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Chest pains from smoking tobacco out of a homemade bong. - LOL.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by B914, Oct 29, 2013.

  1. I got put on probation recently and since I don't want to risk a drug test I figured, why not smoke tobacco out of a bong? - Well that's exactly what I did.
    Me and a friend made a homemade bong (Gatorade bottle, foil) Ya know. Well we took one hit and got an instant tobacco-buzz and it was the weirest shit. But we both got some crazy ass chest pain and it lasted for maybe a minute or two. Any ideas as to why?

  2. #2 LoveoftheHerb, Oct 29, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2013
    Mabye cause its dirty unfiltered smoke from a toxic plant with a bunch of chemicals added?
    Edit - and a Gatorade bottle with tinfoil to top it off... facepalm.
  3. tobacco should not be inhaled through a bong, even though it is possible. its a horrrible experience so stop.
  4. Every factor at play in this story is why your lungs hurts. 
  5. i've done pretty much exactly what you just described once,got massive headspin but no chest pains
  6. LoL I remember doing that when i couldnt get cigarettes too (too young to buy them) now i've quit using nicotine completely thank god!
  7. Tobacco out of a bong? Man that really cannot be good for you.

    If you absolutely need nicotine why not buy cigarettes or cigars?
  8. Surely you can't be 18..... What a stupid as fuck idea!
  9. Uh...the chest pains could be just from a lot of harsh smoke.
    So long as you bought actual tobacco and not shit you should have been fine. Not a terrible smoke but I'd smoke it out of a pipe instead or roll your own joints with it.
    I made a steamroller from some cherry wood today that has a nice knot where the bowl is...put a screen in it. Hits like a fucking champ...quick mega buzz and less harsh than a handpipe/spoon. Not too hard to make one either.
    Make sure you always use metal screens in random pieces you make. Using tinfoil/plastics can be rather harmful. Using that as your materials is fine just don't burn it directly if you can help it. Screens are only 50 cents lol.
  10. My old friend in highschool would take multiple bowls of baccy out of homemade bongs and milk it up, it was so gross and he was all happy after he did lol. But obviously you get chest pains from tobacco it's cancer.
  11. Haha, thx for my first laugh of my morning
  12. #12 TheAnswer121, Oct 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2013
    to OP, fact and common sense tells you that tobacco is bad. ever look at a filter when ur done smoking? all that shit is in ur lungs. take it from a smoker, don't do that, for your own safety :hippie:
  13. #13 VapeLifeAlex, Oct 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2013
    Ive gutted a cigarilkos and took some hits from a mini bong (+R.I.P+) nicotine buzz was nice. Me and a friend were smoking a blunt and we put it in his acrylic bong bowl and took hits like that. BIG head rush from that.
  14. Smoking shit out of shit, LOL 
  15. Hilarious. Next up? Newport brownies.

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  16. #16 Z42OM, Oct 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2013
    I feel sick just reading this . 

    Why not just stab yourself in the lung ? Probably healthier 

    EDIT :
    Yes . And you know why .

    You smoked tobacco and tin foil and probably some plastic , all at the same time . Combined .
    Duh lol enjoy your terrible health   :hide:
  17. I never called out his age go back and have a read, go smoke a joint Jesus chill out. If you can get this irate over a post on the Internet, good luck in life cause your gunna need it with a attitude like that.
  18. Can't you understand the English language? 'twas trying to joke with op.

    Your clearly a bedroom badman, its easy to call someone a "faggot" over the Internet harder to do it to someone's face. We really don't need people like you round the city.
  19. fightin wordsssssss
    How the hell is that a joke? So everyone calling the age police is just joking? Its fucking stupid.

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