
Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by esseff, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. For many years people have described the idea of Ascension - yet without understanding of its cause. In my last post I described a bit about the mechanics of ascension - today we'll look even more closely.

    It is important to think of your reality as a series of sequential "present moments". Time is an illusion - because only the present is real. As our present moments play out in sequence - "time" appears, because "movement" appears. Yet, the TRUTH is that we are only progressing through sequential present moments.

    Now, we must also understand that WE create our next present moments by our decisions. And the string of present moments create the "movie" that projects our reality to us. Making sense? Therefore, to ascend you must first understand WHY this present reality is decending.

    Currently, mankind creates "images" in his mind of what he desires his reality to be. This means we all look to the PAST to determine how our reality should be shaped. For example, if we are in high school, we may desire to be a baseball hero. We call up past images of baseball heros we admire, we think about the ways they became successful, we even recall how much money and fame these players acheived - and we create an image in our mind. Then, we start shaping our present moments by making decisions to achieve this image.

    Or, you may be in a job and you call up images from the past to figure out what kind of job and profession would be best for you. You search out ways from the past by which people achieved professional success - and you create an image "worthy" of striving for. You then make decisions in your present to ensure your sequence of present moments creates the "movie" that leads you into this desired reality.

    The two illustrations show how all people create images of reality in their minds that are culled from the past - and then shape their present moments to attain this image. They are the writers, directors, editors and actors in their reality - which is the sequential realization of all their present moments.

    HOWEVER, this means that all imagined realities that shape our present are gathered from the PAST realities of others. We may attempt to outdo these past realities - but it is mankind always uses the PAST to creates those things which they imagine with FAITH. It is this FAITH in our imagined realities that create the decisions we make in our present moment. And as I said, one's sequence of present moments creates the "movie" of his reality.

    Ok, I have told you the past is not real. It no longer exists. Thus, if we use images formed in our minds from the PAST, we create a reality based on lies. For example, since the past no longer exists, it is only the way you IMAGINE or REMEMBER the past to be that exists. And since all people have a different perspective on the past - an image of the future based on the past will never be accurate. This is why the current present in this reality is filled with trouble, conflict, suffering and pain.

    But even more, since one use images of what previously existed to determine what shall exist - our present will always be LIMITED to that which already IS. In fact, the present moment become an exageration of the past - which is like creating a new present UNDERNEATH that which already exists. This is a DECENDING reality.

    How then can you ascend?

    The only way to do this is to TRUST the next present to be created FOR YOU. This is the beginning of how to live in the present.

    To live in the present means you can no longer define your future by ANY images of the past. This takes enormous trust in Perfect Consciousness (God) because the wisdom of man is based on that which can be perceived by the senses. This is another way of saying it is the NORMAL way of man to gather wisdom from the past (the senses) in order to create a future. This is a lie.

    It is enough for now to understand that only that which is PERFECT can create the next PERFECT present for you. If you are ascending, your present moments are created perfectly from that which you have not yet imagined. These moments always lead you into a reality that is growing more PERFECT for you. Because the movie of your reality is begin created perfectly, you experience with great joy that you are the main actor in an awesom and previously unimaginable "movie" of perfect present moments. Remember, if you can imagine something with belief - it is ALWAYS that which already exists. If you live by that which already exists - you are decending.

    How does a life in the present look? It is a life in which you are currently focused on your present - and doing what is honoring to yourself IN THE PRESENT. You break off relationships in which you are constantly dishonored, you stop doing things that dishonor yourself and you begin walking in ways that honor others. You focus on loving others and respecting others in the PRESENT.

    Here is a great mystery: when you focus on honoring yourself and others in your present moment - your present moment begins to HONOR you back. Instead of your reality HARMING you (which is what a decending reality does), your acending present moments will LOVE you and HELP you. This is why your paths will be smooth and why PEACE is created around you.

    Then, as you focus on your present moment - you learn to stop striving after "false images". Instead you focus on your DESIRES OF HEART and let these lead you. PC ALWAYS leads you by your desires of heart. (Again a great mystery!) Are you in a job you hate. Get out of there right now. Trust that you will be led into the job you love. Let your present moment be created for you - and then you can ENJOY your present. Learn how to learn from Perfect Consciousness and as you walk in this undrestanding, you will be led easily and comfortably into an ABUNDANT LIFE. Present moment by present moment.

    A life led in the wisdom of PC is a life lived in the present. It is a manner of life that is ascending into greater peace and greater honor. It is a life that is becoming more influencial to others because it is a life filled with greater and greater wisdom. It is a life that transcends the matrix of this dying and decending bottomless pit of a reality.

