2nd grow, 2/3 ladies - home made set up- input welcome

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by MutherFuckerJones, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Hello, if you have seen any of my other posts you will see i have been mentioning putting together something over the next month or two to grow 2 or 3 plants maybe 2 strains.
    what im after, first of all on some input on lighting
    Flourecent http://www.homehydro.co.uk/lighting/lamps-bulbs-leds/54w-6500k-grow-t5-tube.html
    CFL Kit - http://www.homehydro.co.uk/125w-cfl-maxii-reflector-kit-cool-lamp.html
    basically anything with fairly low leccy. i have already got reflectors and extractor/exhaust fans.
    dont know what im going to do it in yet, probably a double wardrobe or old chest of draws, i used to do allot of carpentry so might just make one.
    another thing i would love some input on..... Strain, i will be growing from seed, im after something with a deep (like berry/diesel) obv a nice high thc content.
    if im not after a very tall plant am i best going for auto's? 
    Any input welcome.... i will be deciding on lighting by end of the moth and that will determin the size of the area/growbox i get.

  2. Nice kicking off already, I'm in :). Grow some nice fem auto flowers and go for the big buds :). Nice diesel stuff about too.

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  3. That's my idea, i don't want it any bigger than about 3ft reallysize isnt really a problem for the grow box, depends on lighting as if i use floro i will need it longer.
    found these seeds for Blue dream autos they sound so dank. always wanted to try it http://www.leafly.com/hybrid/blue-dream
  4. Nice one son get on it. I'd build something up if you have the skills mate or adapt a nice wardrobeGood luck I'll be watching in
  5. Need to decide on bulbs, lighting, i have a limit of like 60 quid, but that's tops , if i can get some ok lighting for less with more output..... Thats what in after. Need some advise reallyI have heard cfls will only get you a finished product of fluffy weed not tight nugs ( we all like nice tight nugs ;) ) Sent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
  6. Can't really comment on the lighting since I went HID from the start.  I just don't think you can get the needed coverage and penetration with FL or CFL that you can with HID.
    Got ventilation?  Considered a small ScrOG?  Is that possible with autos?
    Sub'd up to follow your progress.  Good luck with it.
  7. [quote name="ChefZiggy" post="19389415" timestamp="1390446749"]Can't really comment on the lighting since I went HID from the start. I just don't think you can get the needed coverage and penetration with FL or CFL that you can with HID.Got ventilation? Considered a small ScrOG? Is that possible with autos?Sub'd up to follow your progress. Good luck with it.[/quote]I have got like 5 6"inline fans lying around so i can sort out ventilation, hole in the bottom for intake with a intake fan(might not bother) And a hole at top on otherside with extractor in. Should keep temps and air flow good, its purely a lil persi grow, dont wanna spend more than like 50 quid on light though, any ideas? Sent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
  8. [quote name="ChefZiggy" post="19389415" timestamp="1390446749"]Can't really comment on the lighting since I went HID from the start. I just don't think you can get the needed coverage and penetration with FL or CFL that you can with HID.Got ventilation? Considered a small ScrOG? Is that possible with autos?Sub'd up to follow your progress. Good luck with it.[/quote]I have got like 5 6"inline fans lying around so i can sort out ventilation, hole in the bottom for intake with a intake fan(might not bother) And a hole at top on otherside with extractor in. Should keep temps and air flow good, its purely a lil persi grow, dont wanna spend more than like 50 quid on light though, any ideas? Sent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
  9. Here is my plan, actually gonnA plan the lot before i do it now not as i go along hahaSent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
  10. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1390479342.491589.jpg Haven't wrote anything INSIDE the note pad yet but its a start :)Sent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
  11. Strain hunting time

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  12. Im going to do 2 girls first time round, im going to use cfl bulbs. Trying to decide what w to get though, will be using probably a double wardrobe. What is a good lumen output to have? Can you have too much? Burn plants? Sent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
  13. So I'm going to try and get my hands on a 250 - 300w dual spectrum light of some sort.Going for 2 plants. Thats decided. Just need to pick a strain now. And read up on, diff bulbs, ballast and then find an appropriate box/container/cupboard Sent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
  14. What sort of high are you looking for? Sent from my Nexus 10 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  15. [quote name="ChefZiggy" post="19395880" timestamp="1390536747"]What sort of high are you looking for? Sent from my Nexus 10 using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote]Couchlocky indica preferably but not too fussed, some thing thats not prone to having stupid little problems haha Sent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
  16. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1390581569.347350.jpg Just orderedSent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
  17. Oh and these two ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1390584144.674047.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1390584182.788751.jpg :)Sent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
  18. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1390606797.605141.jpg Sent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
  19. [quote name="Scronce" post="19400710" timestamp="1390608822"]Your not good with stickersSent from my lighter using Grasscity Forum[/quote]They wont be in there long haha, how longs it take like 12 hrs? Sent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum

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