Making butane hash a lethal mix in home drug labs

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Nerd139, Feb 12, 2014.

    100% in agreement. This is absolutely going to be used as fodder to stop personal grows, and severely limit personal possession limits.

  2. 15-20k. Pennies depending on who you are talking with. A guy that runs a large grow. That is just a few plants. Well worth it.
  3. well shit guess its been a minute, last one I saw was 100k
    I agree, I have welded on fuel tanks and stuff and lets just say I know how to do things without blowing up. Welding on a tanker truck is all kinds of fun. fucking spooky.
    respect fire and fumes.
  5. I thought the idea behind BHO was to blow your face off. People are stupid.
  6. #46 wildnature, Feb 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2014
    Then I suppose we could say scientists who tested crazy methods to achieve certain results were stupid too?  Not that I am defending these ignorant few, just sayin'.  
    It reminds me of the moonshiners blowing up their stills, same mentality.   
    edit:  Also, if you look at it rationally, of course legalization will deter these things, but when are people rational?  :confused_2:
  7. I would say doing something crazy to achieve a crazy result isnt stupid as long as you take precautions against things going bad. Only time I'd say it was stupid is if the bad result would have made things in your life worse in the long run and you had no way of stopping it.
  8. As much as I have wanted to try bho and I have the outdoor space to do it, I still wouldn't allow anyone to do it here.  As you say, it's not worth it if someone's life is ruined.  (I don't even like lighting an outdoor grill, lol)  I know I just have to wait for it to become legal, and hopefully made safely. 
  9. Just get Walter White to make the wax and everything will be fine.
  10. When it becomes legal in more states, I would try to establish a deal with a local shop/lab. I give them trim for "free", they give me 1/2 of whatever they get out of it for "free". Everybody wins, with someone that has the knowledge and equipment to do it "the right way", has some material to process.
  11. Something like this is how I planned to do it when I got into the biz. Not with trimmings but with the flowers. That way it can cut down on costs and sell more. Sign up a contract that way the dispensary doesnt screw me over too. Cant trust people. Maybe have a clause that says if they lose my shit thy have to pay me the full wholesale price.

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