    Only Perfect Consciousness can create a perfect sequence of present moments in your life. Only PC knows how to ensure your present moment always helps you - and NEVER hurts you.

    More later. Peace.
  2. Not at all sure what this will be today. :)

    Yesterday I understood reality as a "moving sidewalk" with all of creation moving along with it. I saw that everyone was also looking in the direction of the movement - and believing what was ahead was real. Everyone walked in the direction of the movement.

    Then I noticed that no creature ever looked behind itself - only forward. What was behind did not exist in their minds. Only what they could see in front of them was considered real - and worth following. Further, because the sidewalk also moved in the direction they were facing - it made it more easy to follow after the future.

    Then I saw the sidewalk stop.

    Slowly at first, a rate nearly impercetable...until eventually, the sidewalk wasn't moving at all.

    Yet, all the people looked forward as they always had unaware that the sidewalk now required "effort" in order to move ahead. People kept looking ahead and moving by their own effort.

    Then I saw some people stop moving. I saw them slowly begin to turn around until finally - they looked fully behind themselves. When they did they were overcome. They realized they had been moving away from the most beautiful sight they had ever witnessed. As they understood - they began to move. Actually, it was the sidewalk ITSELF that began to move - IN REVERSE. At least it felt like reverse because the direction was completly OPPOSITE of the movement they were used to.

    Still the majority of people faced opposite this new movement - and fought against it even harder by walking toward the darkness with even greater effort. Soon however, despite their effort, the sidewalk's movement against them begn to carry them backwards! No matter how much they struggled to walk toward the darkness, they could not overcome the movement of the sidewalk against them. The tried to run against the movment of the sidewalk as a child trying to run DOWN an escalator going up.

    Soon they were running so hard, stumbling so often the could no longer stop, turn around and begin going in the direction that would cause peace. The people became fearful - because anxiety abounded.

    But I saw others, surprisingly few, who did stop, turn and look at the light BEFORE the movement became too great. These learned to walk contrary to the ways of the OLD movement. These desired to rescue the others - and they began to walk WITH the movement, in the direction of the beautiful light that had been HIDDEN behind them.

    And their steps toward the light grew faster and easier - and they helped usher in the kingdom of peace.
  3. I'm feeling this one because I feel more peaceful and intuitive recently. As I work on correcting my sins, I see others led by their ego's self interest as opposed to their ultimate interest. I see the karmic return for their actions whether it be physical pain, or a physical 'reminder' which is less intense. Or it could simply be a mental return, trapped in their endless thought pattern unable to relax in the present.

    I have also been able to accept the past, accept the future, and enjoy the present. Feeling more generous, compassionate and wise.

    I feel like a child of God (or say a pet dog), by this I mean as I disobey my wisdom and say, smoke a bowl, I feel first guilty, but I then feel grace. Because afterall a child/dog doesn't always know what is best. And this only strengthens my conviction to obey the wisdom Ive gained and trust it, because I feel it is not only in my own ultimate interest, but often in the interest of others.
  4. in addition, i have felt that this time period is a type of warm-up before the most drastic changes in our planet.
    in terms of spirituality, making sure you are being a) faithful, building faith before hand and b) moral, keeping your karma and sins in check to the best of your ability.
    i personally believe that our thoughts and actions will have an exponential increase in spiritual weight. meaning we will be rewarded more for being disciplined and also punished for giving in to lusts.

    in terms of society, my generation(i am 18 for your reference) will be one to change the planet enormously, i have no doubt about that. my grandparents did not have space travel, internet, and medicine like we do now. on top of that, technology grows exponentially, meaning it builds momentum. so in my lifetime, the changes will become more rapid and hence i may experience a multiple of the changes older generations have had.

    i think that is about all i can articulate right about now :wave:
  5. here is a verse that resonates with me completely, whether i always adhere to it is another story :/ haha

    "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God; for it is written,
    "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." Romans 12:19

  6. old ideas...still getting in the way.....
    tw seems to enjoy making things far more complicated than they need be

    the motion of the universe.....simple and always in motion....
    look around you....
    things do not go forward and back......
    things go round and round.....
    circles and cycles.....
    eb and flow.....
    light and dark

    you focus on the light and miss out on everything you are here to learn.....
    this does not mean to focus instead on the darkness......
    it means to stop looking so fucking hard and take what comes as it comes....
    when it is light .....i walk in the light and enjoy all there is to be seen....
    when it is dark.....i walk in the dark and enjoy all there is to be seen.....

    trying to control your direction is the surest way to lose control......

    circles and cycles.......what i do now.....i have done before...will do again....
    until i get it right enough to move on to the next circle.....
    there is no back or forward....there is only round and round.....

