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Weed Addiction; Smoking Again?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by crazygoalie, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. Withdrawals are real. I am scared to go on my next tbreak because all of these things will occur for 5 days.

    Hot flashes
    Extreme irritability
    Constant sweating palms
    Very cold
    No appetite at all, have to force food down

    After those go away I will get Night Sweats for about 5 more days, wake up drenched, then symptoms will finally start to subside
  2. No that is the point of this thread. So much so you felt the need to write it in the title. All of you spreading this shit especially here of all places, a cannabis forum are counter productive to the movement. From now on anytime someone googles this subject they will find this topic and your negative comments. I have no doubt you are having symptoms however they are not caused by marijuana being addictive and if anything are merely due to additional anxiety from you quitting. The trouble sleeping is probably because you aren't tired but that will get back to normal. When you smoke all day everyday hell it makes you sleepy. You adjust to this however and get on a normal sleep schedule.
  3. Can someone please tell me what anxiety feels like?
  4. I don't see the point of being rude, man.
     I put the word "addictive" in the title so people would know I was struggling to quit while also dealing with symptoms.  I do believe marijuana is addictive, and I believe that I am addicted, but I accept that you don't and realize that you may very well be right.  The field of Psychology defines an addiction as a habit that, when stopped, results in symptoms (mental or physical, INCLUDING ANXIETY) that can lead to a relapse.  That describes my last few months with marijuana (because I tried to quit twice previously, and failed due to the extreme nausea); therefore, I feel addicted.  However, I get that you don't think that's possible, and you could totally be right.  I don't know enough about the subject to have a definitive answer, I just know how I and others have felt.  
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it feels as if you're drawing a line between a "physical" addiction (like heroin or something, that makes your body physically need the substance) and a "mental" addiction (dependency, if you want to call it that) that doesn't change your chemistry but still leads to intense mental and physiological symptoms.  While there is evidence to suggest that THC and some of the other cannabanoids in cannabis will, overtime, stop your body producing it's natural cannabanoids until you have quit for a while (something that would make it a physical addiction), there is not enough to show that there is definitely a physical addiction.  So I'll go with you on that.
    But really, I guess I don't see the point in separating a "physical addiction" or "mental dependency".  They can lead to similar results, and people with dependencies on things such as gambling (which is listed as an addiction) will still suffer withdrawal despite no change in their bodily chemistry.  Humans can be mentally dependent on ANYTHING.  Another person, sex, gambling, sugar, anything.  The same is, of course, true for marijuana, and for me, there is not a big enough difference between a mental dependency and addiction to particularly separate the two.  In fact, one of the definitions of dependence (according to merriam-webster) is "the state of being addicted to alcohol or a drug".
    This doesn't mean I think weed is as bad as hard drugs, or cigarettes, or alcohol, or whatever.  Still want it legalized, still love it, still promote its medical use, etc.  Nor am I trying to compare being dependent on pot (and the effects suffered from quitting) to harder drugs.  I would never, ever, ever say that is the case.  
    I hope we can agree to disagree, man, and I truly didn't mean to bother anyone.
  5. #25 Slavakonov, Dec 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2013
    have you ever had stage fright? same sensation except you feel it from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to asleep. fucking sucks
  6. #26 the_tobzster, Dec 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2013
    I do sympathise for you OP but personally I feel that anyone that smokes everyday/all the time is the main problem to begin with. It's a problem as your body is so used to it, so often being really baked, nice feelings when high that when you don't have it in your system you body is reacting to the lack of it, like 'what the fuck?'What I am trying to say is moderation is the key to all this, learn self discipline and better self control, THAT is all in the mind.
  7. "You can get addicted to anything. Shit, people get addicted to cheeseburgers."
                             -- Joe Rogan
  8. #28 Shifty007, Dec 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2013
    I did not mean to be overly mean and you do seem to have some sense about you. How you described it in essence is what I was doing. Drawing a line between mental and physical. I believe you are right in the aspect you can have a mental dependence on anything. The reason I had drawn this distinction was because I felt like you already had with the listing of your physical symptoms. You obviously understand where I was coming from being a supporter of cannabis yourself. If I came off as overly mean it was not my intention and I did not dispute the fact you were having problems. I hope you get them sorted out soon and I hope that you already have. My only real way of describing quitting is this, everytime I quit I remember why I started smoking in the first place. Hence your trying to quit and continue to have trouble stopping. The primary difference is I believe your symptoms aren't due to you stopping smoking and its chemical reactions but due to your problems coping with existing issues without cannabis if that makes any sense.

  9. Anxiety doesn't have to last from wake to sleep but your stage fright example isn't bad.
    I could go more extensively into it but quite simply its an overwhelming feeling of uneasiness often without having a reason thou not always.
  10. I often wonder, how many people "addicted" to Cannabis mix it with tobacco?
  11. most people are lying to themselves when they say they arent addicted to bud, like yea i'm sure you can quit when ever you want but that doesn't mean you won't get minor withdrawls. i know when i quit i get irritable and i can't sleep very well (i use it to help me sleep tho). glad your sorting your shit out, alot of people kinda just let it consume them and thats how you get those 25 year old burn outs that have nothing to show for but how much they can smoke in one sitting. when you start up again maybe use weed as a reward? like after you work out or something you smoke a j. i take a dab when i wake up just to reward myself for making it another day. we all got our own lil point systems.
  12. I smoke a half ounce for 3 days and then take the next 4 days off every week and never get withdrawal. (I live with my mom and grandparents, and smoke at my gparents cause I'm there half the week for college) I would smoke every day and make a half last a week or two but I can't cause my mom doesn't like me smoking anymore and wants to kick me out if she catches me again. At one point a while ago I was smoking an o every 3 days and withdrawal was kinda a bitch, nothing like getting of something like vicoden after taking it for a week though. Just quit cigs, I'd let the weed be till your a month or three off those, cause those are worse for you (I'm a smoker too and it's hella easy with weed, but without it it's a bitch)
  13. Ha weed addiction? Don't make me laugh
  14. #34 Blergs, Dec 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2013
    HAHA, HP!
    well for 28th-10th just don't go crazy with it maybe, have a 2-4 small joints spread across the 2 or so weeks vs. smoking a fat one everyday. Or just avoid it if its effecting you soo much, and wait for a better time in future to enjoy.
  15. Trust me it happens for coke and crack a like, not all that far off anyway the two... knew a couple girls in highschool that.... were crazy.....  actually more then a couple... sad/sux.... 
  16. I started smoking every day around last June,  [​IMG]
  17. girls hell yea. ive gotten my dick sucked for a lil coke. im talkin bout guys. ahahah ive fucked hoes for a few lines. hoes will be hoes. i done some fucked up shit. if i said wud get me banned. les just say ruined alot of lives.
  18. It's all in your head, man.
    Even better than that would be to smoke every other day. So one day sober, one day smoke. The less often you use it, the more satisfying the high is likely to be too. I think if you keep it to no more than once per week it's not gunna effect you negatively and you will get even more out of it, but that might not appeal to OP. So every other day, or if you prefer, what Green Star says. But more isn't always better. Listen to your heart, so to speak. What amount, if any, is right for you?
  20. If you mentally can control your smoking habbits and make a budget for it then i say smoke. But anything can be mentally addicting, also if youre lazy, pot will just make you lazier most the time.. 

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