Does consciousness exist?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by jayfoxpox, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. "Death is not the end" -- the Living
    You don't hear dead people going on about that shit night and day. They know their place.

    Not sure I follow  :confused:
  3. #43 Hello there!, Dec 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2013
    Gravity will continue to exist past consciousness.
    I'm not saying you will because you're a surprising guy, but if you're going to argue that we don't know what exists outside our perception and to make such a claim is a fallacy, then I respectfully decline any further conversation on the subject.
    Edit: Because of the touchy semantic nature of this argument and my failure regarding specificity...
    I mean to say, gravity is a constant with or without observation. It is a pattern that exists with or without observation.
  4. #44 Boats And Hoes, Dec 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2013
    1.) Where is the physical world for something to be 'outside' of it?
    2.) Gravity is an invisible force compelling objects of mass towards one another; gravity is never actually seen or experienced as a cause, but, only as an effect, i.e., does gravity really "cause" anything? And, if it did, what's the cause of gravity? You know, how people say God is the cause of all and then people are like - what's the cause of God (an invisible force)? So, is God a reality, is gravity a reality, or are they both nouns we use and utilize in language to describe our experiences?
    Gravity is a NOUN, i.e., a conceptk experienced by an entity that can experience both the empirical, and the intangible (ideas and concepts).
  5. In order to know anything, be aware of anything, consciousness must be present. It is the thing that makes you aware of who you feel yourself to be. That sense of awareness you have as you experience the world. It may even create it.
    "Death is the end" -- says the Living. :rolleyes:
    But what has this to do with the question of whether consciousness exists?
  8. #48 wolftigerosebud, Dec 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2013
    Uh... Maybe that's what you believe. I don't really know. Ain't what I believe.
    I'm a firm believer in the "I don't know what happens after death" thing. You know? It's the only option that's true to the limitations of human consciousness.
    Do nouns exist?
  10. Yea I'll give it a read, I'm honestly burnt out right now so I won't be giving much input right now. I was just thinking about  how the hard problem of consciousnesses is tackled. 
    For sure... James is not light reading. I started trying to read it, but after a 10 hour day of work and school I'm pretty much toast.
    But yeah... for the really important questions, it's definitely good to get the input of the greatest thinkers in human history, IMO. Hope you enjoy it/get something out of it when you check it out.
    Depends, how do YOU define "exists"?
    Does "do" exist?
    Does "Does 'do' exist?" exist?
    Does "Does 'Does "do" exist?' exist?" exist?
    If I know gravity exists because I recognize its pattern, then either
    a) a [n example] rock is conscious because it abides by the pattern or
    b) any animals that don't recognize the pattern, are unconscious
    I just came. Later.
    Stop asking questions and answer one for once.
  17. #57 Boats And Hoes, Dec 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2013
    You want my definition of what "exists"? Really? Are you actually asking a genuine question for the first time? Maybe you can personally utilize your scrutinizing skill's in actual discourse.
    Not for the first time, but yes it's a genuine question.
  19. Without consciousness would we be having this conversation?
    Surely things have no choice but to abide by the gravity pattern. It is not a question of consciousness.
    Is consciousness closer to doing or understanding?

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