    the moon circles round the earth.....the earth round the sun..... the stars round one another.......again and again.....

    all your names and labels only confuse things and distract you from the simplicity circling you right now

    the equation is a simple one....... what you put out comes back to you....

    this past you claim to see so well ...yet you dwell on it quite a bit for someone supposed to be teaching about leaving the past where it belongs.....

    this moment is all we ever have
    the rest is just distraction....

    keeping you from being here

    round and round we go .....
    passing one another again and again....
    taking in all we can along the way....

    humans try to complicate themselves so often in such unnecessary ways...

    what you put out...makes its way round...right back to you.....

    there is nothing else you even need to everything else stems from this....

    you mention religion.....
    they have taken this most basic lesson for this moment....and turned it into a false doctrine of future punishment and/or reward......
    there is no future...there is only ever now.....

    the only thing you need to know to make it thru this is that what you put out...comes back to ....this moment....not in some distant untouchable

    learn to be right where ever it is along the cycle you happen to be at the moment.....learn to make the most of it.....

    do it...not talk about it.....
    then and only then will you change the world you live in.....
    when you get up and make it happen.....

    because what you do comes back to you ....
    again and again....

    all your definitions still only offer unneeded limitations.......

    it is as simple as all.......
    there is no connection to make is already has always been...
    how can it be all and not be a part of everything.....

    the book....the one they love to quote.......still only the words of men....
    follow the book.....follow men.....

    the book does however talk of a that can be found by those who seek it......this idea is found in many places in our world....


    until humans complicate it if your language can somehow make it more or less real.....

    it is what it is...self evident....

    no story anecdote is needed .....
    truth upholds itself.....

    on its own....
    each time it comes round.....
  7. Funny, I was just thinking this thread needed resurrecting. Thank you Psilo for doing that. Thank you DD for words that would not have been had it not.
  8. @Dingus

    and thank you for liking many of my earlier posts. Having you finally enter this thread gave me an opportunity to read again those things that were written, that get left behind so quickly as the next thing takes over, that remind me of things that were said that are no longer. They may have had my name attached to them, but when I read them, it is almost like I am reading someone else's posts.

    @TW - time to say something?
  9. The tighter we try and hold....the more slips away....

    The more time/effort/energy one puts into a thing.....the more likely that thing is to come about....
    regardless of the type of energy....
    Yes you can create a positive environment by putting effort into the right things.....
    yet effort is often exactly the thing holding people back....

    Worry is your enemy....
    Worry is just a way of putting energy into something you don't want....
    the more you worry about a thing....the more likely you are to make it happen...

    Whatever you are doing to stop it....will be just the thing needed to bring it about....
    All your efforts....all your energies....

    Heaven and hell.... summer and winter.....
    We pass thru each again and again....
  10. Ahh I was so glad to see this notification in my email. Im glad people are posting again, this time I will definitely be in on the discussions.

    Thoughtware and esseff, you guys have definitely helped me shape and better see what was always in front of me; I look forward for what's to come.

  11. I feel the same!, but i also feel crazy :rolleyes: sooo, not sure what that says for you two :p
  12. [​IMG]

    I feel like this image perfectly represents what you might call "crazy". People think others are weird if they are not acting in the normal conformed way of acting, but they also just can't understand why they are so appealing.
    Be who you are, you are the only you!!
  13. Ah, I leave for a few days and when I come back I see this thread again. Very cool.

    I see tw lurking around from time to time and was wondering when he may post in here again. Maybe since the thread is back, he will do so. *nudge nudge*
  14. the world is your mirror
  15. There IS a battle going on. There is a storm outside the window. What rages on is the constant struggle between man and himself. It's a balancing act. One side makes a move, the other gives way equal to its opposite. Reverse. Repeat. All the while, the battle must be won. We must come out victorious. Or so it seems. The battle, the struggle, shall forever be waged. But this doesn't mean it must always be experienced. It exists on all levels, including the one where the battle is over. But if the battle is forever, how can it be over? Even though the battle is still going on, it is not here, not this place, not this now, for this now is the now where nothing cannot exist except for exactly as it is, without struggle, without conflict. But, we do no always experience now, for what it is. We experience the struggle, the struggle between what is now and what we experience. We struggle when not experiencing now, yet when we experience the struggle that is what's now, for that is exactly what we need to experience in order to realize now exists without struggle.
  16. #157 A AnoesisOrange, Apr 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2013
    Oh the joy! I am back, here. I am amazed I feel this way right now.

