Atheists, do you wish their was a God ???

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by HighFoSho, Jan 12, 2014.

    If we were aligned a little closer or farther from the very beginning, then life would of evolved slightly differently to those conditions.. Sure, if you could push the Earth's orbit in or out right now, it'd have devastating effects. Funny thing is, say Earth were moved a lil closer since the beginning and life appeared on Earth still. It'd go through the process of evolution and when intelligent life appears and forms uneducated beliefs on what makes the universe run, someone would end up asking "If there is no God, then how can you explain the perfect conditions for life?"
    We don't know the specific conditions needed for life to appear. For all we know, there could be infinite combinations of conditions that could bring about life. Any life (intelligent once it reaches that point) on any planet could look at their world and think "this is the perfect set of conditions for life.. cause there is life.. so God?"
    As for the OP, it would be nice if God were real. Actually, it'd be awesome if God were real and there was an afterlife.. but there is nothing in this universe that I have seen that can convince me there is a God, personal or universal. Seeing as it's been a few thousand years this lie has been pushed and zero evidence has been brought forth, I have my doubts..

  2. I used to, I don't care anymore.
  3. "Do you wish there was a god?"
    wouldn't mind if the god was cool.. but would not want a god that threatens me with being burned in fire if i do something bad.
    no thank you..
  4. I don't agree with someone creating you and then putting him/her/it's self at a greater importance than you. I believe everyone should be equal so I don't like the idea of a god. I like the idea of heaven though. That'd be the dream Sent
  5. Never hurts to help someone out. It just sucks if someone like her woulda made it up just to go by drugs and then all you are doing is contributing to the problem but hey always give someone the benefit of the doubt atleast once. You made the right choice but back to your question.. Nah I don't really wish there was a god because this god that everyone talks about is a judgemental fuck that tries to scare you into doing good and controls the masses. Like someone else stated.. I wanna be free. Not like by any commandments or some made up shit from humans at a time that didnt even know the earth was a sphere. So nope. I wanna live my my own values and commandments and treat everyone including the earth good. Outgrow the Feds!
  6. The old gas trick does not work. I was approached by a guy who wanted gas money. I offered him a ride to his car. He just shook his and walked away. 90% of those folks are looking for a fix from collecting aluminum cans to panhandling. Just be honest. I know what heroin withdrawals are about. I would love to help them out. I need a fix...can you bum me a buck or two?
  7. I dont know about yall being atheist...but I do believe this....People who believe wont go to church faithfully, they know they believe they'll just pray every night. Imm a firm believer.  But everyone who say they is isnt.
    Most People who go to church only really go to church because they dont believe.  There focusing on the priest to make them believe.  there afraid of the what if factor.  In words there worshipping the church not god.  Thats why most are there every week and thats probably why god says the temple of christ is within you not the church.  The church is only suppose to be a place for prayer, thats it.  The churches are leading people astray for there own personal gains or justification..
  8. #28 Minipup, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2014
    Um no, it's why I'm athiest💁💁Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  9. #29 Al XE the Bud, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2014
    I was gonna say all that, haha
    I do wonder if energy beings/quantum beings or similar exist. If so, is our Sun one? Wouldn't that make it God, relative to the Solar System? Sort of like in this short by Terry Bisson. Hilarious read, that :D
    Because she is god, as are you.  Universe is infinite, everything exists.
    Saying god bless you is equivalent to saying I thank you or sending someone your positive vibes.
    What gives you the idea god does not believe in equality?
  11. Every day. Why wouldn't you want a god? That'd mean that you could be with loved ones after your time is up. Something I think about a lot..
    Thank you East Bay, and that's just one of many positive things, that could be if it were true. So why wouldn't I wish for that ? I'm just saying, I've never seen any proof of God, the Bible, or Christianity, or any other religions. 
  13. The Bible.
    God>Other Gods
    Not to mention misogynists abound, slavery is OK and xenophobia is the 'in thing'.
    All of which are the actions of man, not god.
    God is all, god cannot be greater than anything for it is everything.
    God demonstrates properties of infinity, but that does not mean it's greater than, just in a different state.
  15. No, but I wish more people knew the difference between "their" and "there"
  16. Nah, I think what turns me off from religion the most is the idea of forever. Even if heaven if the most wonderful place if it is neverending i'd rather just be nothing when I die. 
  17. The Bible was the example that popped into my head first, being surrounded by Bible Thumpers at home.
    Every religion demands that we worship God. I do not think one worships equals.
  18. if god let me smoke weed and gave me endless awesome vagina yes
  19. Asking an atheist if they wish there was a god is like asking them if they wish they were a brainwashed sheep.
  20. #40 Funk-D, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2014
    No, I do not wish that there was a being so superior to me in every way that my mind could not comprehend how powerful that being truly was. 
    If such a being existed, it'd make me be like. "Why the fuck am I here then?" I don't like the idea that there is something out there I can't kill. Or beat the fuck up. Or out smart and defeat in some way. 
    Then again. If God was cool, and gave me like Superman powers...that's be pretty sweet. Or like let me shoot lazers out of my eyes, and teleport anywhere I want to just by thinking about it. 

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