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Danger of Alcohol Tinctures?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by GrassBurger, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. #1 GrassBurger, Sep 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2013
    I was reading that you should never make tincture with alcohol.  The reason given was that pesticides used at *any* point during the growing process will be specifically extracted by the alcohol and held in the tincture.  As everyone knows, pesticides are neurotoxic. 
    I need to know whether this is true for Glycerin based tinctures?
    "Everyone Be Careful!!!! Most cannabis is treated with organophosphates! When the organophosphate residue simmers in the tincture alcohol, an ester is created and it is highly toxic to the human nervous system! Do not make cannabis tincture!!!"
    "Almost all cannabis is treated with organophosphate during plant growth (organic or otherwise). This can seriously harm you when esters are formed by binding to the alcohol – alcohol draws out the toxins and holds them in your tincture. You can become paralyzed and die from this method, it is serious chemistry."
    PS:  The whole "know your source" solution is an invalid one.  Its a nice convenience if you're the 1% of people who have that situation, but the rest of us don't.
    Thank you!

  2. So do these toxins live in the alcohol?  If I boil away the alcohol do the toxins evaporate out of the mixture?
  3. #3 BadKittySmiles, Sep 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2013
    I recently shared a post on just this topic, which came up in this thread: "Ingesting Rick Simpson's Hemp Oil"

    (*** 09/12/2013  - This is the portion we're discussing today; glycerin is capable of extracting and holding some salts, meaning the plant matter should be treated or washed prior, or ideally outright discarded if considered potentially unsafe.)

     Hope this helps, good luck!!! :wave:
    (PS - For those who have been waiting patiently for the updated 'Table of Contents', see my recent post in the CannaPharm for some exciting news....  :yay: :hello:  )

