Butt Chugging and Eyeballing

Discussion in 'General' started by ♥ TrAin x Wr3cK ♥, Aug 24, 2013.

    The guy in that vid is a beast. I've seen him chuge a big bottle of absolut in a second. Ridiculous.
    I find that quote fucking hilarious too. Why do you think 95% of people drink? 9/10 drink to get drunk not because they enjoy a nice micro brew or aged wine :laughing: . People are so fucking naive. Why do you think every local bar as 1$ beer and 3$ shot nights? It sure as fuck isn't for the connoisseurs out there haha.

    WTF was that 'gaelic' chorus?
  3. i inject marijuanas directly into my eyeball
  4. I'm running out of toes to shoot weed into. Might have to move to the eyeball. 
  5. its a vicious cycle. brb gotta go break down some marijuanas before withdrawal hits me
  6. Just drinking it works fine for me. Sometimes it even works too well... I don't need some childish ways to get even more drunk. 
  7. Who the fuck would put liquour in their eyeball? i thought the lsd eyeball trick was a bad enough troll rumor.
  8. I snort weed every hour. Straight into my butthole with a straw. Is that so wrong, why does the media have to be on my case? No seriously though, i think its and easy way to get alcohol poisoning. People have been sticking things up their but to feel effects for thousands of years. (mayans, used to do tobacco enemas.) doesnt mean its safe, or sanitary.... Plus pouring liquor Into your eye cant be good for your eyeballs. I like to think people are smarter then this, but sadly life dissapoints me sometimes. I would like to try a specific unmentionable in my eye once, if I knew its purity though.
  9. #29 Cereal Killer, Aug 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2013
    Alcohol is exhaled through your lungs no matter the orifice it's taken in through. Breathalyzers are tricky bastards to beat!
    Two words came to mind when I saw the title. Job security :hello:
    You could rig a device up before to trick them but they are putting cameras on them now. I think you can still probably trick them with the ignition though making them think the car is off when it's not. Just not too often as they record the odometer.
    oh foreal?
  12. Never really thought much of more complex ways to beat one...I'm curious now! :p When I hear "beat a breathalyzer" I tend to think of the run of the mill, 'pennies in your mouth' myths.
  13. Yup all day long. Infact its getting to be that time to medicate. Have to get my beauty rest for work in the morning, wont be able to sleep without it.
  14. This has got to be the best thread title in gc history....

    Just sounds like the most screwd up porn of all time.
  15. I soak rocks in aristocrat and put them in my butthole. It's awesome.

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