    I want to write. It does something for me, when I let things just flow out, it creates something in my I can't seem to garner from any other action. I wouldn't say I am fantastic at it but I do love to do it. I have an interview tomorrow. I'm going to do really terrible. It's like going in to a huge test and you haven't studied at all for it. I honestly don't want to do this tomorrow. I have a friend that works at the company, he's already stuck his head out for me and is helping me out with this some, but I think he gets a referral bonus so I'm sure that's why. I've got too much traction with this to bow out now but I'd love to. Fuck it. I don't need that shit. I'll put up with it for two and half hours tomorrow and wash my hands or something. I know this is a terrible mindset but it's too fuckin' late to do anything about it now.

    For the time being, I'll post this completely off topic post in this thread for no apparent reason other than I had to get it off somehow. My fingers needed to translate some of the bullshit going on in my head so I could get it out and quit worrying about this shit.

    I really want to write. Here's a good place to start.
  17. Motion creates balance....
    Right now it is your thoughts which are in motion...
    trying to find balance....
    Let them flow....
    Flow free until your mind is clear...
    You will do fine have done this before...its easy...just be yourself...
  18. #159 Psilocybeen, Apr 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2013
    when i really meditate on it, it makes sense to me, and is able to actually assist.

    first i realize the state of unrest, the struggle between me and now.

    then i purposely move as far away from the thought as i can, the moment. observing my environment, myself, my emotions, my thoughts. without question, without words, without struggle i accept it. to the complete opposite side of the spectrum.

    i bring my mind home, relax it, and then release it. if you find that you drift out, bring the mind back to the state of calm.

    trust, believe, have faith that what needs to be, is. because after all, does fighting against what is have any benefit?

    you might say the you will lack motivation for change, but it will only make change effortless, as the moment changes infinitely
  19. Seems like if you take this thread to reveal it, not much has come next for a while. There must be something of course, as we're always moving forward, so the question is: Is this it?
    Well, on one level, yes, it is, as it is the very next post here. But if all it did was say that, it wouldn't be worth very much as a post in itself.
    So what is next then? I am. I am writing this so it is my turn, and yet, there is nothing to say other than this, as I can only write one word at a time. So much is possible, so many things could come out, and do, but at this moment, there is only this. For there to be anything else, this would have to stop and that would have to start.
    I am about to do something different and yet the same. To give love and also receive it, in a way that works better than it has before. But also to take part in an experiment. As I write this Sarah has ingested 18g of poppy tea, made from natural dried poppies. Quite a popular tea here. She grew a whole bunch this year, but only one actually flowered. I hate it, as I'm not a tea or coffee drinker, but like the relaxing effect it usually brings.
    Anyway, last time she used it, she started having dreamlike vision I suppose you'd call them, where she aw things happening in real time as if having a lucid dream. She was able to reveal out loud, and this time, if she does so again, I will be recording them as I have no idea what she said last time only that she found it interesting. She's a writer you see, and these appear to be interesting ideas. While she does that, I will take the opportunity to put my hands on her. In the same way that when she massages me, she doesn't just move the muscles around, but also imparts love through her hands by doing it with that intention, so when i put my hands on her, especially around her malfunctioning thyroid, i hope to give her love and make thing better. Not all better, at least she's still having radiation treatment on it next week, but just because it might do something. Besides, I don't mind putting my hands on her and allowing a feeling of wanting to, to pass through them.
    I haven't done much of this sort of thing, but have done before, many years ago especially. I was asked by a psychic to join a healing group she ran where she taught people how to do this. She felt that everyone can do this, but some would be better than others. Once we'd met for several weeks, she put an ad in the local paper asking for people to come and be 'Guinea pigs' as it were, and be the subject of our healing - no charge. She wasn't sure if anyone would come, and wasn't interested in knowing, she simply did this and the very next meeting, we waited to see. Several people arrived, and without much song and dance, just set about doing what we'd been taught.
    I just got on with it when i was called over, and the large older man i worked on, just sat there without moving. I did my thing, moved my hands around, hardly touching him as I was working inside his aura rather than directly. After I finished he went and asked if he could come to the class as he felt he got a lot out of it. One of the healers (she had assistants) told me she saw some kind of red light come from my finger. I didn't, but then I wasn't able to see the things she did. All I knew from my experience was that in wanting to do this, to open, to heal, I felt like something happened, some kind of healing took place, even though I found it strange to do this as I wasn't sure I even believed it. I also felt that those who were there, really needed to be there, and yet there physical symptoms were caused by other things, often psychological, and that wasn't something simply putting hands near someone could help. Talking, spending time getting to know them was, and that wasn't something i felt able to do back then. I stopped going soon afterwards, as my lack of belief got in the way. But I've never let go of the idea, and every so often, from time to time, I have another go, just to see. You never know.

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