Bernie Sanders is a fucking idiot.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TheWorst24, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. I enjoy it actually. Of course there are some bugs here and there with some minor tweaking needed, but overall it's not bad. GC will either progress with the times or get left behind from having horribly coded websites that mirror forums from 2007.

    With that said, nothing beats OG GC.

  2. A. Socialism is the scare word the GOP has been using for decades to frighten ignorant people into voting for them or to keep from voting for someone else. B. I said I would take an honest person over a crooked one regardless of his political leanings. I didn't say I was embracing socialism. C. I didn't say they were the holy trinity of capitalism, I said they were holy trinity of capitalists. You can't shake a stick without hitting some presidential hopeful uttering the name Reagan with reverence and awe. With trickle down economics and deregulation we nearly bought the farm. Because of Reagan, Bush and Bush. The cronies of the 1%. Obama pulled us out of that slump by his bootstraps with the GOP kicking and screaming the whole way. Ask yourself where is the middle class today? Who is responsible for the decline of the middle class? Who is responsible for the financial crisis we are slowly recovering from? Who is responsible for tax incentives and subsidies for corporations and the filthy rich? Who outsourced manufacturing jobs for cheaper/slave labor? It wasn't the socialists I can tell you that much.

    Bernie Sanders 2016!

  3. Socialism has been redefined in recent decades to either mean: "anything a government does", or, "government intervention into the economy", both of which are false. Socialism has always been about worker empowerment in the workplace by getting rid of capitalist property rights and establishing worker syndicates, it's the concept of getting rid of the up/down authoritative structure of the capitalist model and replacing it with the left/right model of socialism.

    Unfortunately in America there has been a massive propaganda train for the past half-century or so with the goal of completely demonizing anything that isn't capitalism, which includes socialism, communism, anarchism etc.
  4. Social democracy has been demonized from day one because it would mean many major companies like the medical industry losing money and overinflated prices going down. It's scary how much corporations essentially control and manipulate government policy. Tyson shouldn't be deciding farming rules for this country, yet weak politicians cater to their demands all the time. No one is willing to take an economic hit to correct the terrible things that many business do in our country. The regulatory agencies in this country have very little teeth to actually effect changes in these companies.
  5. So let's get this straight, a lot of you are bashing (crony) capitalism for what the politicians do yet turn around and support socialism, which is a massive growth in government? If you want worker empowerment, capitalism is THE best solution. When you get the government out of the market, when you shut down the fed, the dollar will get stronger and more people will have freedom and economic independence.

    It's funny you think fixing the government problem in this country involves giving the government more power. The economy and dollar is wrecked BECAUSE of the government and you guys want to give these people more power? It's not about the "socialism scare" or whatever the fuck you're talking about. Socialism will not work in this country. We are already taxed enough, with more and more taxes and laws being added every year. Taxes are wasted every year by the left and the right. I do not support having my money stolen from me and given to someone else. Infrastructure is one thing, but I'm not about to give other people my money. No. Stop rewarding failure.

    We don't need socialism, we need a constitutional republic.

    So long as the left pushes gun control, increase in taxes and the ever expanding welfare system, I'll never cast a vote for any of them. And no, I'm not a republican either.

  6. Did I read that right?

  7. In terms of Republican party affiliation.
  8. Great post!
  9. All I see in your post is right-wing/libertarian talking points and propagandist rhetoric. We took "government out of the market" and nearly had a financial disaster because of it. Americans aren't as clueless as they used to be which is shown by the overwhelming support for Bernie Sanders. It was crony capitalism that took us to war and destabilized the middle-east and gave birth to the rise of ISIS. This is our doing. For middle-east oil. You're completely insane if you think the wars we fought was over democracy or freedom. It was about black gold. We need gun control and we need taxes increased for the corporations and the 1%. Not the middle class. We're taxed enough.

    You claim ignorance about socialism being the GOP's scarecrow but use it liberally in your own posts. Not to mention your "they're gonna take our guns!" and "raise our taxes" bullshit. That shit don't fly anymore. People are waking up. I've said it before and I'll say it again, gun control is not gun banning. Taxing the rich and corporations and removal of subsidies and incentives is not going to destroy this nation. On the contrary it will strengthen it.

    But this is falling on deaf ears. You'll just break out more rhetoric and scare mongering and then pat yourself on the back for your cleverness. Meanwhile the rest of us are going to vote for the people that will actually save this country. Like we voted for Obama.
  10. Mmmmm. This is not the whole truth. When you get corporations out of the government, influencing policies decisions on markets and central banking, then the people will have more freedom and economic independence. Capitalism is the system of rewards for corporations to control governments in the first place. So we need laws to protect the government (supposedly the people in our democracy) from the corporations taking too much control and capitalizing on their efforts to monopolize and control the people through lower wages, lower retirement benefits, lower healthcare coverage, lower consumer choices, lower pollution standards, longer hours, unsafe working conditions, and so on.

    It's not the government. We are the government, or we used to be until capitalism took over in the form of corporations to corrupt our government to work in their favor at the expense of creating a stronger middle class.

  11. You keep insisting I'm a GOP shill or something. I'm equally critical of the Republicans as I am of the Democrats. The government has been meddling in our economy for the last 100 years or so. This is what has wrecked our dollar value. We do not have a true free market as we should when practicing capitalism. Watch the video I posted. David Boaz is great at explaining the case.
    On gun control, the left doesn't understand the constitution doesn't grant our rights, it's in place to protect the government from clamping down restrictions on our rights. Our inalienable rights. The government doesn't have the right, nor the authority to restrict the arms citizens want to own. That is the point of the 2nd amendment.

    I won't even get into the disaster we know as Obamacare. Healthcare is not a right. Government providing it will only limit it's advancements.

  12. #54 Green Wizard, Jul 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2015
    double post.

  14. Actually I said you use right-wing/libertarian propaganda. Never said anything about you being a GOP anything. Libertarians and the GOP tend to swap and switch the rhetoric when it serves their agenda.

    SCOTUS has ruled that gun ownership is the right of the individual BUT it also ruled that the right is NOT unlimited and doesn't prohibit all regulations on guns or similar devices. That's a concept you can't seem to grasp.

    I agree Obamacare has it's problems but so did Social Security when it was first rolled out. But providing affordable healthcare for over 30 million Americans that couldn't afford it is hardly a disaster. And I beg to differ. Healthcare IS a right and access to affordable healthcare is also a right.

  15. Healthcare is not a right; it is a privilege. Understand the difference between rights and privileges. Just because you believe it should be a right doesn't make it one.
  16. Healthcare is not a privilege; it is a right. Understand the difference between privileges and rights. Just because you believe it should be a privilege doesn't make it one.

    Back on topic: Bernie Sanders 2016!
  17. You have the right to the access of healthcare but you do not have a right to the healthcare itself.
  18. If you believe healthcare is a right and every citizen should have it, do you also believe the government should give people a firearm to protect themselves?

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