Are there research hormones or chemicals (RCS)for plants?

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by daddyfatsax09, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. Are there any crazy chemical or hormones that people or companies that develpoed something along those lines?Because I remember the bath salts sold to humans were marketed as bonzai hormones or something, now I no the plant isnt going to benifit from MDPV/K.. but why would that seem like a goos cover unless there is something similar already outAnd collodial silver I would kinda say is like that, not really and maybe super thrive idk.. but is there novel nutrients out there or fertilizer that can be used that no one has though of thats used in other types of botany?
  2. synthetic plant growth regulators (PGRs ) Auxin paste, stuff like that from biosynth. but you can also utilize hormones from kelp and training certain ways alters the flow of hormones IIRC.

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