First time your parents caught you smoking weed?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Cyrol, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. Hey guys,

    So I started out smoking weed with friends and slowly moved into smoking it at home in my room (from paranoid and scared of getting caught) then moved onto smoking and wandering around the house not caring about it, chilling on the computer, t.v, making food drinks etc. I was good enough to act sober and evade getting caught. Although a few days ago I decided I'd order a magic launch box vaporizer delivered in the mail.

    My dad asked me the next day "What did you order?", me simply realizing that I couldn't be fucked hiding it anymore and seeing that there is no reason to apologize for consuming cannabis said "A vaporizer". This is the first time my dad had ever known of my cannabis use. He then awkwardly looked at me and said "Really?", "Yes".
    That was the last time we talked about it until today where I was getting stoned in the living room making pizza and watching BBC Barbarians documentaries having just a general a good ass time for a while before my dad comes out and sits down next to me while I'm absolutely blazed and no doubtedtly look it. He figures it out after a few minutes. He was commenting on it and trying to make me feel guilty about enjoying the herb by his general tone and what he was saying.

    A few months ago I think this would have severely affected me but now I guess I've become strong enough not to care and realising that I shouldn't have to care about hiding what I do to please anyones ideals. I also feel like a massive load has been lifted from my shoulders now.

    Have you been caught by parents? What happend? Did you care that much?

  2. #2 AlphaOmega420, Nov 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2013
    I am the youngest of four children in my family, so I really couldn't of done much that would of suprised my mom. So I never really got caught, and I am thankful for how understanding my mom is.
    She actually bought me vaporizers once I started smoking the bong constantly, even.
  3. my grandma raised me and never caught me.
    when i was a senior in high school a friend's father caught us skipping and smoking by their pool.
  4. I didn't really get caught by my father I just walked in blazed AF and was like I smoke weed. He just looked at me and asked if i want lasagna.
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  5. The first time my folks busted me was for a water pipe. I had skipped school and my teacher called that night to see how I was doing. My folks searched my room and found the water pipe.
  6. Mom found baggies in my room. Asked what was up. Told her i smoked weed.
  7. first time i got caught i was surfing the interweb and had smoked awhile before that at a friends house. my eyes were glossy as fuck and my dad called me out so i 'fessed up. now 12 years later he could give a fuck what i do lol.
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  8. My mom was pretty much in disbelief that i would do drugs
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  9. #9 Enigma, Nov 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2013
    When I was like 14, my mom wanted me to take a piss test and I knew I was dirty, just straight up told her I wasn't gonna piss clean. The only 2 other times I got caught was when she found a dime in my room and flipped when I was like 16, and when I went to her house after a night of partying and I reeked of women, booze, cigarettes, and smelled like a walking joint. It was a family emergency and I didn't have time to change or shower because I woke up at this chicks house and they needed me right away.
  10. got grounded for six months first time, then after a while they let me smoke.
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  11. Well my mom found out when I got arrested for selling weed in high school.
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  12. #12 Weedity, Nov 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2013
    I was like 16, and this girl was coming over my house at 11 at night. She was a senior girl, older, hot, funny. I was stoked. 

    I was new to smoking weed, and just had purchased a bowl a day or two before. I was so stupid back then, so sketch about everything. I remember the girl telling me she was outfront, so I was like fuck gotta hide this bowl! So I shoved it into the couch, and went out. We chilled till like 2 in the morning and she dropped me off at home, and I went inside burnt out and tired as fuck.

    Went right to bed, woke up the next day and forgot where my bowl was. Later I found the hat I hid it in on the table and realized my Mom or Dad must have found it in the couch and took the bowl. It was awkward, and thought they were going to kill me.

    My mom kinda was just like, "You smoke now! Don't be doing anything stupid! Your not getting the bowl back!"

    That was the harshest she ever was. Now I give her weed and shit  :laughing:
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  13. Mum caught me taking a huge hit from my bong when I was 17. She said
    "I haven't seen a bong in years. Can I hit it?"
    She hit it like a champ. Then we watched family guy lol. That bonding moment was insane

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  14. I wasn't really caught but one day i made it smell in my house from grinding up bud, i think i blamed my brother cause he was known to do it..after that it was all fine, my dad doesn't care if i smoke or where just don't get caught and he wishes he could join me cause he use to be a big smoker. My mom found out at my cabin cause my step brother and i were smoking and sitting by the fire, she came outside and was like "do you smell that skunk" i was sitting in a chair with a big grin on my face nd 1/4 of the J on the ground cause i tried throwing it in the fire but didn't make it. I think they both knew but it just confirmed it.

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  15. With my mom, in my brothers house on his couch watching movies. It was a wedding anniversary or something and my grandmother was there also including lots of family and friends of his.

    Never been "caught". Mom smoked/smokes since early teens. Grandmother doesn't out of everyone. But she's opening up to it. This was at least 5 years ago.
  16. I was like 14 when I first got caught. My mom found my bong and just basically lectured me on weed and not really punished me. Second time Me and my friend were smoking some joints, and a roach fell out of my pocket in the bathroom at some point. My mom found it, lectured me on weed and didn't seem mad at all this time but told me if it happened again there would be problems. A few years down the road she would allways be suspicous but I never got caught again.
  17. My dad took my phone and read my messeges, (I was just about to cop a dimebag) So he read that and made me call my mother and tell her I smoke weed. Then he proceeded to beat my ass. Fuckin overreacted it's just weed.
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  18. #18 Bamboobam, Nov 5, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2013
    My mom knew I smoked but she never caught me in the act. She doesn't want me to mess up my future since I am a college student. I don't even smoke all the time though and I still do it occasionally. I am going to try and surprise my mom on her 50th b-day (2 years from now) since she keeps saying she wants to get blazed. I know exactly what she wants and she will love it. 
    She wasn't mad when she found out, just telling me to be cautious is all. Hell, when she was my age she was blazing up too.
  19. 3 years never got caught but my mom have acused me of being stoned and smelling like it, she said one line and the was the end of it
  20. Are you still in high school? How are things now?

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