  4. @[member="Bad"] kitty. I love looking at all your creations. Wish I was more of a chef.....
  5. Pretty awesome, but I'm generally confused about all this stuff lately.  Got some good medical snowy trim on the way so I gutta figure it out.  Cheers.
  6. #6 GrassBurger, Sep 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2013
    My question was about Glycerine tinctures.
    20 pages of text, photos, and youtube videos on other topics including how to wash your herb does not address my question.  Suggestions to use alcohol, coconut oil, butter, or announcing yourself as the inventor of coconut oil solvents, or pointing out that you spoke at an international weed conference, does not address my question.  10 youtube videos and 25 photographs of the cupcakes you make, does not answer my question. 
    I was asking if the same concerns about alcohol extracting and retaining pesticides are also a concern with a Glycerine extraction method, when you are making a *tincture*.
    It was a yes or no question.  
    If someone could respond directly to the question so I can acquire the information I was seeking by starting this thread, I would greatly appreciate it. 
    Thank you.
    Here, let us do -everything- for you! :p I'm assuming your computer doesn't have access to google? If you are so impatient that you can't even be polite while you're asking people to go out of their way, and do something for you that you could easily do yourself, maybe researching it for yourself in the first place would have been the more appropriate tactic. If you're asking for people to help, and to do it for you, there are MUCH better ways to do so, than how you're choosing to go about it. :)
    I know using google and little light reading may be challenging for some, but when someone serves you the answer you've asked for on a silver platter, along with additional information that can help you towards your goal... well let's put it this way, you'll get more flies with honey, than you will with snarky vinegar! Something you'll learn one day, when you decide you'd like to save yourself some time and aggravation. :)
    Right from the post above, that you simply chose not to read... as long as the post is, glancing over it would have been a bit quicker, than posting a passive-aggressive request for the same information:
    "(*** 09/12/2013  - This is the portion we're discussing today; glycerin is capable of extracting and holding some salts, meaning the plant matter should be treated or washed prior, or ideally outright discarded if considered potentially unsafe.)
     If you are particularly concerned about chemical contamination in your flowers/herb....
     Gentle water-washing (as in a motionless, very still, three-day soak in *cold!* distilled water; it is best done inside a refrigerator) can remove some water soluble impurities, then the plant matter may be re-dried and used as normal. The downside is that, while your cannabinoids and a large volume of the terpene content will remain and be safe, their are water soluble alkaloids (with largely unknown medicinal benefits) that can be lost in the process.
     Another option is sifting for hash; most salts and chemicals will be left behind in the fibrous tissues of the flower mass, leaves, stems and stalks, while very few of these impurities in comparison are directly transferred to the glandular material during the growth of the plant. By removing the inert plant matter prior to starting, and opting for a sifted hash, you can not entirely, but largely eliminate the extraction and inclusion of those less-than-desired components.
     A final option is to begin directly with coconut oil, as your 'edible solvent'. Most salts are generally not oil soluble, while the glandular material in cannabis that we're actually after, very much IS soluble in oil.... Which explains why we make canna oil!
     But the best thing you can do is to find a grower who you can trust not to use anything he shouldn't be using, while growing and tending to his ladies! If possible, you should consider starting your own garden ASAP. Even vegging leaf contains the same medicinal components; just in a smaller ratio. You could be making small batches of your own in as little as three to four weeks, just from veg trim. :) "
     Good luck! :wave:
  8. #8 GrassBurger, Sep 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2013
    Thank you to the mods for deleting the 25 page infommerical BadKitty managed to quietly squeeze into this thread, trolling the crap out of it and hijacking it at the same time.
    Bad Kitty -
    Instead of hijacking threads and trying to make money off them, why dont you learn how to type the word:
    or the word:
    That would sufficiently answer the question posed.  I realize this means you can't go on for 25 pages elaborating on off-topic things, but this forum is for acquiring information, and I asked a specific question.  Fortunately all your content and advertisements were removed by a moderator.
    To respond to your idiotic condescending comment - yes my computer has Google and *NO* Google did not answer my *SPECIFIC* question.   Very much like you didn't.  This is a discussion forum.  Using your gifted logic, they should close this forum down now, and put a link to Google.  Clearly everyone here is "too lazy" to find the information on their own ...
    "Here let us do everything for you"
    Who is "us" ?  You are multiple people?   Dont speak for others.  It makes you sound childish.
    Yes, I did read your post above, and I saw the part you quoted.   I did not ask whether glycerine holds "SALTS".   I asked about Pesticides.  Given the fact that you might actually want your listener to UNDERSTAND what you're saying, you should have used the like-term "Pesticide" in your response.  
    This would convey to the listener that SALT = PESTICIDE and thereby create understanding, while answering his question directly.  I have never heard that SALTS = PESTICIDES, therefore telling me that Glycerine "holds salts" did not clearly answer my question.   Communication 101.   As for all your condescending comments, I guarantee I have an IQ higher than yourself, so spare me the intelligence assessments, wrought with failed logic... Just stop talking.  Seriously.
  9. GrassBurger I don't see why you feel the need to be so rude!
      BKS had the info you wanted in her first post if you had taken the time to read a little.She is not here selling a thing just trying to help people no matter how rude they are!
  10. #10 BadKittySmiles, Sep 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2013
     *sigh*... really? :laughing:
    That's the best you could come up with, after nearly an hour of thinking? If this is really the peak of your ability to communicate and comprehend the information you're given, I would certainly not be talking down to others while bragging about my "IQ" if I were you! :p
     Many pesticides and nutrients that can be pulled from plants with alcohol or water, are generally salt based. Those are the contaminants we're discussing.
     I'm glad though, that you spent at least some of that time wisely during the last hour, and chose to look at least that much up.
      Maybe you should have tried applying that "IQ" of yours, when you started this thread? Considering I answered your question, then answered it again, and you simply didn't get it.  I noticed you were in here immediately after I replied... it took you this long to form such an eloquent and well-thought out reply (that's sarcasm by the way... I'm sorry if you were aware, but you did say I needed to be very specific with you!), and you still didn't realize that your attitude wasn't appropriate?
    That's too bad. :)
     If you don't even know what you're asking, and if you can't comprehend the replies you're getting, you desperately need to do some research. It's all right there for you.
     And make money, by the way? I've politely contributed well over a decade of my time to the online community on a daily basis, not to mention my local communities, without accepting a dime in return, helping people like you for free.
     Meanwhile, people like you, ask questions for free, and somehow feel entitled to take on an attitude while doing so.
     Even with your seriously flawed logic.... Who exactly is in the wrong, here? (You! ;) )
    Learning how to behave appropriately, and acting like a mature, reasonable adult, will help you in the long run.  Toodles, kiddo!  :wave:
  11. So smoking the same pesticides is OK?

    If your doing a proper flush shouldn't this be a non issue?
  12. Handled like a boss :). The thread was quite interesting thank you to the one who asked the questions, and BKS thanks for ur insight :) happy Sunday to all
  13. Badkitty, you sure have a way with words. It's an eloquent "fuck you" with a smile. You wouldn't happen to have ever been a receptionist, would you?

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