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Does bud lose its magic if you're always high

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by GinoDotCom, May 6, 2013.

  1. Like the title states, does it?

    I wish I could limit myself to getting high at around 5-6 times a week, where I believe that that's the sweet spot for great great highs. Problem is, I have so much bud and consume so little with my vaporizers.. That I'm always smoking lol shit why not.

    Do you believe bud loses its magic if you're always high. How can I give myself a break?! I love the bud way too much, the smell alone is very intoxicating. I have a strong sense of smell.

    I'm definitely Psychologically addicted to this wonder plant.
  2. No it doesn't loose its magic, you just grow a tolerance. And as for a break take a tolerance break like a 1 week or 2 week one ,that should be enough to lower your tolerance quite a bit. I'm psychologycally addicted too but I can still do it ,just remember that its worth it in the end.
  3. It's all mental.

    If you think you're addicted then you're probably addicted.

    T-breaks are bull shit.

    Just get your mind off the weed for a while (very important) or else you wont see a difference at all.
  4. ya thats y i get hash

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  5. Like tha other two said take a tolerance break....or maybe try a different method of using your bud.....all i know is tha buds magic should make you disappear one way or another.:smoke:
  6. #6 OneOfTheGoodOnes, May 6, 2013
    Last edited: May 6, 2013
    I have been using Cannabis for a tad over 55 years now and my answer, based on my own experence, would have to be no.

    T-breaks? I just get a different strain. What can I say, it works for me.

  7. YES. THIS.

    what i do if im not getting stoned, is smoke more. thats how it works for me.
    for real though just change it up, different smoke, different utensils ect keep your bud fresh.

    if you love something should you let it go?
  8. Depends on the strain.
  9. This man knows what he's talkin about, just switch up the strains you are smoking!
  10. It does if you want it to. Been puffing pretty much everyday for 5-6 years now and I always get high and I always love it.

  11. That sounds fun. I wish I could get high.
  12. They would sell weed that made you sober. People's always want what they don't naturally have.
  13. You all somehow convinced me NOT to stop smoking every chance I get! Lol. Thanks for the replies- I do have different strains to choose from.

    I just remember the euphoria I used to get I don't get as much anymore :-/
  14. when i first started smoking i think i over did it bc my highs lost its magic (kinda) but i took a t break then ive been smoking close to the same time i did before i took my t break and it isnt like that anymore.
  15. The trick is to start off the day with a one hitter, work your way up at a bong or vape before going to bed and you will feel it all day.

  16. This you don't wanna blow ur load all in one go
  17. The reason you used to get really high is because you werent as familiar with the effects. For some people switching strains is enough newness. For others a short t-break works wonders. For some it takes completely getting your mind off the herb for awhile.

    Personally I take 30 day tolerance breaks whenever I get depressed over my lack of highness lol. These are long enough to fully cleanse my system, semi-forget what smoking is like, and reevaluate my stance on it, from an unbiased opinion. Ive always come back to Mary tho, without the slightest hesitation :D

    Peace :bongin:
  18. I tend to feel really burnt out and tired when I smoke very often, but I think that has more to do with smoking a bunch than the bud losing its magic. Because when I only smoke a bit, I get the effects I'm looking for, but for some reason I never stop there. I should really reevaluate my smoking habits.
  19. I remember reading a post a while back about a similar topic and someone had replied that anything that becomes a daily routine is bound to become tedious and boring, even if only in the slightest bit.

    I get the same way at times. Usually only when I am really burning a lot though. I think overall consumption plays a big role in this. I am a daily smoker, but really only just in the morning and at night, and maybe a bit more on the weekends. Other than that, I think keeping your overall consumption of the herb down not only allows your high to be stronger/last longer, but keeps the whole experience fresh and exciting.

    Changing strains is never a bad thing though :smoke:
  20. Try not smoking in the morning and waiting till later, this helps tremendously. Also, use the power of your brain to your advantage! Let the hit soak in and use your ability to give yourself a boost with a placebo effect.

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