Initiation of Force, for the Statists out there

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Keeper of Time, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. So, do you believe in the initiation of force against someone who disagrees with your point of views?
    How is it that Americans are "free" when we clearly live in a socialist (communist) state. Everyone votes on the manufactured problems presented to us by politicians. Every time you vote for something YOU want, it's communism. You're asking the government to use force against those who are against your beliefs.
    1. Government launches ad campaign to create a fear of drugs, or starts a false flag operation by planting drugs, etc.
    2. Americans fed hogwash policies and legislation via propaganda.
    3. Americans vote in new legislation propagated by the politicians.
    4. Americans lose civil rights.
    Booze... Mj... Mushrooms... Any and all substances... Guns... Marriage... None of these things can actually do anything by themselves. They can't hurt people. They can't make anyone do anything that they don't want to do. So why is it illegal? To protect ourselves from ourselves obviously! Because if things weren't illegal I would totally do them 24/7. It's funny, because not only do we lose our rights in the process, but we also get our personal wealth drained away into government programs, yippee. It's lose/lose if you play by their rules. In cannabis' case, it stays illegal and they remain in control of the cartel, hippies still go to jail for bullshit (tax payers bite the bullet again). It goes legal and it'll have a 1001 different regulations and stipulations that it'll make our heads spin. You CAN NOT win when you play with people who think of humans as resources because to them it's a game of manipulation and they could give a shit about your personal freedoms.

  2. #2 Lenny., Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
    If we lived in a communist state, i dont think there would be privately owned corporations.
  3. You should of changed communism with fascism.
  4. To be honest there really isnt any privately owned anything. Pay for your house and property still have to pay taxes on it. Same goes for businesses. You always have to pay the state for your "privileges" to own and operate one. Although at this point it really is fascism.

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  5. Fascism slowly morphs into socialism then into communism. They're all steps on the same ladder. A lot politicians do want world communism in the form of the NWO. I'm talking about REAL communism. One religion, and complete socio and economical control.

    That's the only religion endorsed by the United Nations. It's another meme generator propagating the faith that we "are all one". 
    Sorry, getting into "conspiracy theories".
    Fuck it, I'll do what I want. It's not like I want to go ape shit or anything. I seriously just want to be left alone. You can't live in America without following their rules, it's as simple as that. Want to go live on a mountain and farm cannabis on the hills? Better be careful and watch for chopters doing sweeps with infrared. Want to just find a nice plot of uninhabited land and live off of it? Forget it! The government needs money to wage wars and to build schools to indoctrinate your children to make nice factory workers out of them. Better pay your taxes or else you'll get the paddle! Seriously, it sounds like a bully trying to steal my lunch money.
    In some states it's even illegal to collect rainwater...
    But yeah, it won't be long before either A) the majority of the populace wakes up to the situation or B) we become a completely oppressive fascist police state communist state, most likely under a one world government. 
    Yeah, the more people that are discussing this the better. That way some real truth can be found under the mountain of lies.
  6. or state capitalism/corporatism
  7. #7 ProvidencePlant, Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2013
    The state stealing money from you is completely different than the state owning the means of production.
  8. True. But they only allow you to operate if they are allowed to steal money. And if you fight the theft (tax) then they will take your business, you do not own anything really. So that's why I would call it fascism.

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  9. And try and drill for oil, dig gold, log trees, drill for water, try and use any resource without giving the state anything and see what happens. Like I said in the states eyes they do own everything. Shoots o cant even chop a tree down that I planted on my own property without a permit and a fee. I remember reading a article on a man who made a pond and stocked it with fish and was ticketed for fishing without a license on his own property for fish he planted!

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    Theft?  How is the state taxing a business for using its services different from a nightclub charging cover to be on the premises?  How is the state shutting down your delinquent business different from a bouncer throwing me out for dodging the cover?  It seems like a fee is theft if the government charges it, but totally legit if a business does, but the line appears to be arbitrary.  Businesses  don't exist in a vacuum, and even if the government privatized most of the infrastructure they'll probably never privatize the law enforcement and army.  We are taxed too much to pay for too much.  But at some point it's selfish to call taxes theft.
  11. #11 Mairuzu, Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2013
    If taxes aren't theft, are you voluntarily funding this destructive drug war? I'm not. Was I voluntarily funding the Iraq invasion? Nope. Am I voluntarily funding the kidnapping and imprisonment of countless victimless crime prisoners? No. 
    Taxation is theft. These "Services" are put upon us by force. Similar to Stanley Steamers coming into your house and forcing you to let them wash your carpets and over pricing you. Fuck their monopolistic piece of shit services.
  12. #13 Accident Hero, Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2013
    I don't think you appreciated the point I made.  Please read the last two sentences.
    * We are taxed too much to pay for too much.
    * At some point it's selfish to call taxes theft.
    They are not absolutely 100% theft, we get something that benefits us from some portion of them.  We also are taxed too much to pay for too much, as in stuff we don't need or want and stuff that doesn't affect us except in a negative way.  You probably want the fire truck to show up when your house is on fire, so at least for the portion that includes such things it's not fair to call it theft.
    And there was no answer at all as to what is the difference between paying the government for services and paying a business for services.  The nightclub analogy, it is like you are saying you shouldn't have to pay the cover because there are people inside the club you can't stand, or drinks being served that you think shouldn't be served.
  13. True.  And capitalism slowly morphs into or state capitalism/corporatism.
  14. #15 Keeper of Time, Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
    It is extortion, we are forced to fund these government programs regardless of consent. I did not give my consent for anything this country claims is "good for me". Thank you, but I'd like to decide that for myself.
    Those services don't need to be government operated. It may appear that way because they have a monopoly on most of them, but there is no reason these services can't be privatized.
    Your analogy fails because taxes are involuntary, while paying a nightclub an entrance fee to enter their club is voluntary.
    You said its not theft, now you're saying its not absolutely 100% theft? Which is it? 
    Its not selfish to call taxation theft at all, not at any point. I can purchase these services, and people could provide these services ourselves if it weren't monopolized by the government to where we can only purchase these services from them. 
    You really need an answer to what the difference is? One is a clear monopoly that you're forced to purchase from. Since when do corporations force you to purchase their goods and services? 
    How does congress, a group of individuals, claim to be able to take my money and strictly provide these services? Where did they get this right I never agreed to by simply being born on this piece of land that they outlined themselves on a map? 
    You have representatives and the ability to vote (I assume).  You also have the freedom to find a more accommodating place to live.  I haven't seen anyone with guns to their head forcing them to stay here.  You have the freedom to decide for yourself, so do so.
    The fact that you are in a minority and things aren't handled the way doesn't excuse you from having responsibilities if you choose to live here.  I'm not a huge fan of the way things are done, either, but if you want things to actually change you'd do better to build an argument that isn't founded on non sequitur nonsense like "all taxes are theft" or "government can do no right."  For one thing, absolute beliefs like that are sure to have glaring flaws, but for the other you're not going to win anyone over by dismissing even the possibility that some of their existing points are valid.
  18. #19 Accident Hero, Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2013
    Is someone preventing you from choosing another place to live?  I wasn't aware this was happening.  I have never had a problem picking up and moving.
    Alright, I quoted myself and I wrote it originally so I gave it to you twice, and you can burn your strawman to your hearts content.  Life is too short for that shit.
  19. Taxes are involuntary, but most people don't mind paying the "right" amount for what they get in return.  It's a part of the social contract. But if one is completely against the principle of taxation, then I guess they are 'theft".  That would be a very marginal position.

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