Light of Thoth

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by pickledpie, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. #1 pickledpie, Aug 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2013
  2. I wish they could ban people from certain forums.. Like you being banned from posting stupid shit like this in the science section.
  3. I contemplated posting this here or elsewhere, and I know it would have a better reception elsewhere, but I just couldn't help myself from ruffling some feathers.
  4. #4 MelT, Aug 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2013
    Ahhh, you see it as 'ruffling feathers', I see it more as making a fool of yourself again, particularly when accompanied by an inane video.
    Another troll.
  5. The fact that you posted this with intent to "ruffle feathers" would be all the reason I'd need to ban your ass if I was a mod.. but sadly I'm not. Pretty sure the only reason you're posting this garbage is because it supports your hack theory that everything is conscious, but on the off chance you want to actually learn about the ancient Egyptians, look up 'What the Ancients Knew'. 6 part series on various ancient cultures, one being the Egyptians. I have them uploaded on YouTube (Mantikore420), all but the China episode. Think I made a thread on here with them posted.
  6. Hey look, a 58 minute video I'm not gonna watch.
  7. What's the Light of Thoth? I, like Neurosis, am not gunna watch it but I'm curious as to why there's such a negative reception without any discussion over content.
  8. Why does everyone hate him? Is it not sciency?
    I made it through 20ish minutes, stopped when they got into how the top secret knowledge the ancient Egyptians had was super guarded (now lost), but the basis for pretty much all the "magic" we know. And how they thought everything was conscious (they didn't), along with a plethora of misinformation. Something about symbolism invoking some primal knowledge or some shit too.
    No, it's not. And I wouldn't call it hate, more like annoyance. He rearranges definitions to fit some moronic belief, which believe whatever you want, just leave the spiritual shit out of here.
    I don't think anyone hates him, but he gets the response a gadfly craves.
    Thanks for the cliffs, I appreciate it.
    And it's only annoyance if you create it to be annoyance, i.e. the state of mind of being annoyed is created within the observer. This subforum should be a place for logical (not philosophical) discussion so either debate/guide him via argument/content or ignore him.
    However somewhat on topic, I am very curious as to what information was burned in Alexandria, specifically any information surrounding the role that the lotus played in their society.
  12. Looks like the guy on the cover of Stairway to Heaven.
    Robert Plant was an alien!
    Been there, done that. Here is a moronic example of his "debating".
    Him: Cows are blue.
    Me: No, they're black and white.
    Him: Well my definition of blue isn't the color blue, it's black and white. So I am right.
    And I would ignore him, but I dislike misinformation and the spread of it. Even more so on the damn internet where information is abound.. Yet people like him will take real data and twist it slightly to fit their silly spiritual belief, then try to spread it as the truth. So no thanks on just ignoring him, I'd rather be a dick. You could of also ignored me not ignoring him..
    I too would be interested, but it's the same level of interest as with any "lost" knowledge. In all reality, most of the knowledge we've "lost" was probably still ended up getting passed down or rediscovered throughout our history. It's more of an interest in knowing how much they knew. As for the lotus itself, it probably played a decent role. It has plenty of medical uses that I am sure they figured out through trial and error. Not only that, humans seem to be drawn to water more than other primates and the lotus rises from muddy waters to produce a gorgeous flower. Quite a few cultures had an interest in the lotus, probably cause of the symbology of rising from muck into something beautiful, and had medicinal uses. Similar to stoners having artwork and such with weed all over it.
    If only time travel were possible..
  14. THe blue lotus held a special place in Egyptian's hearts as it was their main drug of choice. There is nothing strange or unknown about its use or history as drug or symbol.
    That's exactly why I'm interested in knowing if there was any extra information that we are unaware of regarding the lotus - because of what we know now. Just like anyone studying modern day Homo Sapiens would miss out on a lot of information if they didn't have access to the database of the world wide web, we too might be missing some juicy information regarding the full extent of the role that the lotus played by never knowing what was and wasn't burned in Alexandria or lost via any other fashion.
    Specifically, I'm curious to know if there is any information stating what kind of impact the blue lotus played on their belief system itself. We know that anthropomorphism exists in Hinduism and we know they consumed 'Soma', of which no one knows exactly what it's made out of or if it was indeed a specific brew or a catch-all phrase as in how psychedelics are a catch-all phrase for a diverse spectrum of drugs including LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Fly Agaric Mushrooms, Peyote, Salvia, DMT, Ayahuasca, MDMA, the 2c family, etc.
