Medical marijuana does NOT cure cancer

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by oscurochu, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Sorry but every cancer is different on a cellular level, which is why before they even start treatment plans they try to find out as much information about your dna/genetics type of cancer where the cancer is located where it started, Then you take into account peoples actual lifestyle choices that can impact treatments and such as well. Everyone can post 20 millions links to how cannabis has cured cancer but it really varies on the cancer, patient, history. To say anything is a 1 size fits all cure is just asinine. 

  2. Those treatments are actually really close on the horizon. Nanobots to deliver direct chemo therapy to a site instead of all through your body. Problem is a lot of it is still in it's infancy. The bio molecular side of the cancer treatments on the horizon are actually pretty amazing if you read up about it. Hoping a lot of caner patients can limp along until then. And I strongly advise anyone that does have cancer to look into the clinical trials as well just make sure you have all the information before signing up for those. 
  3. I liked the part where OP called Granny egotistical.
  4. Thanks, I don't think a lot of people really understand how complex cancer is.
    Heck sometimes a person does nothing at all and their cancer goes if this happens occasionally should we then tell all cancer patients that doing nothing is a cure?
    If I had cancer and all my health professional told me was to go smoke a joint, I'd tell him where he can put that joint and then get a second opinion.
    I do think that cannibis can affect the angiogenesis of cancer cells based on what I've read in peer reviewed journals but I really wouldn't call it the CURE for cancer.  And as you point out, there really is no CURE, nor will there ever be.  
    Your blood cells are not the same as your liver cells, or brain cells etc, the way these cells function on a biochemical level is different.  I doubt there will ever be 1 cure that would work for all types of cancer. 
    BTW, I saw a story yesterday about some guy who won 1 million dollars in the lottery.  I guess since it happened for 1 person, everyone will win 1 million dollars in the lottery.  (sarcasm, just showing the fallacy of using anecdotal evidence as a substitute for legitimate scientific method.) 
  5. Yeah it just irks me when people say it's a one size fits all type of cure. Cancer is very prelavent in my family. I've had 5 people on my moms side of the family pass away from cancer and going through the cancer fight myself. However I was lucky to be able to get the genetic testing done at MD Anderson so they could pinpoint more on the cancer and they are trying to make it more cost effective so more people can get it done so the cancer can be fought on a more cellular level. 
    What some people also fail to realize is chemotherapy isn't just 1 drug it's a cocktail of drugs and guess what? Not everyone gets the same exact chemo dosages or the same exact chemo therapy agents in the actual chemo. I know the chemo my uncle and grandfather were on for the same exact cancer there was different drugs in their chemotherapy. It's also why some people do not lose their hair during chemotherapy because it depends on the type. 
  6. For those of you who still argue that cancer is unpreventable and untreatable via a "do nothing method," well obviously if you do nothing you won't get better.... but if you change the way you live your life perhaps you can reverse the negetive symptoms that you experience, such as excessive cell division (cancer) that wont go away. if certain chemicals in tobacco, or in our food help contribute to cancer, what happens when we remove many of those chemicals that caused the cancer in the first place and replace them with antioxidants and other stuff that help prevent cancer from happening?
    "The medical profession doesn't study natural health, they don't do health care, they do disease care. But disease is NOT the illness. What the medical profession calls disease is a collection of symptoms that represent the body's attempt to heal itself! The real illness is intoxication as a consequence of eating the wrong foods and living the wrong lifestyle."

