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Decarbing/edible Questions

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by thtshitiscray, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. I have a couple questions...
    1. Do you cut up the weed before putting it in the oven to de-carb or put it in the oven as is then cut it up after?
    2.Do I decarb the weed for a longer time for a bigger amount of weed or is it still the same? I'm deciding on using 7-10 Grams of dank.
    3. Are there any tips or things i should know, or watch out for before cooking these fudge weed brownies? I want these to be the best and as potent as possible.

  2. #2 BadKittySmiles, Jul 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2013
        Great questions, I LOVE it when people think about the process in advance! :hello: :)
    Yes, you'll want to grind up your herb to create more surface space and then, before sealing it up, you'll also want to be sure it's been sprinkled over the surface of your cooking container evenly, in a no more than 1/4" - 1/2" thick layer, tops.
     Whether you're decarbing a single dose, or *several ounces at a time, you'll want to decarb all the material evenly and consistently by exposing it to the same temperatures, for the same length of time, and this is done by creating a consistent, thin layer.
       It's understandable why you'd ask; the bigger a chicken is, the longer it takes to cook before it's done for instance. :)
      But if you try to decarb herb in the same way, meaning if you take a larger amount of material, and instead you attempt to decarb in a tall, thick, deep pile, once the edges of the container heat up this leads to  the exterior of the pile decarbing much, much sooner than the areas closest to the center, in which case for the sake of that outer material (not to mention your busy schedule :p ), increasing the time really isn't the best solution for decarbing, or for making large volumes of oil starting at room-temp!
    (* Now with that said, there is still obviously a limit to how much you can pack in your oven and decarb, all at once, without disrupting heating. :) If you have multiple extra oven racks, and a ton of canna you want to work with, you shouldn't be tempted to absolutely stuff and stack your oven with 4+ racks or shelves, each packed full with thick ceramic or glass containers, in an attempt to decarb pounds at a time.
     Even if the individual containers have been filled with consistent, thin layers of herb, just as they should, by blocking all the heat circulation and over-stacking with thick, cold containers, you'll definitely throw off your decarb time and heat exposure for at least the first few minutes, resulting in bottom racks becoming over-heated, and top racks remaining under-done.  Just stick with placing trays on only one or two racks, and particularly with two racks, be sure you're leaving adequate space between each container for the hot air to circulate freely. )
     As for the oil on the other hand, by pre-heating the oil before mixing in the herb, then putting it quickly back into the oven, this maintains the same temperature range from start to finish with both small and large portions...... and unlike decarbing, you can easily make pounds of herb into oil all at once, in the same large vat of preheated oil, without altering the processing time!
     But again, while you can easily make vast amounts of oil all at once because preheating the oil is possible, decarbing all at once with many multiple layers of tightly packed, and cool dishes, very much changes the speed at which the trays (in particular the top layer!) can reach the required temperature, making it an entirely different story!
     Long story short, you're fine.... the above will be more useful for anyone who wanders in, after searching for the same question with a much larger supply to work with. :)
    With the amount you're working with you have nothing to worry about, especially so long as you follow the directions I've linked below. :D
      One more thing to consider is that even different oil sources and edible solvents can produce very different effects, and will provide either more or less efficient absorption, which is why the medical cannabis industry largely prefers using coconut oil and to a lesser extent clarified butter, specifically for their MCT (and for extraction purposes, their saturated fat) contents.
     The best canna oil, is made by following the very same principles used by the pharmaceutical industry, to facilitate the absorption of other difficult to absorb chemicals, or medications. :yay:
     Specific components that comprise the array of fatty acids found in coconut oil (and to a lesser extent, in butter) have been studied extensively, along with the phospholipids in lecithin, and as a result they are now used by the modern pharmaceutical industry in order to enhance the bioavailability of many available medications. The same components are now even being used to enhance intravenous delivery and circulation of chemicals. A side note, the same techniques and ingredients are also used to promote the absorption of even simple vitamin supplements.
    Best extraction method?
    Most potent edible?
     And on to the tutorials..... :hello:
    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Cannabis Concentrate (Edible & Smokable recipes included... similar to RSO/Phoenix Tears & BHO, but bioavailable & made with food grade/drinking alcohol)

    -Medical Grade Cannabis Concentrate-

    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Hash Oil (starting with dry-sift hash, same as capsule recipe, oil can also be used for cooking)

    Med-Grade Hash Oil

    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Canna Oil (starting with flowers/bud/trim etc)

    Med-Grade Canna Oil

    <span><span>If video tutorials are more useful for you, these may help too!</span></span>
     You'll be wanting Vol. 1 - & - Vol. 4. but I'll also include the previews, and the cuttings segment and hash demo..... the extra time-lapsed footage of little seedlings germinating and growing over the course of a day, obscuring the little GrassCity hello sign in a matter of seconds is pretty neat to watch, too. :D  :yay:
    Cannabis World Summit  : BadKittySmiles Headlines!
     Both Rick Simpson and I were the headlining 'star speakers' of the Cannabis World Summit, the Summit is an annual, 10-day, free and informative event, available to all members of our community who are interested in cannabis, in its medical applications, and in what the major players in the community are up to. :)
      Nine of the ten days featured three or more speakers for each day, Rick and I were asked to share the Big 4/20 day of the Summit alone due to the volume of content we provided the community, and to our track records with treating and even curing cancer, as well as other illnesses, with our medical oils! My medical oil video tutorials, Rick's interview, and his documentaries can be found on Day 5 / 4-20-2013, along with some bonus footage from Rick. :D
     Here ya go!
    BadKat's CannaPharm : The Cannabis World Summit Edition...
    BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 1: Decarboxylation" by BadKittySmiles

    BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 2: Flowering & Revegetated Clones" by BadKittySmiles

    BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 3: Hash Machine Demo" by BadKittySmiles

    BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 4: Medical Grade Oil" by BadKittySmiles

    BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 5: Powerful Topical Bone Bars" by BadKittySmiles

    BadKittySmiles World Summit Preview.. Medical Grade Canna Oil, Hash, Edibles, Cloning and more!

    BadKittySmiles - GrassCity!!! - Cannabis World Summit - Comment to WIN FREE SIGNED BeeLine Hemp Wick!

    And a little 'Bonus Review' for the Weed Star Jackson #1 from the GRASS City shop! :yay:

    Day 5 - April 20
    And a few things you can make with your finished oil....
    "An edible a day, keeps the doctor away!"

    They beat apples! [​IMG]

    Or they can include apples...



    I made sixteen of these ChiCanna Cordon Bleu rolls for brunch, with and without shrimp (lol ;) ), New Year's Day!






    This entire Thanksgiving Dinner, including the turkey, was fully medicated!
    And just when you thought that the liquor flavored "Kopper's Cordials" couldn't possibly get any better...

    We turned around, and made them with Golden Dragon. [​IMG]




    Fast & frozen wash concentrate for smoking or vaping..
    From BadKat's CannaPharm Vol. 5 : "Bone Bars" - Medical Grade Topical Cancer/Pain Treatment....
     Hope this helps, good luck and have fun! :wave:

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