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Why is sativa head high and indica is body?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by ReturnFire333, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. #1 ReturnFire333, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
    Is there any hypothesis on this? I don't have an explanation why since both strains active ingredient of the high is THC, what differentiates them?

  2. #2 XCITED, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
  3. Indica dominant strains have a higher amount of CBD (cannabidiol), which has a sedative effect.  
     Sativas have less CBD, but far more THC, which is why you get a clear energetic, more cerebral high.
      CBD itself is just as psychoactive as THC.  Despite common belief, CBD is not an antagonist of THC.  
      the reality is that CBD is an antagonist of CB1, while THC is an agonist of CB1.  
      This is why people wig out after smoking potent sativas.  If you have equal, or near-equal amounts of THC and CBD, you get a far better high.   Blue dream achieves this quite well.
      Another misconception is that the CBD is present in higher amounts in the plant matter itself, however in reality, the trichomes actually hold the most CBD.  people generally think that extracts and concentrates are pure THC.
    CBD is non psychoactive...
  5. Not true at all.  Where did you get that from? lmao
      If it werent psychoactive, people wouldn't be using it to stop muscular spasms.  Just because somethings psychoactive, doesnt mean it makes you feel stoned.  Caffeine is psychoactive, too.
      Psychoactive just means it interacts with your brain.  Hence the obvious name. :D
    Ok, psychoactive maybe, however psychotropic, no. THC is psychotropic.
  7. #7 smokehound, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
      c'mon man, lol
     EDIT-  I believe you mean "psychadelic"
  8. #8 ReturnFire333, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
    Psychoactive- affecting the mind
    Psychotropic- relating to or denoting drugs that affect a person's mental state.
    Psychoactive does not have to be psychotropic. Psychotropic is a more specific definition of what the psychoactive substance does. A psychoactive drug does not have to change mental state, it could be like a tylenol, which is still psychoactive, but not psychotropic. However Cannabis consumed in it's normally consumed form is psychoactive and psychotopic.
  9. #9 Cobra Commander, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
    I thought any Psychoactive chemical substance was one that acted mainly on the central nervous system after crossing the blood brain barrier? Therefore producing a change in behaviour or mood etc.

    Not just affecting the mind?
  10. #10 ReturnFire333, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
    The definition of the prefix psycho is "relating to the mind or psychology." Psycho relates to the mind. However a substance can be psychoactive and also effect the CNS. But there is probably another medical term for affecting the CNS, which I do not think is psycho-
  11. With Psycho as a standalone word that might well be the case, however it's a good thing I said Psychoactive chemical substance which would refer to a substance acting primary on the CNS, affecting brain function and mood etc.
  12. #12 ReturnFire333, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
    I think a fact that we are overlooking here or atleast I am is that the brain is a part of the central nervous system... lol.
  13. Haha yeah the good old brain and spinal cord, no worries man.
  14. #14 ReturnFire333, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
    Actually with more research, I'm not sure but I think you might be confusing the central nervous system with the peripheral nervous system together... possibly overlapping the two but they are two different systems. The CNS is the brain and the spinal cord, the PNS is nerves in like the arms and such. Look here. The CNS is in pink and the PNS is in yellow.
  15. I'm well aware that the CNS is made up of the brain and spinal cord nerves, whereas the Peripheral nervous system are nerves connected to the CNS that go to organs and limbs, providing communication if you will.
  16. #16 ReturnFire333, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
    Ok well then... you say that a psychoactive chemical substance effects the CNS, and not just the mind... well there isn't a whole lot else in the CNS for the substance to effect besides the mind, lol.
  17. #17 Cobra Commander, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
    That's why I said not just, it acts on the CNS as a whole, not Just the brain.
  18. #18 ReturnFire333, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
    I'd say that is correct. My understanding is that the spinal cord is primarily a transceiver though, and that most of the changes and effects would take place in the brain, and then be sent out through the spinal cord. Incoming signals coming up through the spinal cord would be altered when they reach the brain by the psychoactive drugs effect on the brain aswell. I'm not sure how much a psychoactive drug would effect the spinal cord unless it effects its ability to transceive somehow.
  19. Exactly the brain could be considered the main man here, but Mr spine needs to get in on it eventually since the two parts make up a working system. I mean a spine without a brain or a brain without a spine, well that wouldn't be much good. :laughing: 

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