strange habits when you're high

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by ismokereg, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. what do you mean your teeth stick to your gums? If they didnt they would fall outta ur head.

    I watch alot of porn,dont fap or nothing i just watch idky.
    ill forget that i have a bowl packed and try to pack it again.
    i lose the lighter when its in my hand.

    Sometimes ill just sit in the same position for hours and get lost in deep thought.

    illl get really really high and look in the mirror....its pretty trippy
  2. I tend to stare off in space for a long time and drool, its like im accidentally meditating.
  3. I sketch when I'm high... Then I fall asleep! Lol
  4. [quote name='"SkadiVanir"']I tend to stare off in space for a long time and drool, its like im accidentally meditating.[/quote]

    Me too!!! My friend videotaped me staring off at his wall for approx. 25 minutes. Nonstop, no movement, no blinking. I can't remember it at all hahha

  5. I sit in my yard when I smoke and if I getreally high and my neighbors dog is barking _

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  6. If I smoke hella weed in my yard alone at home... And I get hella high, and my neighbors dog is barking, ill BARK back at it. seriously. me and the dog will bark back and forth for like a half hour and sometimes other dogs will pitch in too and we will all be having a barking medley.

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  7. I find myself talking to myself out loud pretty often. which is kinda weird haha especially if other people hear me
  8. Saw your thread on this the other day. :eek:
  9. I always take a shit 5 seconds after my joint..
  10. I become a philosopher/physicist, and my left eye twitches for some odd reason. Only happens sometimes, idky but that shits gay, probably makes me look like im tweaking.

  11. I always catch myself looking like a mouth breather in awe by the floor beneath me.
  12. Going on a crazy adventure in my head and then start moving all parts of my body in crazy ways in time to the music i'm listening to
  13. [quote name='"Baek215"']I become a philosopher/physicist, and my left eye twitches for some odd reason. Only happens sometimes, idky but that shits gay, probably makes me look like im tweaking.[/quote]

    That shit happens to my right eye, its your eyelid right? Fucking crazy
  14. Yup, the eyelid.
  15. Disappear into the kitchen and just sit there in a daze and eat for like half an hour to forty fiveish minutes and browse websites on my phone.
  16. [quote name='"Dannyboy20"']Going on a crazy adventure in my head and then start moving all parts of my body in crazy ways in time to the music i'm listening to[/quote]

    I do this ALL\tthe time
  17. not really a habit, but usually i get so fucking baked that i can't keep myself awake when i need to
  18. I laugh a LOT! I often listen to comedy shows or comedy radio (Howard Stern). I often have to do things more than once because I forget that I've already done it already. I often will pick up my iPad to research something and totally forget what I was going to research. Vaporizing Marijuana is fun. :)

    I use the GC Forum iPad app so I can't give or see Reps. :( Sorry.
  19. I like to lay down, and feel my chest move up and down. Feels slow when it goes down, like a feather moving back and forth until it hits the ground. Then I just breathe and it starts over again
  20. I notice that if someone tries to make eye contact with me I smile

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