Busted! Cops walked in my house while I was asleep.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by HomerSativa, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. I'm a hard working, tax paying American. I've always loved living in Alabama and in my adult life never thought I'd be labled a criminal much less a felon. I keep my counter-culture lifestyle to myself and the very few close friends that share my views on mary jane.
    Here is the begining of my story and how it will play out is yet to see. I'm posting it so maybe someone will learn from my mistakes and not have to have thier lives distroyed or turned upside down.
    Im a 40 year old single man that owns my own house. I have never sold any grass as long as Ive been a memeber of grass city and only it for personal use. The other night I shut my front door locked the deadbolt put my dog in his crate and shut my bedroom door sparked a bowl before turning on a sound maker(it plays a rainstorm to help me sleep) and fell asleep. Next thing I know there are 3 police officers in my room waking me up. There yelling "the front door was open - who are you , what are you doing here?". Im but ass naked and still asleep. As Im grabbing for some pants saying its my house there flashlight is pointing twards my pipe and one of them says "I smell marijuana". They grab me ,pull me in the livingroom and cuff me. Their shouting at me "wheres the rest of it , you look stoned right now! You better tell us where its at before the dogs get here" I told them where it was. (stupid me). It would have been found anyway cause I know the cops will do what they want.

    Am going to have to continue this story In a little bit. It gets stanger but I have to go now.
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  2. If its true this will easily be debunked in court by even the slightest of competent lawyers. No need for continuation.
  3. Did they have a warrent?
  4. Dam cops also getting into our business
  5. Wait what? Cops just randomly came into your house and grabbed you shit and took you to jail?

    Did they have a search warrant? Does anyone else live with you?
    They can't just run up in your house like that. You need to speak with a lawyer.
  6. Sounds fake as fuck. :smoking:
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  7. your fake!
  8. that's bullshit man hopefully if you go to court they'll believe your side of the story
  9. you're*

    or where you possibly referring to something that I have as being fake?
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  10. This had better at least deliver.
  11. were*

    Or were you possibly referring to his location? If so, your grammar needs a tune up.
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  12. Wow that sucks. First thing that comes to mind is what was or is the probable cause?

    Fuck grammar it's over rated!
  13. He ends it with "I have to go now"

    I call troll on this one, whos with me?
  14. Why didnt you wait till you had time to post the whole story, its like a cliffhanger, i have to wait for a sequel.

    Shit news though man.
  15. Why in the fuck was your door open..
  16. why didn't you just finish the story? now i gotta sub n check bacj and all that shiett.
  17. Judging by the story this doesn't sound like this will hold up in court. Regardless you need to be prepared. Definitely look into getting a good lawyer... Alabama Lawyers
  18. I have a lawyer that I found on the NORML web sight. We are waiting for the charges and warrants to be filed.
    I have no one living with me.
  19. Did you miss the first post?

    He said he deadbolted his front door before going to bed, the cops said his front door was open.

    One's actions =/= Cop's words

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