Gay guys can't smoke? What?!

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by JakeMader, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. He sounds like a winner

    Tell him he doesn't have to wear condoms anymore cause straight people can't get aids
  2. [quote name='"JakeMader"']I'm a 19 year old gay guy, and earlier on today one of my friends told me I shouldn't be blazing because I'm gay. What the hell? Does anyone actually agree with this is he just one of those dickhead stoners that thinks he's all that.[/quote]

    Gay dudes have thee best bud in my area! That guy is being a Dick
  3. You should've just forced your dick down his throat and then told him he could never smoke weed again
  4. I love gay guys, but I'm straight. I just hate it when homos try to grab my dick and/or try to seduce me. Your "friend" sounds like one of the many ignorant fools in this world, get some new mates holmes.
  5. [quote name='"jizzledfreq"']I love gay guys, but I'm straight. I just hate it when homos try to grab my dick and/or try to seduce me. Your "friend" sounds like one of the many ignorant fools in this world, get some new mates holmes.[/quote]

    Put you dick away around your friends.
    Problem solved
  6. Thanks everyone for your responses everyone. Yeah, I know he's pretty stupid.

    He said smoking is a heterosexual male activity :confused: oh well, to hell with him! Obviously he's not a real friend and I'm lighting up a bowl right now as we speak so fuck him.
  7. I smoked with a gay once.. took a bowl pack down in one hit.. them boys know how to suck ;)
  8. Nothing against gays smoking at PubMed. The closest I found was HIV+ gays using cannabis to relieve some of the HIV symptoms. Your friend should explain more just how sexual orientation affects getting high! I would love to hear his explanation! (Just so I could shoot him down with real medical studies!

  9. I might be a dick here, but I still think the joke must be going over the OP's head.

    If the OP's friend actually thinks gays shouldn't get high then yeah, he's an idiot... but we only know half the story and none of the context.

    Making harsh judgements over the internet without knowing the person or context though, just seems silly.
  10. Dude sounds stupid. Don't be friends with him anymore.
  11. maybe he thinks since you suck dick you're getting dick on the pipe and then into his mouth....sneak homo attack status. hahaha! i'd love to see someone make that argument.
  12. It's a fair argument right?

    I mean... If dude comes over from his boyfriend's house he ain't hitting my pipe. I might turn gay and shit. :laughing:
  13. He's a dickhead stoner who thinks he's all that
  14. That statement is just completely anal.
  15. Lets keep making comments about somebody we don't know nor do we know of the context of the situation. I'm sure it will make us all seem intelligent.

    Emotional responses after-all are usually the best kind.
  16. your "friend" doesn't want you to smoke marijuana?!?....that just seems queer
  17. Just for examples sake Virtue is a well known gay member of Grasscity who I'm GC buds with...

    If I told him he shouldn't smoke weed because it's a straight man's activity he would laugh it off and understand that I was joking.

    What is said isn't always so clear as to what was meant.
  18. Maybe he was playing... What did you respond with?
  19. yea i think it was a joke. unless he's playin grab ass!

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