Heres a Non-racist North Korean joke, for you

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by defiantrebelion, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Fellow Toker: Dude
    Me: What?
    Fellow Toker: Did you see in North Korea they're trying to take everyones teeth away?
    Me: Dude, that's fucked up... Well, at least the pudding industry would skyrocket.


  2. Here's a funny joke about North Korea, weed is legal but the internet isn't.....
  3. ^ schooled me.   Learned something new; welp off to North Korea, YOLO!!
  4. I'm sure Glorious Leader is a chill guy to burn with
  5. As soon as I heard it was legal over there, it was very clear on why people don't leave North Korea. 
    What if there is just a group of stoners that snuck in there and blaze in North Korea. Kim Jon Kush. 
  6. you want to her a funny joke? In America tobacco and alcohol are legal, yet weed is not..
  7. hear Kim has that il bud.
  8. with cannabis and no internet I bet north koreans are chill as fuck and constantly meditating.... like totally spaced out from the rest of the world lmfao.
  9. Ohh so that's why their eyes are like that

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  10. #10 SuperLemonDaze, Nov 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2013
  11. Well this kinda got off topic. xD

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