Post Your Thoughts

Discussion in 'General' started by RVD420RVD, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Wut. [​IMG] 

    I was just in Seattle.

    Where are you moving from/to?
  2. I dunno, I haven't been around long enough, but since it's so big and been around for so long I'm gonna get there's been some stinkyfishing around these parts.
  3. I need to learn moderation. I tend to over indulge in everything.
  4. "She got the worst head you can imagine
    She call it foreplay, I call it sexual harassment"
    Dude we really do wtf :laughing: WHY DO WE HAVE THE SAME FACIAL FEATURES?!
    Yoooooo you guyssss I saw the bus driver from Tuesday and asked her about the book and she said she saw who took it! Gave her my name and number on a piece of paper so that when she sees the person again she'll get them my info. For now I'm just gonna go to the tutoring room and use the book there. Now I gotta figure out how to study for 2 exams and 2 quizzes all happening next week (anatomy lecture test Monday, math test Tuesday, 2 anatomy lab quizzes Wednesday) I need a plan of attack.
  6. awe mannnnn we could have smoked! Seattle to alabama. Lol its gonna be interesting
  7. Maybe we're just tryin too hard, when really its closer than it is too far
  8. Cadbury creme eggs.....yummy!! 😋
  9. Have any of you heard of this band?

    Attached Files:

  10. [​IMG]
  11. I wanna see baby pics! [​IMG]
  12. Honestly do you guys think it's possible to permanently smell like weed if you smoke enough of it? It always seemed pretty ridiculous to me but the other night this girl said me and my friend reeked, but we hadn't even smoked that day or anything and I had picked up weed but it was like hours ago and it was in my car. And since then, I feel like I can sorta detect a weed smell sometimes around me even when I haven't smoked and don't have any with me. It's like it's coming out of my pores or something I swear. Maybe it's embedded into the fibers of my clothes or something? Idk man.
  13. Yep, not a huge fan but I've seen them live a few times
  14. Wash your clothes more often :p
  15. Lmao I was watching it last night with my cousin. One chick bought a dude she never even spoke on with a $1,000 camera. He turned out to be the same guy in the pictures but still.. she's a stupid ho and the other episode was some Lesbian with 2 kids who got catfished by a chick who JUST turned 18 lol and the catfisher had the nerve to be mad
    I can sort of understand the equation, I just studied rational expressions, but the strategies were confusing as fuck. In your math problems, it seems that distribution property is used a lot and also cross multiply.
  17. #264839 Fresh Error, Mar 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2015
    rookie shit.
    k is clearly potassium.
  18. #264840 shaddytheman, Mar 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2015

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