Full Legalization In Canada ?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by wakeupturnt, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Dont turn into America pt. 2 Canada, youre the get away plan for a lot of Americans if shit hits the fan here (which everyday seems more and more likely :/)

    Legalize the Herb, burn Harper at the stake, and do away with the necessity for Americans to need passports to come visit :p
    I'm just wondering how serious the Liberals are about legalization. I mean if they win the election this fall (they have good chances, in my humble non-professional opinion) how soon will MJ be legalized? I don't think legalization is their #1 priority, so, after winning the election (hopefully!), do you guys think it will take months? years? forever? 
  3. https://www.liberal.ca/what-we-stand-for/justice-public-safety/

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  4. It's not just liberals guys. Any other party wants to completely decriminalize, legalize, or start selling the way we sell cigarettes.

    Harper and his stupid idea of Canadian government go against everything our country is suppose to stand for. Which is Freedom, Equality, and good government. (You really missed the mark Steve...)

    I'm very positive that the majority of Canadians will wake up soon. We'll vote an NDP or Liberal government. And Canada can reclaim its title as an honest, hard working country. Where no one cares where you're from, or to whom you pray. A country that other people dream of visiting, and experiencing. I'm talking about our country! I'm talking about our home! I'm talking about....
  5. If the Liberals or NDP win the election how soon do you guys think they will legalize weed?

  6. Well, it can't just happen. If the liberals get in, there will be a lot of change, that I expect would take about 3 years. After this change, you'll see marijuana in every smoke shop across Canada.

    If the NDP get in, I feel we may all be toking up a lot sooner. I believe they mostly want it decriminalized, and then legalized. Of course they would be known as the most idiotic political group canada has ever seen if they don't sell it. So whether they want to start selling it commercially or not isn't really up to them. It's like a 200billion dollar market.

    Even if we left conservatives in charge, they too, would soon be pushing it. Like I said, the market is too big to be ignored any longer I think.

    B.C.s black market marijuana industry makes more than the provinces fishing Industry, AND their forest industry..combined!

    I don't know if you've been to BC, but there are waaaay more trees and fish there to be sold than marijuana. So why does the marijuana industry make more money?


    Because THAT is what people want.

    Personally, I would love Trudeau to educate Canadians on cannabis. And help prevent it from reaching the wrong hands.
  7. We are down to the last 3 days before the election. Both the Liberals, who are in the lead, and the NDP have pledged full legalization. The Liberals have also pledged to fast track legalization and put the matter over to the provinces to do the taxing and distribution. If this takes place, it should take a year or so to get the system into place. In the meantime, I would be interested in seeing whether the prisons are emptied of the poor suckers who got caught under Prime Minister Harper's regieme. Mr Harper continues his campaign of fear and anger. He states that Marijuana is a scourge, a gateway drug and is responsible for every social ill. Basically a re-tread of every lie we have heard since the 70's. I believe that legalization will be a tax bonanza, a new business driver, and ultimately will prove that there was no reason to make it illegal in the '30's

  8. All 3 party candidates that are running are a fucking joke and it is sad that we, as Canadian Citizens are limited to these garbage individuals. Yeah, they want to legalize.. But think about that for a minute.. How bad must you be fuckin' up on the rest of your policies for one of your main ones to be legalization. Shit is a fucking joke. Trudy has no clue was hes doing and the NDP is interested in heavily regulating the oil industry, the fucking life blood of this country, for the sake of the greater good.

    Harper may have a bad rep, but internationally he has been a commendable representative for Canada. He is a rat and eventually needs to go, but put up against the fuckin peanut gallery hes got for competition, he ain't lookin too bad and thats really saying something,
  9. liberals win a majority, what's this mean for the dope
  10. Only good things.

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