if your plant is badly stunted its whole life

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by nonfiction, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. #1 nonfiction, Aug 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2013
    due to root rot in dwc, finally i said fuck it put in coco and its idk alive, the leafs are still pointing at light and shit, but like its been a shitty plant since week 3...... is this worth keeping around? my reasons to harvest now
    1) more room in tent
    2) less plants are always good right?
    3) i planted it in coco 3 days ago whats realistically going to come from that?
    i feel the plant is barely staying alive, not even close to growing bud, am i wrong?
    if you check my journal i learned from this failure, is it just better to cut losses now, or stick it out another week?
     apologies for phone pics >.<
    On a positive note, her sister! of same age (maybe few days younger)..

  2. pictures are too bad to tell lol sorry guys
  3. better pics
  4. by the looks its about ready to harvest but if they were my plants i'd keep them in there for 1-2 more weeks just for a little more yield, potency etc. but if you want to chop them now go for it.
  5. She's donezo, curing in a jar I had a bowl earlier was pretty harsh but I never flushed so whatever didn't get a big yield either, gonna chop down her sister without root rot soon!

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