No BS, just saw a UFO

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Daft Funk, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. ...and they're coming to get us....pack your shit folks. :eek:
  2. We have failed in our stewardship of the planet...Nibiru is returning and the crystal age shall soon begin in earnest.
  3. NASA just released photos of Planet X or nibiru on ktvu channel 2 news 5 mins ago. Check the post in chill zone>general I just posted about it

    And yes the anunaki shall return
  4. Riley Martin on Howards 101 channel for some good high laughs.
    Seen mad shit lately in the skies, solid star looking things moving forward and backward and disappearing.... Strange.
  5. It's real. There's got to be something else out there
  6. write that shit and it will sell millions.
  7. My friend said he was abducted when he was 5. He was living in Mexico at the time. He also has a WEIRD ass scar on his leg.
  8. *reads title*

    No you didn't.
  9. Finally. I'm sick of earth.
  10. it's the illuminati obviously
  11. i was out skating with some buds this summer and we saw three ufo's,all spaced out about 15 minutes. These little triangle ships that moved SLOW across the sky. Definitely did not look like anything we had ever seen before.

    they're out there man.
  12. Narrow and closed minds will never see the light.
  13. I beleive you. I seen em but in a different form.
    So it was the middle of the summer,hot sun and clear clear blue sky. So Me and 2 friends go out with innertubes to a lake with a swing n shit. So we were floating on the tubes,looking up at the sky. I was the first to see it... Imagine stars,exactly how they look,little white shiny dots. Well ii seen about 20-30 stars in a group,very faint but visible. In the middle of the day,in a group moving in between each other really fast then pausing and making odd spheres and shapes then floating in random cluster then reorganizing into other shapes. Thrn they disappeared and came back togetherand made other shapes passing real close to one another. Couldn't of been planes or birds cuz it was too high. And they were too fast and able to stop right away which isn't normal. When I spotted it I pointed in its general direction and both dudes seen it and about 5 years have passed n its just like it was yesterday. Everytime alien conversation comes up we bring it up. Fuckin insane
  14. I'm amazed people still don't believe in aliens man. That's like people saying weed is bad despite all the evidence showing otherwise.
  15. I posted a similar topic a day ago. Mine looked like a black triangle with a red light on each corner. There's sightings happening all over the World at the moment.... weird shit going on homeslice...... I'm sure there's something big going on and the government don't want us knowing (like usual).
  16. I've only once seen a UFO and it was a very boring and unspectacular one. I want to see one like yours!
  17. I remember when I looked out the window one night and saw 3 circular lights moving in a pattern but slowly. It was like those spotlights pointed up with their light on the ceiling. Anyway I told everyone to look and they saw it too! It was pretty amazing and cool. This continued until I fell asleep. Btw this was way before i ever smoked. I think I got abducted before when I was little. scary shit

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