Smoking For Spiritual Purposes Anyone???

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by chris1008, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. Just wondering if anyone here smokes for spiritual pourposes.

  2. later on today I will sit in the infamous 'crisscross applesauce' position and think deeply about everything that is going on in my life.  
  3. I am not a religious person but I find meditating and contemplating after smoking to be very fulfilling. I also find reminiscing about memories, especially childhood memories when high to be very enjoyable. Memories are very clear and visual.
  4. this. 
    i feel very enlightened when im chopped. your senses are in HD and everything is just beautiful.  
  5. I meditate a lot, and when my mind is not settling for anything, I break out my one hitter. Helps push all the daily clutter to the side for my meditation time which I think is decently spiritual. 
  6. Sometimes but not really, I just smoke it cause I love it, normally if I am alone it's more spiritual
  7. I try to think of everything as a spiritual experience... And I try to be stoned every moment I can... So yes. Fo sho.
  8. For introspection, yes. If I'm having a hard time making a decision or trying to figure something out about myself, I'll get moderately baked and look inward. I don't contact any god or spirits since I don't believe in any of that.
  9. I smoke a sativa , and then if im on my own i will think about things to draw or Think of memorys 
  10. Mj users who are open to the spiritual side of things naturally gravitate to using it the right way, for them. Any form of introspection is a kind of meditation. Anything that brings you into the present moment, releases the past as something real, puts the idea of future into proper perspective. No need for gods or religiousness (unless you want it). What works best will come out naturally. It's the honest, open, exploration of self that makes it real, whether done with others, or alone. That's what it's there for.
  11. Did you mean "purposes" or "porpoises"? I defintiely smoke for spiritual porpoises.
  12. My opinion on this is unpopular, but I fear that is because people are either ashamed or afraid of their spiritual side:
    All use of of Cannabis is either medical or spiritual.
    • If you alleviating your experience of a physical condition - that's medical
    • if you are attempting to alter your experience of the world - that's spiritual
    My pet peeve is when people say, 'you're just using that as an excuse to get high'. Notice their use of the word 'high' as in elevated, or ethereal. People need to wake up and realize that life is largely a spiritual experience.
  13. Pretty much the only reason smoking and getting high became habitual for me. Without the enlightened sense of the world, tones, lights, sounds, and your inherent feeling of connectivity to these things that compose your universe. I don't see cannabis smoking being as popular even as it is now.
  14. #15 esseff, Sep 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2013
    If cannabis use were like tobacco use, but without tobacco's addictive aspect, cannabis would just smell nice.
    Cannabis is first and foremost an entheogen. ALL cannabis use is spiritual, even when taken solely for medicinal reasons. Even the most recreational of pot heads is having a spiritual experience whether he knows it or not.
    @[member="wyzard"] makes a very good point.

    \nI hate this too, as if the very idea of wanting to get high is a sign of a weak mind or something. Wanting to make an entheogenic connection, whether one sees it this way or not, is far more beneficial than all their alcohol-fuelled, vomiting moments of apparent enjoyment. I can still remember the very first time I used it and the spiritual experience I went through as I saw the world, and myself, in a way I'd never experienced before.
    \nI was seeing the universe far closer to how it is than without it, and that for me, was making a connection to it that was always there, visible to me from my end. I had no choice but to want to cultivate it, recognise myself within it, for it was real in a way that I was not. I didn't know this at the time, and in fact I never used cannabis again for several years after this experience. But when I finally did, I was ready to use it properly, and using it properly is what turns something recreational into something entheogenic.
  15. every time i want to ask what happened to that shift in consciousness.... i remember ..... more and more people are getting high......
  16. #17 wyzard, Sep 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2013
    I've long used the word entheogenic for the sole purpose of getting the idea into the world and more accepted. Inevitably when I use the word, I get to explain what it means and thus reveal my nature to people who are friendly to the concept.
    @[member="esseff"] your on my list of blades that would awesome around a campfire. 
    May that experience one day come to be.
    Interesting, but is it really 'spiritual' use, when their is no spiritual growth from the experience? It is true that everything we do is a spiritual experience because we are spirit, all-that-is has its root in formlessness, we are all part of one consciousness experiencing itself. But to me, the term spiritual use, is one in which the cannabis is used as a tool to aid in spiritual growth. A lot of 'recreational' users will simply get what Terrence McKenna calls a 'tolerance high', ie not feel much different from their normal state because they use it so much, then give all their attention to the TV screen (leaving very little attention for any instrospection or insight to take place), while eating ridiculous amounts of food that does not serve their bodies best interest, and doing the same thing every day. I don't see any growth in that.
    Many times I have used cannabis I have felt LESS 'elevated' and 'ethereal' after using it.
    I do kind of agree what you say, but to me there is a difference between someone using it recreationally and someone using it as a spiritual tool, as the entheogen it is supposed to me. That difference is INTENTION. To get the most out of Cannabis, I also feel that moderation and discipline is vital. As the link I shall post (which itself is the best piece of writing I have ever read on spiritual use of cannabis), the animals may be your pets, but not the plant spirits.

    I've posted this link once or twice before, but if you haven't read it, I would certainly recommend it.
    I would happily join, you are awesome dude :hello:
    I have a lot of laughs with my friends, I've been friends with most of my group (there is 5 of us) for 9 years, but it would be nice to have companions I could do things with such as meditate, go in the woods (most people find going to the woods weird for some reason lol), discuss universal truths, have spiritual cannabis experiences, maybe even spiritual use of mushrooms (never done any psychedelics), and just people who are more of a vibrational match to me. I can get on with anyone, and also don't need anyone, but I would like more 'enlightened' companions. I know they will come into my experience anyway, for I now truly understand reality creation, but yeh I like the wisdom that you share on this site dude!

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