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Toking alone vs social smoking

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Pot4fun, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. #1 Pot4fun, Jan 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2014
    Do you prefer to smoke with people or alone? i like smoking alone more unless you're a real good friend of mine because i find it hard to enjoy my high with people trying to talk to me all the time lol. not to mention i have to watch someone else smoke up my herb :eek:
    this might have been a recent thread already sorry cant remember lol

  2. I used to love smoking alone, then I took a break and just started up again. I still like to toke alone but I also would like to do it with a close friend of mine, that's always fun just seshing playing some gta. He's in Nicaragua right now so I've been toking alone.
    All in all, I like both. If you asked me this 4 months ago I would have right away said alone lol
  3. Always love toking alone but what beats getting together with your boys.. Or a group of girls...? Yea, nothing beats that's lol
  4. idk man, i smoke all the time, doesn't really matter to me one way or the other, been smoking daily for 2 years with a 1 1/2 ay break somewhere in there, i need to take a T-break realllly bad, i just have nothin to occupy my mind........
    Sent from Outter Space
  5. For me it just depends on my mood that day..Certain days I just like to chill out in my room, smoke a few bowls and play some video games or read some comics and relax...Other days I like being with my friend group passing around the bongs and bowls....Lately I don't do a lot of solo smoking as I used to because my gf smokes as much as I do so we usually end up smoking together, Definitely not a bad thing :bongin:
  6. I feel like I get 2 different highs when I smoke alone I'm more chilled out and lazy but when I toke with friends I smoke less but feel a lot more higher Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  7. I love smoking with friends, or others I have more fun. Through I always enjoy rolling up a joint, chilling on the porch, enjoying a joint to myself and pondering the mysteries of the universe.
  8. i feel you man. is that you in your pic? id be scared shitless of that snake lmao
  9. smokin with the gf sounds fun lol since weed can be an aphrodisiac.
  10. LoL yeah, that's me, im quite into reptiles, especally snakes man,  always have been though. He's a baby actually, t about 6-7 foot, he'll get about 14-19 foot.
  11. lmao where do u put him? does he just coil up in a tiny cage like at the pet store
  12. no quite a tiny cage, but he does stay coiled up most of the day, he moves arond a good bit at night. But he stays in about a 50 gallon tank at the moment, but he will be in a 100 gallon custom made enclosure very soon!! I'll also be working on a boa breeding project very soon.
  13. Nicaragua's dope man you know if he's been smokin any good herb down there?
  14. Yeah he told me at first it was shwag, but he found this really good weed that was supposedly red if I remember correctly. He's in Managua. He mentioned they have great alcohol though lol
  15. Yeah liquor flows like water down there. Last two times I was down there I was underage doing volunteer work I gotta go back now that I'm 18 and find me some danks :) Managua's a bomb town I remember when I was there there was this cool place with all kinds of bongs carved out of wood to look like animals 
  16. that's dope!
  17. it's two different experiences in my opinion and i enjoy both equally. i'm a people person though so i love being with friends.
  18. Don't know if I "prefer" to smoke by myself, but I end up doing it more than half the time. I have one roomie now, who smokes, and the best part is, he keeps a fat sack around himself. So basically, even when we smoke together, we both just throw in a bud and Bam :)
    On the other hand, I used to have 4 roomies who smoked ! I had to hide in my bedroom from those vultures ! {cool peeps though}
    And I don't care 'if' a guy does prefer to smoke alone, he would have to have more issues than me, to 'not' prefer to smoke with a hot girl :)
  19. Yeah. I'd rather go it alone and talk to you cats then have somebody get all high at my house and then won't leave for two hours. What if I want to rub one off or something?
  20. Usually alone unless my girl is home or I have friends overSent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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