Racial Pride

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by LeftHandLead, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. op you help give me hope for humanity, I agree with you

  2. Yeah... Why don't you throw your cell phone and basically all your electronics away...
    You really know how to live up to your name numnuts.....
    I agree with most, disagree with a couple of things... First, black people have no reason to be proud of anything until racism is replaced with a system of justice. It's like being in a hole, and proud of the fact that you're in that hole. It makes no sense. Get out of the hole, then you have something to be proud of. You say what white people did in the past? It doesn't happen now? Prison Gerrymandering isn't happening now? Mass incarceration isn't happening now? School to prison pipeline isn't happening now? Special education (Public law 94-142 of 1975) isn't happening now? The system of racism hasn't ended, in fact, it's stronger then ever right now. Cause most black people are helping the maintenance of black inferiority/white supremacy through their daily activities and behaviors.
  5. I laugh when people say black people are being persecuted.
    I mean take a look around, every one of every color is getting fucked by the government...
    So would you say black people have the same experience in this society as whites?
  7. #28 Funk-D, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    I try to have racial pride, but sometimes ignorant nigga be having be like. 
    God damn why you gotta be such a ignorant nigga? 
    Also, I find if hard to have racial pride, when at least to me the history of my people isn't all that cool. Then again I haven't REALLY looked into it. All I know is that black people have been getting played like bitches for most part in recent history. 
    That being said, I find it irritating when people who aren't black try to criticize black people. IT might be a fucked up double standard, but I feel that I as a black man can talk about black people all the fuck I want. When a white dude does it...I give him the shut the fuck up right now glare. 
    So, I replace racial pride with familial pride. 
    What are you basing this on? What you learned in school? 
    Did you not read the next line where I admittedly haven't looked into it? Yeah, what I learned in school mostly. But historically what interests me is Conquerors. People who run up into other people's shit, and be like HEY THIS IS MY SHIT NOW DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT PUSSY!
    And I think the last black people to do some shit like that were the Ottomans right? That was a looong ass time ago,. 
    I did read it, but it didn't answer my question. The Ottoman empire were not Africans, they were Turks. Not many African civilizations had conquerors, that's a white supremacist's idea, conquering people. Look into the Zulu Empire, not conquerors, but great warriors. Also, Hannibal Barca.
  11. #32 Funk-D, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    Um, Conquering isn't a racial thing. Genghis Kahn wasn't white. 
    And as impressive as the Zulus were...they did you know...still lose. 
    You can fight well, if you lose....well you lost.
    And from what I do know. African Tribes fought and conquered each other on a small scale. Two Tribes fight. The men get killed the women, and children are sold as slaves, or kept as slaves. Just never done on a grand scale. 
    I think most of the stems from....in all of recorded history Black people have problems getting along with each other. 
    It's a part of European culture, it goes back with the angles, jutes and saxons smashing the Roman Empire, going on to dominate all of Europe along with a few other Germanic groups. Khan's ideas came from Europeans. 
    The Europeans were the ones to start doing in a grand scale.  But I'm sure killing people and taking their stuff, is just an innate human behavior. 
    Not to mention that it is the conquerors who make the rules. 
    I European idea. White people idea. Whatever, I like it. I think it's cool to be so powerful that you can run into someone else's shit and take it, and they can't even do anything about it. That's power in my opinion anyway. No, diplomacy no deals none of that. You will do what we say...or we will kill you. End of story. 
  14. #35 LeftHandLead, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    That's not power. Power is when you can create an idea, and have others accept it as their reality. That way, they destroy themselves without you lifting a finger. 
    The same could be achieved by running into some country telling them that what you believe is right, and if you don't convert to what we believe we will kill you. See Crusades. 
  16. #37 Dum Dum Boy, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2014
    well then go ahead and prove me wrong...
    i've looked around. my white skin is surrounded by high tech chinese shit and food. never been to the ghetto but i hear the cia made bank from selling crack down the river and building prisons to arrest half the population. 
    Not even close. White Jesus was created at the council of Nicea by Roman Emperor Constantine and other hosts around 325AD... In 2014, non-white people still praise a white image of Christ. THAT is power. The ability to control others reality for centuries is power.
    Why is Jesus still just a powerful figure, because Christianity just so happened to be the religon of the people who won the wars. Look at the crusades, etc. 
    Even with Native Americans. Christians would kill them, and then feed them the idea of Jesus. 

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