Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by SkinnyDude, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. So i just finished DMC and i must say, the game is awesome. The reason im threading' this tho is right before the last mission there's a cut-scene where it says the DEMONS HAVE AWOKEN.
    I might be high but i think these games have messages in them. I know the studio didnt make this game just to hide some subliminals in it, hell naw, but who's to say they're not tryna tell us somethin'(look at the assassin's creed series and the info the dropped on the templars and all that ish) . Its like they're givin' us a little knowledge why we sit on our asses mashin' buttons. Bac to DMC and this demon shit.. The way Mundus ruled over the masses by control through (Media, toxic food, brainwashing, etc.) is the same way the modern elite rule over us. These demons are real, just not to the DMC extent. They do suc our energy, they are evil, and they have awoken. And we're slowly wakin' up too. I'm ready to box with these succas.  

  2. i feel ya man. a lot of hidden and not so hidden messages in tons of games these days. its pretty creepy actually
  3. I won't deny demons (probatio diabolica) and questioning everything is great but I'd take this knowledge being dropped with a grain of salt. If you take anything from AC it should be it's philosophical battle not the secret society fanfic.
  4. there are tons of "illuminati" images and references in many games. and if you do research on the illuminati, you will see that they like to hide in plain sight. so you saying that you shouldnt be focusing on that stuff and you should focus on the other parts of the game is exactly what they want. if you believe in the illuminati that is.
  5. How do you know that's not what I want? I'm a globalist and maybe even an agent of misinformation,
  6. righteous words bro, righteous.. 
    i've played a ton of games with hidden messages/historical info etc. in them, and when i do my own research (which i always do before i formulate an opinon) it just creeps me the fuc out. How these developers intentionally put this information before us. its kinda hard to take the info with a grain of salt when its soo much bigger than that. 
  7. #7 4shotmark, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    That is not anything at all close to what the Illuminati is. They like to hide away from sight, laughing at the punlic whom they made think that corporate puppets like Jay Z and the like make up the organizations we call Illuminati.

    Do some real research and and you'd know the "Illumninati" (a misnomer in itself) couldn't care less with publicity, but benefit from your fear and celebrities USING this fear because it keeps you enslaved.

    They gain nothing from throwing in pyramid sign in some Ubisoft game, lmao.
  8. #8 Strollin'crow, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    life imitates art
    because you create your world
    or maybe you create your world because life imitates art
  9. if thats what you want to think, then thats cool. ive done a lot of research on the topic and thats not how i see it. im not going to argue about it. not in the mood.
  10. Do shady men in cloaks come in when they're developing, give them secrets of the highest doctrine and tell them to spread it around? They put it in because they sound cool and it makes for good entertainment. I did not deny secret societies or your esteemed Illuminate, just that AC is fantasy, looking at it as a message or fact is dangerous.
    "They leave it out there on purpose, it's what they do". It's a convent way to validate your speculation.
    Are you scared of a little Hocus Pocus? Or maybe you're scared of the unknown and want to fill in the blanks where you don't understand. Do you notice occult shit in the media like sigils or virtual rituals? Illuminate is babby's first conspiracy theory. Now it's all about left-wing Jews. Be a good Goy.
  11. Thanks, Vic.
  12. #12 4shotmark, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    Youtube is not research.

    Don't make false claims if you don't have the energy to back em up.

    The "illuminatii" (if you have done the research you would know that the term itself is ridiculous) is enslaving us on such a higher level, that to think they collaborate with Kid Cudi for what stupid symbols he flashes in his videos is ridiculous. He does it to make people like you have more interest in the album and Cudi himself.

