Why do white people fight for the right to use the n word?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by billsxclinton, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. Honestly! I need real answers.

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  2. Probably since they're told they cannot it invokes a longing to say such or possible they're being rational and stating as a race we created the word so it is our word we are entitled to use and don't truly have a longing to use the word but just the reassurance that they can if they wish

    I'm black and I barely say nigga it's just a word and if you use it frequently it's like cussing just shows how miniscule your vocabulary bank is

    That song nigga nigga nigga by Thugnificent is dope though
  3. I agree with BigBlazer. I think in some cases, it is because they're told they aren't allowed to use certain slurs. if a person isn't educated on why using such words is bad, if they aren't part of the oppressed group, then that also doesn't help the situation.

    what are your own thoughts?
  4. That shit is so funny to me. I personally don't see why anyone would want to say it.

  5. Dumb.
  6. care to elaborate?
  7. I don't get it either. "If black people can say it, why can't I?"

    What the fuck do you mean? Say whatever the hell you want to say. I just don't understand WHY it's an issue that supposedly black people got together in the biggest room in America and voted that white people couldn't say nigga or nigger. It's a hateful word. Why would you even want to be able to use the word nigger?

    Im not sure when this vote went down and personally, I'm sick of being blamed for it just because I'm black.

    Im really starting to get very irritated by white people. All you have to do is go to any newspapers website comments and read any article related to George Zimmerman or Paula Deen and you will see why.

    I feel like there's a lot of hate going on. It's just spoken online or behind closed doors.

    Call me prejudiced. Suck my dick. I don't give a fuck.
  8. #8 aPersonUponaHill, Jul 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2013
    No, it is more I have the right to say what I wish as guaranteed to by the U.S. Constitution. The better question is, why is this word such a big deal? It is not going to go anywhere with it being used so much so what else is there to really say; plus as first stated its protection is guaranteed by law. 
  9. i don't know of any personally, the only time i didnt like the fact i don't use it is as an emcee i cant use it as a filler word like every other rapper in the world (thats not white)...i just use bitch or something instead but still lol
  10. Racism exists. There are black racists, Asian racists, white racists, there are *insert any ethnicity you can think of* racists.
    I always find it funny when people start accusing others of being racist, when they themselves are just as guilty of the generalizations and stereotypes they accuse others of. You just classified a very broad group(white people) by the actions and opinions of a few. How are you any better than a white person stereotyping black people based on rap music, gang violence, etc.?
    “Who are you to judge the life I live?
    I know I'm not perfect
    -and I don't live to be-
    but before you start pointing fingers...
    make sure you hands are clean!”
    -Bob Marley
  11. Read my last three lines and there is your answer.
  12. I don't fight for the right... I just use it. Now do I go around calling every black person I see a nigga? No lol.
  13. My mistake, I thought you were capable of an intellectual conversation.  
  14. I am. Just not with someone who insults me first and then expects me to be the better person and "have an intellectual converation."
  15. I don't know any white person who could give a rat's ass about saying that.  Plenty do and plenty don't, but don't whine about racism and discrimination if you do the same thing (yes, caring about someone's skin color if they use a word is included).
    What is ironic, is how people like "trainunderwater" bemoan racism and then proceed to say that they hate white people.  If this was the other way around, Jesse Jackson would be shitting his pants and would trace his IP to broadcast him on the news.  Racist oppression decades ago doesn't give you the right to take it out on the entire white population.
  16. Why does the word "nigga" have to be mutually exclusive to just one color of race? It's only controversial if the people have an personal attachment towards the context of the term, and are scared to discuss it. But what's to be fucking scared of, it's just a word nothing more.
    I have Caucasian homies that use the term but I don't care, ain't nobody to got time for this shit. 
  17. Why do people fight against my right to speak freely?
  18. I need responses from mostly white people. (This thread is gonna blow up!)

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  19. Say whatev you want bro this is 'Merica, but prepare to face the consequences.

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  20. eh, if I'm speaking directly about myself, I couldn't care less about using the word. I have my views, and I don't feel like it's my place to use the word or similar words, regardless of whether a person from that race was okay with it. if other people wanted to use it, go ahead. but I think all in all, it really does come back down to the argument that they've been told no, so they just want to even more. some people may just use it to stir shit or hurt others, idk.

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