a dadaily deficiency in vitamin c and other antioxidants. This leads to slow decay of genes over time which causes cancer

  5. #165 mrs. illadelphin, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2014
    Well, you can read and research a lot of things online but after that you have to rely on what you know too.. I have noticed whenever I am being concious of my animal product intake and lowering it I see an increase in my immune function. I see other improvements. That is just my own personal experience and I know there are people who have made major alterations in their bodies fighting disease with plant based diets, you can look that up too... 
    I like Dr. Fuhrman's books..


    I don't think so...
    A number of hypotheses have been advanced to explain the connection between meat consumption and cancer risk. First, meat is devoid of fiber and other nutrients that have a protective effect. Meat also contains animal protein, saturated fat, and, in some cases, carcinogenic compounds such as heterocyclic amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) formed during the processing or cooking of meat. HCAs, formed as meat is cooked at high temperatures, and PAHs, formed during the burning of organic substances, are believed to increase cancer risk. In addition, the high fat content of meat and other animal products increases hormone production, thus increasing the risk of hormone-related cancers such as breast and prostate cancer.

  6. I don't know how you can sit there and deny that meat causes increase cancer risk unless you don't have any scientific or nutritional background at all. Seriously, like I said in a previous post, if you could CUT BACK on meat in excess of 70% or even more, the risk of cancer would drop down back to what it use to be like when we didn't eat so much processed meat. It is just that simple...
  7. #167 mrs. illadelphin, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2014
    I will get better data and come back, since I am in a rush...
    The correleation of data is not a mistake or an accident
    We have never eaten more meat in our history as a species and we have never had such amount of cancer..
    You only care and become aware after it has happened to you, or someone you love...
  10. #170 mrs. illadelphin, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2014
    we know plants cure cancer though
    don't we?
  11. Fish are still animals last I checked.
    And "Hindus"( As in Krishna worshipping Hindus, not just Indian people in general)are vegetarian by religion or else they are breaking one of their most sacred commandments.
  12. You are exactly correct sir! Thats precisely what I was thinking...and you said it first.
  13. #173 Niraz, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2014
    We also never been a society like today in the history of our species. We never had so many food to eat (that includes plant based foods and many stuff with a high sugar content, additives). Many people are overweight, and yes you can get fat from a meat-less diet it just depends on how much you eat. We also were never exposed to so many toxic stuff like pesticides, pesticide residue in the tap water, air pollution etc. Also, I'm pretty sure that people move less these days. There are studies that show that being physically active can lower risk of cancer. So, all in all, blaming it all on meat consumption is too easy in my opinion, even though it might have some carcinogenics especially when heated. Even grains could cause the increase in cancer for example. Back in the day grains were fermented so the gluten was broken down.
  14. Good sir, might I ask you if your product is beaver anal gland-free?
    I'd love to see how that conversation plays out at the grocery store.
  15. Just say look, im only here for you to suck my meat, and your not going to consume meat anymore, therefore you arent going to suck my meat, as a result, im out, seeeee yaaaa!

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  16. #176 Old School Smoker, Nov 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2014
    My wife is vegatarian. She only eats poultry. She won't touch fish and red beef makes her puke if she eats it. When we go to a restauarnt, I order a big fuckin juicy steak and nom it down in front of her face. Sometimes I buy steak and smell the whole house up with broiled beef. I have read that some nutritionists suggest we cut way back or eliminate red beef from our diets. I am a carnivore. I want a huge ass Sirloin sizzlin in my face straight off the barbeque. Nom nom nom.
    Let your actions be your voice. Tell her in a nice way that her vegan agenda is not comforting. Bring honey and milk into your home. Nom it down. let her know that you love it, and she does not have to. Rosie O donald eats her boogers but she does not suggest that for anyone else.
    ...okay? but that doesn't take the fact away that MEAT consumption has quadrupled and cancer rates are mirrored in that...Literally nothing you says opposes the FACT that eating meat can increase cancer risk... we know this. It has to be treated as basic fact rather than opinion because it is. I like meat just as much as the next person but I refuse to be ignorant:

    Well your wife is not a vegetarian if she eats chicken.... 
    Also yeah..
    invalid and lack of logic compound leaving me unable to even respond other than saying... ugh.. 
  18. #178 mrs. illadelphin, Nov 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2014
    I will go ahead and agree with whoever said, if you don't like the processing, GET YOUR OWN and start a small farm but if you are going to eat it, that is what you need to do. Or just be aware that the facts remain you are eating nuclear waste. Like seriously, worse than slop... Just.... people defending this shit is making me ill.. It isn't the CRUELTY that bothers me so much with meat production (although it is, I mean it's a huge part of it personally but just without ethnical stand point here) it's the fact that it is KILLING people and causing disease in humans. I care about myself and other humans...
    That is all.
  19. [​IMG]
  20. I was talking to OP. As for you, I leave this.....

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