Guy busted for a backpack FILLED

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by defiantrebelion, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. So me and my dad were watching Cops. And this dude got pulled over, was acting high, so they searched the car and the found his bag. It was STUFFED with weed, weed, WEED. And if I was that guy, I wouldn't be pissed I would be going to jail, I'd be pissed I got ALL that weed taken from me.

  2. ahahhaha. my homie just got busted with 2 pounds. hes a grower nd dealer. i had soo many buisness plans with him and for the sake of selling a plant he fucked em all up. its all cool tho. but dam those 2 pounds. soooooo muuchhhh waxxxxxx. sorry if my cacluations are wrong but 2 ps of bud is about 3 ozs of wax. i wudve lvoed to make 3 ozs of shatter. 
  3. It would break my heart just to get a dime stolen from me lol
  4. I never could understand why anyone would drive high, irratically, speed, ect when they have a bunch of illegal cargo in their vehicle.
  5. Yeah, he was speeding. How fucking stupid do you have to be to speed while high, let alone drive high.
  6. Yea bro. Yea.
  7. Crazy. If I was transporting more than an ounce I would be on full alert and not high... that guy dropped the ball big time!
  8. Idiots... Who the fuck drives around with thousand of dollars of weed illegally and while speeding, AND while high? This guy had it coming.
  9. wtf. i drive while im high all the time am i stupid? when i drive high im cruise and drive slowly. when im not high im drifting and friving wreckless. i think im much safer on the road when im high
  10. Nah my man I didn't mean it like that. I meant drive high when you got a fuckload in your whip.
  11. ive driven high with a bunch of weed before. i drive fine whether im stoned or sober.
    as long as your not driving like an asshole, i dont really see what the big deal is.
  12. It's just an unnecessary risk.
  13. So what your all trying to say is you hate black people? Wow, I'm done bye.
  14. Do you mind telling me how he got.busted ? 0_o
  15. You don't seem to upset about the prospect of your 'homie' going to Federal prison for life...sorry, 'lyfe.'
  16. Cops pulling you over because you "Appeared to be swaying" and then, *sniff sniff* "Do I smell marijuana...yeah, I think I do.  Please step out of the car, mother fucker."
    simple , it's called stupidity
  18. ohh ahah i feel u. i wud drive hgih but not speed.

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