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If a cop comes to my door

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Heroic Dose, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. #41 Tree Burner, Jul 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2013
    They can't just enter if some douche calls in saying something is going on at my house if there is no sign of anything when they arrive. If they do, they will be paying for the damages to my door/trim and any illegal activity will be thrown out in court if they decide to illegally charge me.
    They bullied my friend into handing up the keys to her safe that was in her car during a legal stop and she had all 4 felonies along with a misd. thrown out due to illegal search.
    They can do what they want but it won't generally go to far if it was improperly.

  2. If a cop came to my offer him a snack pack.
  3. Anything can not be made into probable cause. Look at your own cut-n-paste, it gives specific examples for when they are at the door. Sirius is righ, don't just roll over due to your inexperience. :smoke:
  4. Yea and i already said i don't believe you. The whole government is corrupt. Nobody is telling people to roll over and let corruption happen. But you should roll with the punches. That means that if a cop tries to talk to you FUCKIN TALK TO HIM. Don't try to act like you are all high and mighty because that gets you nowhere with the police. Mutual respect is always best. And most cops will find you spewing off laws at them to be very disrespectful.
    I honestly doubt you have very much experience with cops other then what you have read. I will say it one more time, and anyone who who lives a life of crime will tell you the same thing, cops do what they want. A cop will do. Whatever. The. Fuck. He. Wants.
    If a cop wants to search your car all he has to do is say "hey i smell weed".
    If a cop wants to search your house all he has to do is say "hey that knife looks like it was being used in the manufacturing of narcotics. What do you think billy? Yup. Call in the dogs"
    Its really that simple. There is laws in place to protect the public but there is so many loopholes you are better off just cooperating with the cops.
    I know drug dealers who are sitting in prison right now because of a traffic stop. Now if you were rolling around with drugs would you be breaking the rules of the road? No. But if a cop knows you are a drug dealer he WILL pull you over even if you didn't break any rules of the road. And he will come up with a reason to search you. And if he finds anything your ass will be sitting in prison. And it doesn't matter if he broke the law since it was your word against his.
    Another perfect example have you ever driven between states? I have. And i'm black. We drove from oregon to cali. I got pulled over multiple times by state troopers. Was i doing anything illegal? No. Did that stop them from pulling me over? No. Because they thought i had drugs in the car. And they know that in court a criminals word isn't worth shit.
    /discussion. Like i said if you think ignoring the cops works go ahead and do it. But if you have a brain in your head you will answer the door and talk your way out of the situation.
  5. well by your logic there's nothing we can do and should therefore give up. If you know the law as well as the police and can prove your rights were violated you can take legal action against the police and even have charges dropped and thrown out due to misconduct. I have alot of experience with cops and have been polite and courteous every interaction. I'm never demeaning or act like an asshole i act like a well mannered adult and they respect that and treat me accordingly rather than like a criminal. If you're breaking laws of fucking course they're going to try and catch you it's their job. If you did nothing wrong you have all the right in the world to stand up for yourself. Now if you have an ounce in your car it's probably smarter to try and be polite and play it off rather than pissing them off but if you did nothing wrong and they are harrassing you it's your LEGAL right to stand up for yourself. Cops need to be held accountable FFS.
    Now in the cases where i asserted my rights and told them they could not enter i had done nothing wrong and they had no reason to come in or come after me. I was polite and courteous and was very civil. They didn't get upset or suspect me of anything and were kind enough to apologize for bothering our household. Now the time i punched someone for abusing a woman at my house i answered the door as they would have had legal right to break in and get me for assault. Instead i let them in and acted adult and polite and they were polite themselves told me what was going on then thanked me and left. It's all in how you deal with them. Also the times they got called because i was suicidal i let them in as they could have entered legally due to the idea that someone was in danger. I know how the law works and if you respect it and hold your ground there's nothing they can do. There's a little thing called discretion. Not every situation with police should be handled the same way and it's not like you can just ignore the police if they have a legitament reason to be coming after you. I mean come on use some common sense here.
    Like i said know your RIGHTS and exercise them don't let the cops walk all over you or submit in fear. It's your constitutional right to stand up for yourself and that will hold in court over a corrupt cops actions any day if you have a good lawyer. :wave: don't let corruption win stand up for the american people and teach them they can't walk all over everyone.
  6. #46 grass man420, Jul 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2013
    i read that too. fuck those guys.
  7. Most cops in my town just walk in if they get a call to your house.
  8. Wow, some of you. Yes, cops can do what they want. Sure, I'll agree with that.
    BUT, when it goes to court it WILL get thrown out. So they can go fuck themselves while they do what they want.
    Been there, done that, Had friends that have been there.....done that.
  9. on that cop website seeing so many people say the word "Dope" or "Doper" when talking about weed or stoners made me fuckin cringe.
  10. I'm sorry but his bad advice. If you have cannabis in your home, do not answer the door for police. They may just be fishing, which they do. Ignore them.

