Vaporizing pure tobacco?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Port, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Commercially sold tobacco is filled with many different chemicals but what about vaping dried Nicotiana leaves or pure tobacco?
  2. It should work in theory but most likely the optimal temperature would be different from weed
  3. Is there any tobacco that you can buy that isn't filled with other toxins? That would be suitable to vape?

  4. I don't use tobacco save the occasional cigar or hookah but I think you could look for something that says organic
  5. Rolling tobacco is fairly clean and much cheaper than cigs. "American spirit" is natural supposedly

    $5-20 for a fat bag if I remember correctly

  6. Yeah it's about $10 to get a pound of tobacco. I don't get why people don't do that, since a pack of cigs (20 grams) is $7. :confused_2:

  7. Because rolling is a bitch

  8. It's not really. Doesn't take more than 10 seconds usually... It's not like rolling a joint which can actually take a bit longer :confused:

  9. If you half ass it. If you take the time to learn it, it's not hard. I didn't want to take the time, but people grow up with it and they can roll super quick. :smoking:
  10. You can buy seeds online and grow your own. There are many DIY articles about growing tobacco and has been grown in the US for hundreds of years. Its cured in much the same way as MJ and you could extract the essence with the various solvents available. google tobacco seeds, growing, curing, lots of information online.
  11. Werd. If you are going to get lung cancer you might as well do it with high end tobacco. It is cheaper and better quality. Pack cigarettes taste like plastic

    I know People who smoked 1.5 packs a day switched over to rolled ones r much more satisfied and smoke less stoges. Going from like 30 cigs of chemicals vs 5 cigs of good tobacco a day
  12. This. I was going to stop smoking at one point, but honestly I didn't want to. No health reasons(currently) to make me do it or anything else for that matter. Switched from my pack of Newports a day, to a few ciggs with good tobacco. Taste better, smells better, and cost alot less.

    Mind you could always just quit which would make more sense all together, but Killing yourself on quality smokes is a lot more enjoyable than doing so on Shitty pre-rolled packs

    P.S. I almost never wanted to smoke a whole cig. Rolling my own I roll them as large as I want.

    P.S.S I have vaped rolling tobacco and pre-rolled tobacco. Both weren't very enjoyable. Although the Rolling was a large improvment over the pre-rolled.
  13. It would be cool if you could buy a vape with a sheesha attachment and than vape sheesha

  14. I've been curious about this as well... I know shisha's themselves are often marketed as ''vaporizing'' devices, which to me they're clearly not but whatever, but actually vaping the fruit tobacco + molasses seems nice...

    I remember 1 session of shisha years and years ago... Lightly apple flavoured shisha tobacco with hash in it... That was... Like a spicey apply goodness. Got high as fuark as well. Crazy combination but delightful none the less. :D
  15. Just buy a vape that allows temperature settings and set the temperature to 95 Celsius or 203 Fahrenheit.

    That is the vaporization temperature of nicotine.
  16. Also Don't forget that vaping nicotine makes the nicotine 5-10x more potent so be very careful.

    A Sheesha attachment would be a nice idea but you still might have to dry the tobacco because of all the molasses. Double Apple was the best flavor

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