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Grandaddy Purp

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by readysetgrow, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. mids? Yeah those are my mids, Don't be jealous you have not yet been in the presence of anything over 27% THC. Your time will come young Bladeson
  2. LoL Rose City Buds picture is only thing still making this thread worthwhile.

    Didn't you just say the OP got shorted wonton soup?
  3. Lmfao young bladeson how long all u been smoking nice green btw

  4. haha why thanks. Love the support glad you like the buds. If your ever in Portland, Give me a PM, We shall smoke the heavenly herb.
  5. Hey Rose City I'm looking to move to Oregon, is there anything you could tell me about it? Either the Portland or Eugene areas?
  6. looks good! a better trim job would've been better but anyways still dank! Ignore what people say only you are the true judge of it :smoke:
  7. Portland is your best bet. Eugene is a college town, lotsa shwap bud,unless I know a grower. Portland is awesome,very weird and we have like 50+ dispensaries. chill people and you can get dank anywherr even from a random punk with a green and pink mohawk downtown lol. its awesome and I can show u all the good spots to get rid of the munchies on a budget. (Voodoo donuts Woooo!!!)
  8. Sounds fucking bomb. How are the people there? I live in the East Coast and quite frankly, everybody here are assholes. Nobody is open minded to other's differences. It's just not my scene. How hard is it to get an MMJ card? I have insomnia but I know that isn't one of the qualifications. But if it's anything like California, I could tell them I have dandruff and get a card. Lol. And lastly, how is the housing over there and just the price of things in general? I want to go to OSU but will live in state first to try to get in state tuition so money will probably be a little tight.
  9. Im east coast, and i know OP is from here too :D

  10. well a one bedroom apartment a decent one would be around $550-650/Month with utilities. Houses are beteeen.$180,000-$3,000,000 so yeah wide variety. As far as Insomnia goes, it is a qualifying condition. You need at least 90 days documentation for your disease or condition.
  11. looks like some schwag ass purp LOL that was shook for the trichs. lol
  12. #52 Rose City Buds, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2013
    his or mine?
  13. looks like mids at best
  14. That doesn't look even close to GDP. Looks purple from oxygen-deprivation, not because of the strain. Also, has your dude ever heard of trimming?

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