Modern life / Barriers of the mind / hhmmm...

Discussion in 'General' started by 9xKitsun3, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. Finally had one of those wtf am i doing with my life moments.
    then come to realize thats the new norm for lots of people in their 20's . no house + wife n kids + set for life job. hell, i know people who are in their 30's, 40's who still don't have it figured out yet. and yea... they even got their heads on straight as well.
    this ain't no back in the day shit...
    divorce rates through the roof. Immorality rising in the masses. Prices of everything rising while wages stay the same. less trust,loyalty,respect.
      if your feelin this just know you aren't alone - It's just the reality we reside in.
    Others may have different beliefs and see things differently but it's that pattern of thinking - how they view the world through their eyes - that seperates our realities.
    We all start off with the same view. as time progresses we pick up things like a magnet as we idle through life. those things being morales, views, personality, etc.
     In theory what we believe to be true at the depths of our soul will become reality. But how would you change that?  thought? no.  your brain would know your trying to play a trick on it.
    If your the type of person who can convince yourself that say... for example... that a burger is made out of chicken and only chicken. and believe in it completely without their being background chatter that you know it's cow. That is when you will be able to make changes. REAL changes. them life long goals or dreams you had for years.
    A better example might be the law of physics or gravity. concrete facts. If you can change how you view how either of those work then you can do anything... (no that doesn't make you crazy - your modifying your brain is all. like installing new software on your computer, or rather uninstalling. how do you think einstein, tesla, newton, hawking, darwin came up with the shit they did? They were able to break down what they knew of the world and say fuck it. i'm going to make some new rules. if some of them were aided by drugs so be it. it's that altered perception thats key.)
     It's all mind over matter but why the fuck are the barriers so difficult to break?

    hacking into nasa satellite's might be easier then changing the things you know as fact...

    thoughts? sorta trailed of into another topic tso seperated it from the original.

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