Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by PIFFCLOUD22, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Im wacthin

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  2. We need a list of names so we know how many are participating

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  3. And a list of rules and dates.
  4. I'm trying a first time micro grow. I germinated a bagseed last week. It's in a sprouting pot about half the size of a solo cup, and about 1/2 inch above soil. Unfortunately, I don't have a camera so I won't participate In this, but I'll definitely keep up with it and take some tips form it.
  5. I may be willing to participate..
    I assume you guys are using fem seeds right?
  6. I would but its just bag seeds for me so hopefully it goes female
  7. #47 BrassNwood, Oct 29, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2013
    Lists?? names ?? rules ?? huh ?? sheesh it's a bunch of stoners growing weed in cups..
    Let people keep track of their own start dates..
    Open season on what your growing.. Seeds or Clones.. Autos or Photos
    Attaboy awards for best and fastest veg stage..
    Really only rule is.. the CUP..
    Just my medicated 2 cents worth.. I'll run with the group rules but my sole bean went groundside hours before the thread posted.. and I'll be very lucky to have a plant the right size to take a clone from on the 9th.. and that brings up a whole side of the game.. clones.. while my clones surviving so far consist of little more then a 2 inch stem and a single trimmed leaf.. Do we call entering a 10 inch top slightly unfair ??
    Bag seeders should run 4 or 6 cups just because.. runts/and boy factor..
    I'm going over here and light this doobie-----> :smoking:
  8. whats going on everyone .. long time lurker but I think it's time to join the the fun!been going through somewhat of an experimental first grow over the summer (highly unsuccessful) and have been waiting for the opportunity to try again. question though, I took some clones from my survivor (who I believe to be female) so could I use one or is this strictly from seed? either way, count me in but i think i'll do both for the hell of it. i'll be using my own organic soil mix and cfls for anyone interested.
  9. Can I play too?  Begun ahead of schedule is my latest effort;  32 seeds started in four ounce portion cups resting inside of solos hit the dirt this morning.
  10. The Ninth of Nov is the day to Germinate. And dont be cheap on put your bean close to the surface.
  11. I say November 9th is date for germination/cloning. And say December 9th is the cut off. 30 days outta be enough for everyone whose in to go.

    Only rules need to be 16oz plastic cup. No 16oz diy smart pots or any other cheatery.

    Hydro and hempy are more than welcome. Just keep them roots in the cup.
  12. yessir referee a fair games a good game, that what I always say.

    Toke On!
  13. Would you be so kind as to bless us with your awesome growage?
  14. #54 Yoda, Oct 29, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2013
    lmao...I kill one in a solo cup with you guys if that's what you mean... :laughing:
    My issue is the fem factor. I just started a bunch of seeds and they wonty be sexed by cutoff date,
    I do have allot of beans though, so ill figure it out...Im in... :hello:
    Just remembered, I have 5 iced grapefruit in my cloner , fems, I should have roots by then so im good to go..
    Just need the date for everyone to post pics..:)
  15. okay some quick questions ( sorry if I missed em being answered already, but I promise I did read it through first)
    are we limited to one entry ? not that I want to enter a bunch of times... just I, like Yoda, do more regs then fems.. so we may need to toss out more cups to get a female. Also you since hydro is kosher.. I may want to try two methods. .like an EnF and a Bubble Cup( I'm gonna trademark that BTW ;) ). Cause for sure if I can do a 16 oz Hydro, I'm so in with my F3 Sour Ds..
    getting a bit of wood just thinking about it Padre.... :yay:
  16. Seed or Clone doesn't matter to me.. (my moneys on a bag seed) In order to win all pictures to judge size must have a ruler next to it and all final weights must be shown on a scale. Thats my 2 cents. Now I'm going to chief a bowl and head to the VA for a marinol script so I can't be fired for THC + test at work this winter.
  17. There is not a cap on entries as far as I know. The more you grow the higher your odds.. 
  18. This is awesome. We have 7 plants were growin in solo cups just for fun. Tallest one is about 9 inches lol. Ill keep updated on this

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  19. #59 CL4P-TP, Oct 29, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2013
    sweet .. also one more
    umm I'm not a micro grower kinda guy( not even close..smallest I got is a 600 watt breeder tent).. so it's also cool if these are flowered under 600-1000s?
    sorry I got here through the new post portal, not looking thru micro section.
    I also went out back and grabbed my bag of beans out of the freezer.. I have a ziplock full of Attitude freebies(all mixed up, no clue strains) from 2011-2012 I may use instead of my genetics just to keep it simple with sexing
    EDIT: NVM .. making too much of this.. I'll just hit a few 16 Oz'rs with seeds in nov..for shit an giggles.
  20. Damn i should jump in, Are Autos allowed...   What are we looking for tallest or most yield ????????????...

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