Best At Home Vaporizer under 250?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by imalwayscold, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. #121 POTatato Head, Jul 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2014
    Yeah I have a maple twig underdog right now and had a larger model before this one. Basically when I wanted a log vape there was three companies to buy from but none had them in stock (epic vape and underdog were out) so I got in contact with heat island and got my name on the list. A little later underdogs came in stock again so I bought my first underdog September last year. Only took 10 months for my name to come up on the list for the HI  :laughing:

  2. Wow that's super efficient. I can't even smoke for at least the next 6 years but when I come back I'm definitely switching to vaporizing.
    Which type did you have like maple, ash, etc. They have some shaped differently but I assume they all work the same and that's just for aesthetics.
  3. I have the ash. You are correct the type of wood just changes how they look and they are all beautiful. I bought the holiday vape which was on sale for like $180 in December. I love my Underdog. The best purchase I have ever made. I shit you not I totally believe that.
  4. 10 months! Holy sheep shit, I don't have that kind of patience. Looks like I'll be dropping $200 on a new Underdog. Let me know though when you get it how it compares side by side with the Underdog at various voltages. I have been very interested in hearing this comparison. God damn VAS has me by the balls.
  5. I honestly forgot about it and then bam one day I get the email from them saying its my turn. I will do a comparison post probably in the vaporizer club thread. The HI will be a glass core though so I expect it to taste a little better but not hit as hard my underdog.
  6. Make sure your VVPS is capable of 2 amps before connecting it to the Heat Island though if you use a 1 amp VVPS on a 2 amp log vape you will destroy your VVPS. Running the Underdog on a 12 volt 2 amp power supply would be fine though the amps supplied by the power supply has to exceed or equal the amps required to run the device. I don't mean to talk down to you, sorry if you know all this, I just hate to see people ruin their equipment.
  7. I hear the Heat Island runs a little hotter though so it might be better on both accounts. Let me know. If you think the Heat Island is better than the Underdog I will buy a Heat Island and decide for myself. I can't imagine anything beating the Underdog but then again I spent years thinking nothing could beat a good water bong and I was proven wrong there too. I would love to be proven wrong about the Underdog being the greatest vape on the planet because that would just mean an even better marijuana experience. It is all about the bud buddy. :hello: :bongin:
  8. #128 lwien, Jul 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2014
    So what's interesting here is after I posted up the above challenge to Anthony from Vapir, he un-registers from the site and disappears. 
    The Atmos rep was challenged as well, and he also disappeared.  
    These manufactures kill me.    I get the feeling that they think that just because we may be a bunch of stoners, that we don't have the intelligence to demand that they validate and back up their marketing claims and truly believe that we'll just fall for whatever they say.   
    Talk about making a bad situation worse.    Whatever creditability they had, they just ruined it further.    If you're going to come on to this site to defend your company, than fracking defend it rather than sticking your tail between your legs and running off at the first sign of a challenge.
  9. So this guy obv didnt know what he was stepping in to...
    BUT im kinda glad this semi evolved into a log vaporizer discussion toward the end. Does anyone have an UNDERDOG AND A ENANO? Im thinking of going with the underdog, but dont really have a reason why since right now....theyre both the same, just different makers. Any input on why to choose one over the other?
    I don't think you could go wrong with either one.   Opinions seem to be split down the middle.
  11. yea, thats what ive gotten out of my searching...both seem solid!
  12. I think the E-Nano, Underdog, and Heat Island are all great log vaporizers. I own the Underdog and I love it. I have not heard one negative thing about any of the log vaporizers including the Purple Days, which they no longer make unfortunately. You can't go wrong with a log vape.
  13. ypu sir with all do respect don't know shit about anything your talk about...
  14. cant argue with that, very wise man indeed.....

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