Rob Ford.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Sghetti nButter, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. He actually does a good job at running Toronto, but he isn't always that honest about what he does.
    View attachment 137406

  2. I have a number of Toronto(an? ite?) friends who would disagree that he's doing a good job as mayor.  But he IS comedy gold, as the OP said.
    Many Torontonians I know agree with your friends.
  4. please Id like someone to elaborate, based on policies alone whats qualifies or disqualifies a good mayor, and what do you know about Rob Ford's policies anyways? He was going to have liquor store chain named after him, he was going to sell crack to only 18+ with id, but seriously, a bunch of blades from here should go on the view or something, or nancy grace, pitifully perfect for some of you ;)
    Suddenly everyone and everyone alcoholic aunt twice removed have an opinion of the man and hes policies, and based on what?
    You dont even have the capacity to comprehend the extent of just how easily you all jump of the bandwagon when they tell you.  Its like they say 'jump', with a grand smile you ask 'how high?' , like a good lap dog - the media's bitch.
    I lived in Toronto, the media has had a hard on for him since he was elected, because he doesnt play well with them.  And you guys all want to crucify him when ironically enough hes been the one guy who isnt about special interest.  Do you really believe its a coincidence how all the media everywhere, including talk shows, all have it in for this guy? Sure hes great press and all, but youre delusional if you think main stream media and papers get to actually choose what they print or publish.
     I bet you still leave cookies and milk for santa
    I am Fob Rord and I approve this message.
  5. based on what I know an unstable angry alcoholic man should not be a politician. Then again, maybe he re-focus's his rage to get good things done.
  6. i love that you can find rob ford crack pipes for sale
  7. He's a chill guy I've meet him when he came to ottawa... It was so funny I was so high and he knew too and I got like 10 pics with him and all the kids from all the high schools near city hall came and asked him questions #hesagood guy #imprettysureimtoohighrightnow

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