    We also know that they treasured cows (different from viewing them as gods) and that the cows were sacred to them - and we know that cows are the only animals that are able to produce, albeit indirectly, psilocybin mushrooms naturally.
    And we have arguments that the Mayans, as well as the Aztecs, consumed psilocybin mushrooms. They too worshipped half-animal, half-man gods....
    ... as well as some Native American tribes, some of which consumed (and still do) peyote.
    Could the consumption of psychedelic drugs have structured the entire belief system from the ground up of those cultures instead of being just a single extension of their culture that was already established? So like the chicken or the egg, what came first, the worship of half-animal, half-human gods or the consumption of psychedelic drugs? Or what would be even more fascinating than all of these isolated cultures coming up with the worship of half-animal half-human gods via psychedelic drugs is that these cultures weren't isolated from one another to begin with - because that opens up a whole new perspective regarding our cultural history.
  16. #16 MelT, Aug 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2013
    It's an old argument, there are a number of sites making the same claims, and sadly, the connections many make are ficititious. However, there is no doubt that drugs have played an important role in many religions. But, this is where it all turns woo, because not only do some want this to be the case, but they want ALL religions and beliefs to be based on drug use, which is obviously silly and easily proven wrong. It's a socio-political ploy to try to reduce religion to a fantasy - or by others, to try to prove that drugs give true insights into the 'spiritual realm'. Both sides are as biased as the other, when the truth lies somewhere in between.
     Blue lotus is pretty weak and isn't a psychedelic. Was any aspect of Egyptian religion based on it? No, as its consumption by the Kingly and priestly classes came long after the creation of their basic deities, and did not influence the characterisitics of those they later adopted.
    we too might be missing some juicy information regarding the full extent of the role that the lotus played by never knowing what was and wasn't burned in Alexandria or lost via any other fashion.
     We know how the lotus and its consumption was viewed, as we have the Egyptian's own writing on the subject.  Pretty tame stuff TBH.
     It might help in regard to ancient cultures not to see any of them as isolated, as well-established trade routes were in place thousands of years before the inception of all religions that survive today, including Hinduism, Taoism, Christianity, etc. For instance, a six thousand year old axe head from Italy was found in Ireland in levels dated to around 2000BC. No great civilisation was isolated, otherwise it could not thrive.
  17. #17 MelT, Aug 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2013
    And it's only annoyance if you create it to be annoyance, i.e. the state of mind of being annoyed is created within the observer. This subforum should be a place for logical (not philosophical) discussion so either debate/guide him via argument/content or ignore him.
    It is meant to be annoyance, as he stated, which is childish behaviour that I for one will not tolerate. As you rightly say, this is a place for logical discussions, and as you and I know that he is here to troll and 'ruffle feathers' he should not get the time of day. He and others who come to try to spread disinformation about science (particularly you ol' boys out there from Thrive) will not be ignored, but will suffer the same fate as all of their predecessors.
     A science forum is not the place for woo, intelligent design, 'evolution is just a theory', a conscious universe or ancient aliens, as it has all been disproven so many times I'm stunned that there's anyone left in the world who is gullible enough to believe in any of it.
  18. I don't know who 'they' are and what constitutes as 'all' religions but given the lack of information that is available to us about what actually happened, when it happened, to me, the coincidences between some religions/mythologies are pretty fascinating. And if there is proof of Egyptians, Hindu's, Mayans, Hopi, and etc. communicating with one another and sharing mystical beliefs, I would love to know more - especially any information regarding a relationship between the Mayans and Egyptians. While nothing surprises me, I want to be surprised at the fact that some people still think that pyramids were made for tombs.
  19. #19 pickledpie, Aug 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2013
    I wasn't surprised to see the response I got here, but I was still slightly disappointed.
    I wasn't specifically creating this thread to irritate people, in fact its a laughable notion to think that this would irritate anyone except those arrogant and close minded.
    The funny thing is that I didn't say anything, I simply posted a video, which is very open to interpretation. Yet here I come to see some sad stuff.
    I don't care too much about the negative things said, but I am disappointed in the lack of positive.
    Truly, there is a dogmatic close-mindedness that runs contrary to the whole idea of this thread.
  20. You are a troll PP, and if you can't see that there is somethng seriously wrong with you.

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