    Video games in general are a joke to Illuminati. Hip hop especially is a farce to them.
  13. #13 SkinnyDude, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    Ash Ketchum - "Skinnydude... opinion attack!!"
    The illuminati is just a term we use to describe the most wealthiest familes on this floating roc. These families dont make video games nor music. they make money, and control a lot of whats going on right now. kid cudi and jay z will never be apart of their FAMILY, blac people arent allowed! lol you have to be blood. Now these same families do own the record companies that these wacc ass rappers work for and they do control every little aspect of their lives. So in a sense a large amount of rappers and celebs are just these families play toys. As for the video games, we all know this shit isint real. (i mean come on now, dont patronize people) Its when you take this given info, and legitimately research it and you find a truth in it. Thats what my original post was about.  Now bac to what i origanlly posted. THESE FAMILIES are demons, THEY have awoken, and IM not fallin for the okie doke. 
  14. sure, okay
  15. Exactly.
  16. #16 Vicious, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    Are you saying the families are literally other dimensional entities? If you're using it figuratively it doesn't jive with what you were saying about demons being real that suck energy. Unless you believe they're reptile or some shit.
    Here's a 'realistic' explanation. (Starting at 23:58 is when they mention illuminate agenda. I cannot set it back a minute)
    Again, I'm not denying demonology nor am I being antisemitic,
  17. If i wasnt soo high i would think that you trying abnormally hard to disapprove everyones opinion but your own.. And that's perfectly fine brother, this universe belongs to all of us. We are all entitled to free speech (thats a lie). I can suc my girls energy just by pissing her off and getting into her head. somethimes im bored and i feed off making her pissed. lol They do the same thing, just on a WAAAAAYYYYY higher level that im ignorant to at the moment.
    Does my opinion satisfy you?
  18. #18 Vicious, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    Jesus dude, I wasn't trying to discredit you. You said demons are real, while talking about fucking DMC. Do you consider yourself a demon for being able to suck energy? All I asked was if you consider top tier people you are talking about as other dimensional  entities. It's not that hard.
    When you bring metaphysical discussion into something like this it's expected for people to question what you're talking about when you're not clear.
    I even went out of my way to say that I'm not denying metaphysics yet you still take it as an attack to discredit you. The entire world isn't out to get you and not everybody who disagrees with you is 'them'
  19. #19 SkinnyDude, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    Iight, let me break it down for you my brother. It is "my opinion" that this universe were in is made out of "energy". energy that cant be created or destroyed. In this universe there lies dimensions, we are obviously in the 3rd. in other dimensions lies other things that we cant understand becuase were fixed in the 3rd. when life on this dumb ass roc we call earth start to develope the beings on earth understood waaaay more about the other dimensions than our dumb asses do. thats why they "seen" these angels demons gods and what not, they werent just crazy. (some say they helped us out. some say they made us. but the fact remains that all the primitive cultures and what not had some kind of communication with these beings from other realms) those old asses knew how to manipulate the energy around them, just like meditators know how to manipulate the energy in there bodies in order to reach a higher mentalstate. now when i say i can suc my girls energy i mean that i can literary make her positive energy level go down by pissing her off, in return my positive energy level goes up 'cause i completed my mission. TO PISS HER OFF. by no means do i think im a demon, i just know how to manipulate my girls energy. We all know how to manipulate energy, we just forgot along the years. Now these demons i speak of are everywhere. Im my opinion the spirit in us is our true ENERGY source. this energy can be manipulated to. some people are filled with good vibes and there soul is very bright, maybe their true energy remembers a past of righteousness and agelic deeds. and then they're people who have literally all the money in the world and still feed off others suffering, dying, etc. sounds like a damn demon to me. now if you take a look at my op i said i beleive that these demons do exist just not on a fuccing DMC level. i never said you were discrediting me, i said "if i wasnt soo high i "would think" your tryning to discredit people. Dog, i think your hella intelligent, and i know i could learn somethin from you, i was just voicing my opinion. by no means do i think others that think differently are "them" i dont even know who "they" are. if anything i can learn somethin from somebody that thinks different.  hope that clearified my op
  20. #20 Vicious, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    It did and our views about energy are parallel though I think the time we are living in is a definitive moment in making or breaking mankind.(here's some food for thought, ALL of his videos are top notch: http://youtu.be/yNLdblFQqsw) I can't say anything about ancient civilization, their technology or how in tune they were but we are undoubtedly in a time of awakening. I was not joking when I said I am a globalist. Theorist have this horrible misconception about a NWO which I do not support. I do however believe we need a planetary government to go on being an intergalactic civilization. On the flip side I think returning to small communities after a population reduction while retaining our tech is another option in the worst possible outcome. As someone who has experienced energy 'manipulation' via meditation and projection I accept most of what you said as a personal truth. I've moved away from cookie cutter descriptions such as light-dark, good-evil, I simply want to observe, it is not my place to judge.
    The problem with me probing you with questions wasn't out of ignorance, playing devil's advocate or amusement but because I read into this a bit more than most people. When you start talking about metaphysics (Spirit Science is a new age dumbing down of ancient theologies with physics attached arbitrarily [Not saying it's wrong, again]) it becomes confusing when you throw religious lore into it, i.e. "demons". It's uncertain whether you are talking about demonology in a traditional sense (Lesser key of Solomon) or in a meta, etheral, astral type way.
    Even though I do believe all this shit, I'm aware that this is the conclusion I have come to, manipulated and become comfortable with by taking my understanding of the universe, theology and reality. The mind is a powerful thing and the idea that my thoughts come from chemical reactions in trying to understand and rationalize reality are a very possible truth. Which leads to my next point, outside the idea that I'm sitting alone in a petri dish or in a matrix (again: http://youtu.be/L45Q1_psDqk), the idea that my isolated chemical reactions are communicating with yours creates a whole new level of depth and design. There is too much for me to consider it coincidence, but yet again, the mind is strong enough to create this image alone. I got a little off topic there with talking about the Origin which I could talk about in depth for days.
    I guess what I'm getting at is Illuminate is petty in the grand view of things. Don't get too caught up in it. Conspiracy is a vicious cycle of delusion and mistrust. Worry about progressing in every aspect of the word. I suppose I mistook you calling me "brother" with snide or  patronization. I'm not unaware that people think I'm a pretentious asshole here.

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