Unpopular Opinions

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by baremossing, Dec 17, 2012.

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  1. ^I don't really disagree with you :p 
    Difference substance affect people differently. I have friends that can handle some things and not others...same applies to me. 
    I just think weed is the least addictive and least harmful substance when you consider the wide range of things someone can put into their body to change their state of mind. 

    Going without coffee or weed sucks! Weed seems easier though....I can wait all day to puff if I have a lot going on but I'll get a slight headache and move a bit slower if I don't get some coffee in the morning. 
  3. It is physically addictive to a very VERY small portion of the population. I am in that group. Though I will say that I smoked all day everyday for a couple years, even waking up to smoke in the middle of the night.

    But when the state forced me to quit against my will, for several days I threw up about every 15 minutes for days on end. Didn't sleep a single minute for 3 days, couldn't eat anything but cold deli meat for about 3 weeks, and had stage 3 hypertension for about 3 weeks. These aren't just psychological withdrawal symptoms, they are definitely indicative of physical addiction. But like I said, I was high 24/7 for years. Now if I only smoke a couple times a day, and am forced to go without, I don't have any problems. But I think I am a very rare case. Probably 99.9999999% of smokers will never experience this.
  4. That God is love and not some egotistical judge awaiting to burn me up. That our beliefs should come from our heart, not from what an organization says. That people are so obsessed with killing n death they forget to live. That we're the result of alien manipulation. Umm thats all for now lol
  5. I cant help but feel sorry for people heavily influenced by religion.

    Everyones a genius in their own mind
  6. Sometimes I feel this way. Other times I think it might be easier if I just believed. I think it must be comforting to be absolutely sure that everything is going to be alright. It's kind of like Lennie in Of Mice and Men right before George kills him. He's so happy because he thinks everything is going to work out fine and he never even saw it coming that he was going to be killed. Believing in heaven must be kind of like that...
  7. I believe that belonging to any organized group with structured beliefs, i.e. considering oneself a "democrat", "conservative, "buddhist" "pessimist", "realist", "nihilist" etc. tend to distort ones world views, and alter their perception.
    I honestly believe that one is more likely to accept events as happening in accordance with their beliefs, in a very self-serving manner. And I believe the result of this is an eventual blind acceptance of any views shared with other members of the organization, typically to a degree related to the power of the member of the organization setting the new standard, or creating the new beliefs.
    For example, deciding one is a liberal, because one agrees with say, liberal abortion beliefs, will make on more likely to agree with liberal death penalty beliefs, by association, and typically to avoid any disturbance of ones perspective (the easiest route).
    I'm not saying organized belief systems are inherently evil, or poor organized, I just believe people like to accept the realities of the world that align with the beliefs they have already chosen, and thus  belonging to an organized group that has systematic beliefs must narrow one's perspective, and prevent them from reasonable thinking, and a wider range of experiences.
  8. Cognitive dissonance is a strong factor in forming opinions. I chose this side. Therefore this must be the right side to be on. My side believes in this. I should believe in this. Dangerous line of thinking especially because people don't even realize they're doing it.

    I'm pretty split between conservative/liberal and Republican/Democrat. I find myself on either side depending on the issue.

    Someone will read this and think "must be something wrong with him if he can ever take the side of the __________.(Republicans/Democrats) Anyone who thinks that way has already bought in which is unfortunate. Always leave your mind open. Besides, once you buy in they don't need to win your vote anymore and can just count on it as a free vote and do what they need to do to get the undecided votes.
  9. Exactly, people write their own self-fulfilling prophecies all the time, then condemn others for being non believers.
  10. If you can't afford to tip then you can't afford to go out to eat.
    I like free hat, but i'm confuse mr.hat
    I don't know if it's a free hat, or we need to free hat, lol I thought about this for like 4 hours lmfao [​IMG]
  12. Lol man if you think that's funny you really should watch the Free Hat episode of South Park. Essentially that's the joke though, that Free Hat can be taken two ways...
  13. Hat McCullough undoubtedly killed those babies in self defense though.

    Fuckin great episode.
  14. Nobody shows up to rallies unless you give em something...put down free hat
  15. Just don't count on Tweek to make the hats. He won't make enough.
  16. Wow, the Daily Show is really hitting the nail on the head tonight. This might be the best one before Jon retires. He's always at his best when he's pointing out what's wrong with the media.
  17. If that's an unpopular opinion, that's pretty fucking sad.
    I'm sure you feel cool quoting Reservoir Dogs, but you're an ass if you think it's okay to demand service from someone with no intention of compensating them for it. Most restaurants will prepare take out orders, if you don't want to leave a tip, get your food to go and eat it at home.
  18. I think some people don't get that the tips aren't extra pay, they are the pay that servers get since the restaurant pays them barely anything. I've never worked in a restaurant but I've known plenty of people that have and I've seen some of the behind the scenes stuff and it's made me appreciate what they do so much more. I think everyone should experience some sort of service job at some point in their life so they can see what it's like and maybe realize that people working in the service industry are actually people too. Getting chewed out by a customer by something completely trivial is a valuable life experience. Having your life be made more difficult because someone else was lazy or inconsiderate will make you think more about who your actions might affect and how they might affect them.

    Some people are born in a bubble and float through life in that bubble. You can never underestimate the value of a little humility.

    [Video] http://youtu.be/4F0ytNzHDj8 [/video]
  19. Why is that my problem tho? That seems backwards as fuck... almost like begging for change like homeless people do outside. Except It's literally your job.. if I gotta tip a waiter/waitress, then I gotta tip everybody that gives me service.

    I tip in group settings only. But even then, It's never 20% . Barely even 1% .
  20. For sit down meals it's how the server gets paid. It's part of our culture. You don't have to tip everyone that gives you service, just those that aren't otherwise compensated. They could just charge more for the meal and pay the staff more. That's what they do in other countries.

    Anyhow you're not being forced to be a part of it. There are other sources of food that don't require tipping.
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