A Metaphysical explanation of God...

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Boats And Hoes, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. I have... but it seems u haven't, friend.
    There is something out there much more grand than us... bringing all of us together; u may deem it bad or good, but realize these are completely hollow and subjective terms when ascertaining the validity of the full picture (because we will always have a incomplete perception of the picture, i.e., a partial and pre-mature judgement.)

    Gravity is a property of mass... scientists can't explain why this is so;
    but, I can... gravity is an inherent property of everything that exists, because everything that exists isn't really separated; our pre-hardwired minds are what enables this illusion to seem like the end all be all of reality. This illusion is a transient reality we were ALL meant to experience (in order to further the dialectic of this mundane realm; we are being<em><em>s</em></em> living out, vicariously, the Divine design of thee Being). We are all connected and dependent on each other... stemming from ONE source (ever heard of the big bang or evolution). So, things which seem disparate, gravitate towards each other because they're intrinsically aware of the reality we can't "see" (the reality that there is no reality without the necessary united ONE); but, if u learn to feel it (as matter inherently feels the power of gravity), its truth shines brighter than the sun.

    What is the greatest form of expression a human can manifest... love! That warmth and love which brings humans together for a cause GREATER THAN THEMSELVES attests to the reality that we are beings who are inclined to spread love vibes; it is in our very nature to appreciate, with all our heart, that love and warmth which we come from. THE LOVE OF THE ONE IS IN ALL OF US... FOR WE ARE A JUST MANIFESTATION OF THAT ETERNAL WARMTH AND UNITED LOVE. And to those who are are quick to bring up the atrocities which humans commit and have committed, and believe this to be a valid reason not to believe in an all-loving God, they don't understand they're fortifying a fatal fallacy....! Namely, mistaking the effect for the cause!
    This would be an assertion you just made up.
    No different form my assertion that God could give you infinite torment for embarassing him on the grass city forums. ;)
  3. #23 Boats And Hoes, Jul 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2013
    Yes... and that's why ur out of ur element; ur refuting the idea of God after accepting it; denying infinite possibilites after accepting infinte possibilites. ;)
  4. #24 ScrappyDoo, Jul 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2013
    1.) Yes it is. Your whole basis presumes that free will exists, you have not shown that it does. Does a flower 'choose' to bloom, or does it simply react? Though thought is much more complicated, it doesn't yet appear to be anything but a reaction. Choice seems to only be an illusion.
    2.) The information and thoughts we exchange appear to be nothing but physical. Transformation of energy from one form to another, grasscity or the computer simply a medium for that energy to flow through.
    Yikes! Someone can't take a joke.
  6. #26 Boats And Hoes, Jul 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2013
    1.) And that's where ur fallacy lies... WE AREN'T FLOWERS!!! :rolleyes:  :smoke:
    And, just to add, u can choose whether or not u wanna respond to this post... ;).
    2.) Are thoughts extended, and do they extend, with 3 dimensional form???
  7. #27 Boats And Hoes, Jul 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2013
    I wasn't aware it was just a joke, friend... my b.
  8. An entire theory built around the supposition that thought is metaphysical.
    How quaint.
    I mean.. repetitive bullshit.
    I understand what true freedom is. What I mean to say is that God has no control over me or the choices I make. I believe that if I or my child were to suffer something like this, it would be through mistakes we have made on our own.
    Also, I would never wish any sort of tragedy on another human being in the HOPE that they will be granted access to some kind of "Heaven," even though there is still absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support this claim.
  10. #30 Boats And Hoes, Jul 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2013
    Do u even know what meta-physical means, in the true sense of the word, i.e., the Greco sense,??
  11. 1.) How is that a fallacy? For every action there seems to be a reaction.
    2.) Now you're getting it. Thoughts are simply an transformation of energy from one thing to another. By extend I assume you mean convey, and yes, they are exchanged in the physical world seemingly bound by the same laws of physics as everything else.
  12. #32 Boats And Hoes, Jul 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2013
    1.) Hence, "free will"... and, to add, if God doesn't exist, how can u posit an absoloute morality, such as striving to help and encourage ur fellow man?
    2.) There is no evidence that other people think... it's just an inference, i.e., u can't circumvent solipsism (there's a reason animal aren't aware of other minds); is that really how u wanna have this discussion.
    You can say that again. :p
  14. #34 Boats And Hoes, Jul 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2013
    1.) And, again, this is what ur missing... cognizant man can choose how he reacts, as u choose to respond my post, instead of just receiving and reacting to its data, in terms of sensory-experience.
    2.) Really? Thoughts are bound by the laws of physics... did u not get the point of me smoking with a donkey on the moon, after I just beamed there from the sun???
  16. 1. I, along with many others, do not need anyone to tell me what is right and what is wrong. Are you saying that the only reason you have yet to kill someone is because of the 5th (i believe) commandment?
    2. ?
    it's actually the 6th commandment.
    That's a little far down the list of "God's absolute perfect morals."
  18. #38 Boats And Hoes, Jul 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2013
    1.) No... what I meant was that, u can't demand the world to reflect ur idea of what's moral. U may think, as I do, that raping someone is wrong, but how are u tell the rapists it is wrong? For without an objective and moral precedent, everything is rendered realtive.
    2.) U seem my eye, but not my line of vision... so how do u know I have a line of vision? Can u ever experience my line of vision first-hand, or do u COGNITIVLEY infer it based off of ur personal and first-hand line of vision?
  19. I'll be back everyone... I gotta go eat something; so leave ur comments and I will come back to respond, friends!
    Rape isn't in the 10 commandments. What makes you think it's wrong then?

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