    If you feel you must speak with them, come out to the street and do so there. If they ask why you won't let them in, tell them you are a Libertarian and that it is nothing personal or disrespectful but you consider asserting your civil rights to be a matter of civic responsibility.
  11. #51 *ColtClassic*, Aug 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2013
    Most warrants require a 'knock'.
    They will say "_____ County Sheriff's Department/ _____ Country Police, open up we have a warrant. OPEN UP we will knock down this door if you don't answer us. We are coming in". 
    And then they will break your door and probably other things in your home.
    If they have a "no-knock" warrant, then they can barge in un-announced.
    This is usually reserved for situations where they think the suspect may be armed or would destroy the evidence if they were aware of the police's presence.
    Also, here's a loophole cops can use. We already know that cops can legally lie to you about the law to arrest you, but here's some more AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now they can simply claim they didn't know they were breaking the law!!!!! just like we can't!!!!!

    However, this law may only apply to federal agents. None the less, still VERY disturbing....
  12. don't answer, they don't have a warrant and if you don't open and talk to them they cant have probable suspicion
  13. <sup>Cops are technically not even allowed to pull into your drive way let alone step foot on your property.... If you see a cop car coming by your house go stand on the front lawn and tell them they don't have permission to be on your property... if they don't have a complaint or warrant call there chief, they run like little b****s..</sup>
  14. If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I don't know everything, but I can offer a ton of advice on the best way to approach a situation, your rights, etc. I posted in the "OFFICIAL cop story thread" and this is what I had to say;
    Most of the cops I had run ins with when I was younger were awesome. One changed me though. Eh, fuck it, I will elaborate.
    I started getting in trouble with the law at a young age. Many of the cops were good people trying to make a difference and didn't abuse their power with me. One piece of shit in particular really had an effect on me. I was arrested at my home (grandparent's house) for malicious mischief (had anger problems and put my fist through my door and wall a few dozen times). Not one of my smarter actions, but it is what it is. I was troubled back then. Anyway, the officer who put me in cuffs really didn't care for me and had been making rude statements that weren't necessary or a part of his job duties/description. I was cuffed and walking down the steps (inside the house) and he gives me a nudge, nearly making me fall down the steps. Instantly, I was upset, but I bit my lip until he did it again down the next set of steps (concrete, outside) and I called him a bitch and told him to take the cuffs off if he wanted to play those games. So, I walk up my gravel driveway to where his cruiser is parked and he puts me up against the vehicle and tells me to spread my legs. I spread them about 2.5-3 feet (obviously far enough, but he knew what he was going to do regardless) and he kicks my leg out from underneath me and holds my up by my hair. I snapped, whipped my head around so fast that it tore out a bunch of my hair and I fucking laid my forehead right into the bridge of his nose. His partner (the nice one of the two) was not far away when this happened and had seen what his partner did to me and knew it wasn't justified and intervened before the dick head could recover and beat the shit out of some teenage kid who was still in cuffs.
    Anyway, the nice one decided to take me to his vehicle instead. He didn't say much towards the beginning as he was filling out some paperwork. Was quiet for a while, and that's when he decided to tell me that his partner had been doing shit like this for a while. He had gotten sick of it after repeatedly telling him to stop, that he didn't like it and the dick head was putting him in a horrible position. I was arrested for the malicious mischief and assault in the 3rd degree, but the cool officer wrote a statement that got the assault to the officer dropped. On the way to juvenile hall, the officer and I discussed a lot of things and he made me realize that if I could become an officer that did things the right way, trying to help others and not abusing my power, that if I got hired, it would keep one more of those piece of shits off the force.
    Since this is getting long, I'm going to cut it short from here. I graduated with my Associates of Technical Arts in Criminal Justice with Honors and an accumulative GPA of 3.89. I met some awesome ex-police officers, the current prosecuting attorney for my county, a few current officers and some other people associated with law enforcement (forensics, criminal code experts, etc). Due to my health problems though, I am unable to pursue my career in law enforcement unfortunately. I agree with many people here who talk so horribly about police officers because there are far too many pieces of shit wearing a badge. The main problem I have though is that there are outstanding people wearing those same badges and they get lumped together with the garbage, and it's unfortunate. Basically a "piece of shit by association" according to the standard citizen.
    I hope you all don't take for granted what the GOOD officers out there do for their communities day in and day out. As far as the assholes go though, give 'em hell! Thankfully, my education alone has helped me know things that I otherwise wouldn't have in terms of the laws/rights of citizens and I've caught a couple of the dickhead officers making mistakes that got them tossed from the force.
    Sorry. I'm done now. If anyone actually reads all that and has any questions, send a message."

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