Organic food is an absolute joke.

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by HighFoSho, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. #321 Tokesmith, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014
  2. #322 *ColtClassic*, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2014
    It would certainly be interesting.
    For instance imagine crossing cannabis with the phenotype of another plant which is nearly ubiquitous and also produces buds. If you could breed this plant effectively, while minimizing the smell that cannabis produces (also by genetic manipulation), you could effectively establish a new strain for stealth growing that would be nearly impossible for the lay-person to detect.
    And that's just the first possibility I thought of...
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Introducing "Smart Weed" -- the first cannabis product genetically engineered to grind and roll itself up, and is self-lighting!
    Sounds like an accident waiting to happen.
    Also, what happens when your weed gets impatient. Lol, just kidding.
    We'll have to wait for a Japanese biotech company to invent that.
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  5. Whats funny is my Grandmother turns 96 this year. She grew up on a farm, she has eaten whatever hell she wants all of her live. Other then getting tired easy she still drinks beer, eats Twinkies, eats bacon, a dozen eggs a week, nothing organic. She laughs at everyone buying that crap.
    I would have to agree being she only stopped driving when she was 90.
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  6. #326 nativetongues, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014
    Yeah that was kind of my point organic doesn't necessarily equal healthy and non organic doesn't necessarily mean unhealthy.
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  7. I was going to get into organic foods too.....till I saw the prices at the grocery store. And nobody is ever in that section. I bet they end up throwing it all away or selling to pig slop farmers.
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  8. #328 Lenny., Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2014
    It's not a joke, it's actually a smart marketing scheme. Whoever came up with marketing food as organic was a genius.
  9. sometimes the prices are actually better. It depends on a lot if things

    I shit you not sometimes I can get bigger better quality lettuce for cheaper if I go organic, sometimes not

  10. Here in Portugal, there is no organic section.
    However, some fruits are harder/impossible to find, but overall the food is sourced very locally and super fucking inexpensive.
    some crazy people probably think thats a big deal
  12. She's 90 years old

    She's gonna get tired regardless of how many organic carrots she ears

  14. I highly doubt it. She sounds pretty healthy

  15. I don't think I communicated what I intended.  My point is that I've heard people say that kinda stuff all the time.  "So and so is 'x' years old and eats 'y and z' and can't believe so many people eat 'a b and c' with the intentions of staying healthy.
    We are all different and can only ever attempt to maximize what we already are.  That she is 96 years old and eats shit is completely irrelevant to anyone else with the intentions of eating a proper diet.
    I got slightly emotional because I see my peers quite often eating shit diets, and drinking shit drinks, and then they are the ones who always need to drink that mountain dew for the energy boost.
  16. I think the point is that health is way more complicated than organic vs

    most people can life in PERFECT health without ever even touching an organic product

    The main reason people are sick is because of sugar, chemicals, and lack of exercise

    In fact, the main reason people have trouble staying healthy is because they are lazy and want to eat a miracle diet instead of hitting the gym

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    Its mostly what they eat that makes them that way.  Yes its far more complex than organic vs not organic.  Sugar high wears off and they have to get their next fix.  But its not good energy.
    Organic, and then GMOs are about more than just eating healthy though also.  When a company like Monsanto is rampant, going organic is a political statement...
  18. OP, I agree with you. That's why I grow most of the vegetables I eat myself. Also breed my own chickens! Don't got enough space to keep a cow, so gotta hit the shop for milk and beef.
  19. #339 Tree dogg, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014
    If someone is 96, they hadn't had GMO food until they were 64,  at least

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  20. no its that makes ththem that Way
    Exercise has waaaaay more impact on health than diet
    If someone eats the diet they are supposed to, low Carb lots of fresh foods, organics would make ZERO difference

    The human.body is actually very durable and organics are pointless
    I love Monsanto. Have you seen my.glofish tank?


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