Cooking lobsters alive pretty F*cked up?

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by Avihigh74, Aug 26, 2013.

    If animals don't want to be eaten, they should stop being delicious. 
  3. the squealing noise is only air ..not the lobster
  4. ever cook crabs? they clank around in the pot, getting faster and faster as it gets hotter. then all of a sudden they just stop......  :bongin:
  5. It's a bad day to be a lobster.
  6. #46 nanners, Aug 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2013
    I see nothing wrong with killing animals for food... Nature is a brutal bitch. Animals eating animals is only natural. Lobsters don't have complex nervous systems like we do anyways.
    Fuck its more human than any fast food joint.
  7. Reading this thread has really made me wanna cook a lobster
    man, I hate to burst your righteous bubble, but at the end of the day...  humans are animals too.  animals always have and always will eat other animals.  I imagine some fucked up shit goes on in slaughterhouses and such, but at the end of the day, meat is gonna get eaten.  
    And I'm no scientist, but I feel like the ecosystem would get kind of fucked up if humans didn't eat meat.  but what do I know?  (not to mention, there's plenty of meat that is very healthy and provides nutrients that can't be duplicated in a salad)
  9. what about the poop thats in the lobster?
    I like it grilled. I hardly ever eat lobster, though. But I love grilling.
  11. #51 Izzo, Aug 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2013
    Actually it sounds like they are squealing or crying but really the steam builds up in it's shell like when you are making tea or something, and because they are moving there little legs you would think it's squealing but they really don't.
    No, they scream alright.
    No, they scream alright.
    Will somebody please think of the chickens!!
  15. your a bunch of god damn hippies!
    but really i dont feel bad animals dont give 2 shits about anything else either you know dolphins right everybody loves dolphins that cute dolphin might swim over and fucking rape and kill some shit for fun even people!
    theres no point in caring for the conditions of an animal born to create food its an animal there brains are so simple they dont understand anything, as people you cant even comprehend having nothing its just walk eat move without any motivations or thought theres no life they feel their missing they just do
  16. That was fuckin sick and killed my high. I could not watch the whole thing. I am an eater of pork and beef and I smoke pot to forget about how they got on my dinner plate. Now I have to take more bong loads and fap to porn so I can sleep tonight.
  17. #58 SwichOne, Aug 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2013
    To each his own. I prefer to not kill if I dont have to . 
  18. What's wrong with being a hippy? *waves freak flag in tem4jafa's face*
    thats right and also no higher thought ok so think about this
    would you feel bad for killing a zombie or an infected like last of us?
    no, of course not but is it not just the same an animal acting on instinct
    the thing that makes them human IS their ability to conceptualize there concousniss is everything they are nothing more

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