Helicopters and stuff

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by MisterSandman, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. I've been helping this friend of mine with his grow this summer, he has about 14 plants in a pretty secure spot, they're not on his property. They're not in an open field, there are trees encircling the general area, enough to give the plants a decent amount of light as well as keep them reasonably covered from any eyes in the sky.
    So I have been hanging out at his house the past few days. Yesterday morning a helicopter flies pretty much directly over the grow area. It was going at a decent speed, but very low. It didn't circle or anything just one straight shot over the woods. It was blue [​IMG]  this is the style helicopter it was, not this exact model but similar and all blue. It looked to us like there might  have been cameras or something hanging off the struts. We don't really live near any highly populated urban centers so I don't think It was a news chopper, there is a medium sized city like 20 miles away though.
    This morning another helicopter flew over. Same thing, low and kinda fast. Same style but not the same one from the other day, it had more white on it.
    There is a small airport nearby, maybe 15 miles or so away.
    So basically what I'm asking is should I be worried? Am I being paranoid? Lets say they do find the plants and come to take them, Will my friend be at risk of being arrested? They are not on his property but they are in a wooded area not to far from his house. Could the authorities like finger print a watering jug or some other piece of equipment and link it back to him? Would they even bother with such a small grow?

  2. Ahhh. They did this the other day. I was so stoned and it flew right over my grow.

    It's small, nothing to worry about. But if your friends garden is HUGE, like big plants. They will come get it.

    But if it's small, you shouldn't worry about it. Just make sure there is nothing to show you were up there.
  3. They're all like 3-4 footers, kinda bushy. They aren't monsters. 
    Yeah I was still coming down from an acid trip so I was tweaking out pretty hard. We ran back there with garbage bags and picked up most things that might have finger prints/link us back to it. 
    I hope it's nothing and I'm just being paranoid.

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