    I know, some of you people are going to be arrogant and say, "oh this source isn't credible" because they are unable to think logically and rely on "scientific proof." "Scientific proof" has proven that cannabis causes cancer, schitzophrenia, addiction, the gateway theory, etc. Do you really think that "offiicial studies" are reliable as they are made out to be? Personally, I would prefer to make my own conclusions because many studies can only be reproduced when they are in a controlled environemnt.
  7. The fact remains that you cannot just rely on 1 method to treat cancers. Because there are some things that you cannot do much about (as of yet) I'll use my case. I got my genetic testing done after I received my cancer news, (Which if any of you know anyone with cancer I recommend you tell them to have the genetic testing done.) I found out that a strand of my DNA was messed up. No matter what I change in my diet that part of my DNA is always going to be screwed up.
    And the sad thing about cancer is you can take all the steps in the world to prevent it but can still get it. 
  8. It's amazing how little research our fellow blades are doing.. astonishing.
    Bullshit article and I didn't even read it.
    Cannabis cures cancer and MANY MANY other diseases, fuck the false "research" studies
  10. #50 mogwi411, Aug 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2013
    Sometimes, disease is the illness.  And then you take medication.  
    What is a symptom?
    "A sign or an indication of disorder or disease, especially when experienced by an individual as a change from normal function, sensation, or appearance."
    A fever is a body's defense to help it rid itself of a bacterial or viral infection.  It is also a symptom it is an indication of what might be ailing the patient.   Now a bit of fever might help rid your body of an infection, fever unchecked that progresses too long can be deadly.  Perhaps if a person is elderly, infirm, very young, or immuno compromised you'd rather get rid of the fever and use an antibiotic to get rid of the pathogen more quickly.
    This is the kind of determinations that doctors are trained to do, among many other things.  I'd like to see someone wait and let their torn acl repair naturally.  Or someone with a severe allergic reaction forgo their epi pen and let mother nature take it's course.
    Of course there are a multitude of contributing factors that play a role in the outcome of a disease or treatment.  A healthier person will undoubtedly recover more quickly from injury and less likely to have as severe symptoms.  A cig smoker will have a higher risk for cancer and so on and so forth.  There should be a balance between holistic view of medicine and a more specific acute treatments.
  11. Well of course there are times when it is a smarter idea to use medicine than to wait for the body to heal itself.
    The problem is that medicine is used as a crutch, and doctors are quick to prescribe medication, even to those who don't need it.
    There have been times I've been prescribed medication, and I didn't need it.
    There have been times when I needed medication, but I wasn't prescribed anything at all until a week later after my symptoms became unbearable.

    lol whats your point? the only thing you've proven was that you're too arrogant to be open minded enough to read an article for yourself. how do you even know that my interpretation is anywhere near the actual purpose of the article? you don't, therefore you remain an ignorant "know it all" who knows nothing at all. You're just another stoner who thinks weed is a medicine just because you wanna justify getting high
  12.  okay, and who are you? a doctor???
    sorry not everyone is a know it all like you =(
  13. This is not Medical Marijuana news... This is just your hypothesis that you came up with based on an article totally irrelevant to Medical Marijuana.
  14. Maybe we shouldn't jump to using dangerous methods like chemo, but if someone has a small 'abnormality" as the guy in the article calls it, cannabis oil is the perfect alternative to treating it.  It doesn't carry the risks but still works, and most important help gives the person some peace of mind.
    I never claimed to know it all? I am simply amazed that some of you guys are so far behind on the latest research on a subject I assume means at least a little bit to you. Educate yourself and stop being so arrogant :cry:
  16. #56 SketchyLlama, Aug 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2013
    I don't think anyone says automatically jump into chemotherapy (except some doctors) and even then they would rather remove tumors and shit if they can without the use of chemotherapy. It also depends on how far "advanced" the cancer itself is. 
    Certain types of cancer yes not all. smdh also depends on how far along it is and everything else.
  17.  nice observation, you must be a genius
  18. lol arrogant... how am i arrogant for sharing an article and my opinion on it? i think everybody else is arrogant for trying to bash me for it, like you.
  19. It was arrogant of you for your comments, not the article. Articulating that because he's not a doctor, he can't understand research.

    it was also arrogant when you called him a know it all.
  20. Well I won't lie the title of your thread is very arrogant even if that's not how you meant to come off. 

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