Salt buildup cleanup

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by canvasman, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. Have moderate to sever salt build up in my res and tray. Looking for any advise on cleaning off the residue.
    I have been told h2o2. Was a good option but I'm unsure how to use it or at what ratio to mix it with water to get results I have a gallon of 29% .
    CLR DOESNT seem to touch the buildup. Have Even tried my pressure washer
    Thanks in advance.
  2. H202 is household bleach and won't do poop in removing salts, but will strip the 02 from your hands and make them very slippery, and kill bugs real good, use a kitchen pot scrubber like many here, and if difficult to remove avoid long breaks like this....clean up well after each harvest, or just buy new gear
  3. H2O2 is not a bleach... It's hydrogen peroxide...

    In response to your post OP use acetone then rinse with warm water. Increase water temp will do better breaking up your sodium build up but also threatens the integrity of your glass based on what quality your glass is. Hope that helps. If you don't want to use acetone use Isopropyl alcohol ( nail polish remover) it will just take more rinses due to lower solubility level.

    Toke On!
  4. Any more ideas? I haven't tried the aceton
    I don't think it would be good for my plastic reservoir

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