Dont shit where you eat? Dating coworkers.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Kenji12349, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Depends on the workplace. How many square feet is the mutual work environment? How often do you frequent that, relative to both work duration and complete time duration. How confrontational are both of you? How avoidant are both of you? Are you able to separate work from pleasure, even while the source of pleasure is with you while you work?
    Are you willing to take a risk?

    So serious ;) :p
    Hey man he said dating, not fucking :laughing:
    yeah but...he probably means fucking. Hahaha.
  5. Yeah, I know that feeling man. Been there and done it, personally wouldn't go through it again at my current work place. Maybe if I was working in retail still, I might consider it seeing as I took my job half seriously then.
  6. I had to reply to this post. It hits home!
    Personally, I wouldn't recommend it but that doesn't mean it can't work out. I had a very bad experience this past summer at my internship. The sad part is that I knew better than to mingle with this person. I wish I listened to my intuition at the time. It kind of fucked me over emotionally and made me more guarded towards dating in general. Now that "that" part of my life is over (the person still texts me to this day. I haven't replied since October!), I still am hopeful for dating successfully. 
    I won't lie, there were a few guys at my part time job that I am interested in. Although I technically have my eye for one, I am not pursuing anything more than a potential hangout until I leave the job. I have heard of co-workers' relationships turning into marriages or cohabiting. I say if you think it's worth it (considering factors such as company's rules on dating co-workers/breakups/divorce/etc.), go for it. Just take some serious precaution.
  7. Can be awkward, especially if you work directly with each other. I don't know if I'd want to be in a serious relationship with a woman I work with everyday. Just my two cents on it, really depends a lot on you and her, and how closely you work, etc.
    I've had a few chicks I hooked up with at work though. Joined the 'Code Three' club :laughing:
    The freedom of talking behind a username, gotta love it! :p
  8. Good thing my girlfriend doesn't work at my workplace!She gets to shit on my chest this weekend!😃😂😪Sent from my medulla oblongata.
  9. Both times I've dated coworkers, it's blown up in my face.Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Waste of time. Too stressful to even put up with, and then the stares when talking with someone else... "Pass"
  11. At every job ive ever worked at ive had some sort of love interest. Ive worked like 12 jobs, acted on 4 women throughout my general working career, i would not act on your feelings unless you can keep it professional and that doesnt mean just managing yourself it also means managing the feelings of the other person, if you get somebody whos red hot and your at the same job well.. if she loses her shit that could spell the end of the job for ya.
    If you enjoy your job never mix business with pleasure unless your confident you can keep it casual.. If you hate your job, FUCK EVERYBODY. 
  12. lmfao this 
  13. I'm pretty much in the same boat as her, but I'd never tell a guy he has to "work really hard" cause I'm not as into dudes.

    Did she actually say that, or are you just nervous about competition?

    My advice is not to worry about it, especially not at this early of a stage. Don't let it be a big deal to you. If she wants to be with you, then she wants to be with you.
  14. I have only fucked/am seeing someone I used to work with. I haven't experienced that but I wouldn't wanna work with my other. I have had enough times where I go into work distraught about relationship stuff, so them being there can't be good for situations like that.
  15. [​IMG]
  16. Fuckin Bots? seriously Wanda??? Going for old threads?
  17. one of many dozen serious rules of Dating ...never date someone at school or work ....EVER
    but its ok to date their friends, as is implied above things can get very nasty once the party is over,

    being rejected is the 'risk' you take asking this babe out, sounds dumb but many guys get seriously hung up on this rejection-refusal thing, they get hung up because they ain't used to asking babes out
    so make a point of asking every woman you desire out, as a practice if you like
    you will be surprised how many times you will be denied

    if you are under 30yo single you should be asking 3 girls out a day or at least 4-5 phone numbers
    just to keep in the swim, if you don't have women in your life make an effort, oncle you have one keep her flirty- jealous ..above all avoid over complementing her, just once per day is enough, this is where the english speaking guys screw up the most, don't be too nice

    thanks for the rant ( I worked as a date/dance judge once)
  18. I subscribed to the "don't dip your pen in the company inkwell" theory for app 20 years & I was tested often, some subtly some brazenly. I finally succumbed & hooked up with a fellow employee (different dept) & married her.

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